Paganism is a hindrance towards achieving spiritual connection with God ? - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Paganism is a hindrance towards achieving spiritual connection with God ?

Paganism is a hindrance towards achieving spiritual connection with God ?

Paganism is a hindrance towards achieving spiritual connection with God.

That's why it's forbidden.

Hindus chant "Satyam Shivam Sundram"

They are worshiping this entity Shiva (djinn)

You get bored of a celebrity after a while.

You wont be obsessed with, say, Jason Momoa (:rolleyes:) forever and ever

You will move on to another person

For example,


Shiva is beautiful, but for how long will you keep worshiping him. Eventually you will get tired of him and move on to Buddha, or Vishnu, or some other god.

Or you would move on to Loki, or Thor, or Odin, or Jesus, Or Ahura Mazda, or Osiris!

But God, Only God matters, nothing else! Nobody else!



Feel His Glory!
