Rohingya Revenge: Muslims of the World Invade Buddhist regions of Asia ? - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Rohingya Revenge: Muslims of the World Invade Buddhist regions of Asia ?

Rohingya Revenge: Muslims of the World Invade Buddhist regions of Asia


We must eliminate Wirathu’

Hamza Bin Laden

In the name of God, we must do this.”, said Hamza to his followers.

Why him and not Trump?”

America is an empire on its prime. It would not be wise to attack them directly. Let God deal with them.”, Hamza said. “Eliminate Ashin Wirathu.  He is the the spiritual leader of the anti-Muslim movement in Burma. Kill their leaders and anti-Muslim movement will crumble.”

The enemies of Islam will come after you then, oh leader of the believers”

I will embrace Martyrdom like my father, Glorious Osama Bin Laden”, Hamza said.

Meanwhile muslim leaders of the world hold a meeting.


It is not just the persecution of the Rohingyas. They will try to invade our regions afterwards. It is a war between the buddhists and the muslims. It is also a racial issue. We should increase our efforts of Proselytization. We should preach Islam to the Mongoloid. Few hundred years ago they were successfully converting to Buddhism, from before they were believers in Manichaeism. They also believed in Christianity before that. Also, we should invade them before they invade us.”, the leaders agreed.

The west will support them. China will support them. This is not an easy task! Invading Burma collectively will lead to a global conflict between the muslims and the buddhists, and our enemies will join buddhists in trying to eliminate us! ”

Better to die a martyr than let our fellow muslims suffer like this! Our afterlife is our real life! To death!”


We have a long history with muslims here.”

The Burmese lord Bayinnaung (1550– 1581 Promotion) forced limitations upon his Muslim subjects, yet not genuine persecution. In 1559 Advertisement, subsequent to overcoming Pegu (display day Bago), Bayinnaung restricted Islamic custom butcher, along these lines denying Muslims from expending halal suppers of goats and chicken. He additionally prohibited Eid al-Adha and Qurbani, in regards to slaughtering creatures for the sake of religion as a brutal custom.

In the seventeenth century, Indian Muslims living in Arakan were slaughtered, giving unsafe and genuine mistreatment. These Muslims had settled with Shah Shuja, who had fled India subsequent to losing the Mughal war of progression. At first, the Arakan privateer Sandathudama (1652– 1687 Promotion) who was the nearby privateer of Chittagong and Arakan, enabled Shuja and his adherents to settle there. In any case, a debate emerged amongst Sandatudama and Shuja, and Shuja unsuccessfully endeavored to revolt. Sandathudama executed the greater part of Shuja's devotees, however Shuja himself got away from the massacre.

Lord Alaungpaya (1752– 1760) restricted Muslims from honing the Islamic technique for slaughtering cattle.

Lord Bodawpaya (1782– 1819) captured four unmistakable Burmese Muslim Imams from Myedu and slaughtered them in Ava, the capital, after they declined to eat pork. As indicated by the Myedu Muslim and Burma Muslim adaptation, Bodawpaya later apologized for the killings and perceived the Imams as saints.

This conflict is not just a war of religions. It is also a war of cultures, different races, and it will continue for a long time, even if all of Rohingyas are made to leave our glorious nation. In the name of Buddha we must do this!”

But Buddha was  a Rohingya Dravidian my lord!”

No he was not! He was a Han Chinese!”



In 1921, the number of inhabitants in Muslims in Burma was around 500,000. Amid English run, Burmese Muslims were viewed as "Indian", as the larger part of Indians living in Burma were Muslims, despite the fact that the Burmese Muslims were not quite the same as Indian Muslims. Accordingly, Burmese Muslims, Indian Muslims and Indian Hindus were all things considered known as "kala".

After World War I, there was an upsurge in hostile to Indian sentiments. There were a few reasons for against Indian and against Muslim conclusions in Burma. In India, numerous Buddhists had been oppressed by the Mughal domain. There was noteworthy occupation rivalry between Indian transients, who were eager to do obnoxious employments for low wage, and the local Burmese. The Incomparable Misery strengthened this opposition, irritating hostile to Indian sentiment.

In 1930, hostile to Indian mobs were started by a work issue at the Yangon port. After Indian laborers at the port went on strike, the English firm Stevedores attempted to break the strike by contracting Burmese specialists. Acknowledging they'd lose their occupations, the Indian laborers came back to work, and Stevedores at that point laid off the as of late enlisted Burmese specialists. The Burmese laborers pointed the finger at Indian specialists for their loss of employments, and an uproar broke out. At the port, no less than 200 Indian laborers were slaughtered and dumped into the waterway. Another 2,000 were harmed. Specialists discharged upon outfitted agitators who declined to set out their weapons, under Area 144 of the Criminal Technique Code. The uproars quickly spread all through Burma, focusing on Indians and Muslims.

In 1938, hostile to Muslim uproars again softened out up Burma. Moshe Yegar composes that the uproars were fanned by against English and nationalistic estimations, however were veiled as hostile to Muslim so as not to incite a reaction by the English. In any case, the English government reacted to the mobs and exhibits. The tumult against Muslims and the English was driven by Burmese newspapers.

Another uproar began after a commercial center fight amongst Indians and Burmese. Amid the "Burma for Burmese" crusade, a rough exhibition occurred in Surti Bazaar, a Muslim area. When the police, who were ethnically Indian, endeavored to separate the showing, three priests were harmed. Pictures of priests being harmed by ethnically Indian policemen were coursed by Burmese daily papers, inciting riots. Muslim properties, including shops and houses were looted. As per official sources, 204 Muslims were executed and more than 1,000 were injured. 113 mosques were damaged.

On 22 September 1938, the English Representative set up the Request Board to explore the riots. It was resolved that the discontent was caused by the disintegration in sociopolitical and monetary state of Burmese. This report itself was utilized to prompt sectarianism by Burmese newspapers.

Amid World War II, the Japanese went effectively through the territories under Rohingyas. Crushed, 40,000 Rohingyas in the end fled to Chittagong after rehashed slaughters by the Burmese and Japanese forces.

At the point when General Ne Win came to control in 1962, the status of Muslims changed. For instance, Muslims were removed from the army. Muslim people group that isolated themselves from the Buddhist lion's share confronted more prominent challenges than the individuals who incorporated and possibly relinquishing recognition of Islamic laws.

The counter Buddhist activities of the Taliban in Afghanistan (the obliteration of the Buddhas of Bamiyan) was additionally utilized as an affection to confer viciousness against Muslims in Burma by Buddhist crowds. Human Rights Watch reports that there was mounting strain between the Buddhist and Muslim people group in Taungoo for a considerable length of time before it ejected into viciousness amidst May 2001. Buddhist priests requested that the Hantha Mosque in Taungoo be crushed in "countering" for the obliteration of the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

Religious opportunity for Muslims is diminished. Checking and control of Islam undermines the free trade of contemplations and thoughts related with religious activities. Allegations of "fear based oppression" are made against Muslim associations, for example, the All Burma Muslim Union.

It is broadly expected that abuse of Muslims in Burma could incite Islamic fanaticism in the country. Numerous Muslims have joined equipped resistance bunches who are battling for more prominent flexibilities in Burma.

1997 Mandalay riots

Racial strain developed amongst Buddhists and Muslims amid the remodel of a Buddha statue. The bronze Buddha statue in the Maha Myatmuni pagoda, initially from the Arakan, conveyed to Mandalay by Lord Bodawpaya in 1784 was revamped by the specialists. The Mahamyat Muni statue was torn open, leaving a vast gap in the statue, and it was by and large assumed that the administration was scanning for the Padamya Myetshin, an amazing ruby that guarantees triumph in war to the individuals who have it.

On 16 Walk 1997, in Mandalay, a crowd of 1,000– 1,500 Buddhist priests and others yelled against Muslim mottos as they focused on mosques, shop-houses, and vehicles that were in the region of mosques for decimation. Plundering, the consuming religious books, demonstrations of blasphemy, and vandalizing Muslim-claimed foundations were likewise normal. No less than three individuals were slaughtered and around 100 priests captured. The agitation in Mandalay purportedly started after reports of an endeavored assault of a young lady by Muslim men. Myanmar's Buddhist Youth Wing states that authorities made up the assault story to conceal challenges over the custodial passings of 16 priests. The military has denied the Young people's claim, expressing that the distress was a politically propelled endeavor to slow down Myanmar's entrance in ASEAN.

Assaults by Buddhist priests spread to the then capital of Myanmar, Rangoon and to the focal towns of Pegu, Prome, and Toungoo. A check in time stays in constrain in Mandalay until the point when today and the armed force is watches the roads in numerous urban communities. In Mandalay alone, 18 mosques were pulverized and Muslim-claimed organizations and property vandalized. Duplicates of the Qur'an were singed. The military junta that ruled Myanmar deliberately ignored to the unsettling influences as several priests were not halted from scouring mosques.

In 2001, Myo Pyauk Hmar Soe Kyauk Sa Yar (or) The Dread of Losing One's Race and numerous other hostile to Muslim leaflets were generally circulated by priests. Numerous Muslims feel this exacerbated the counter Muslim emotions that had been incited by the pulverization of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan. On 15 May 2001, hostile to Muslim uproars softened out up Taungoo, Pegu division, bringing about the passings of around 200 Muslims, in the obliteration of 11 mosques and the setting on fire of more than 400 houses. On 15 May, the primary day of the counter Muslim uprisings, around 20 Muslims who were supplicating in the Han Tha mosque were killed and some were pounded the life out of by the professional junta powers. On 17 May, Lt. General Win Myint, Secretary No. 3 of the SPDC and appointee Home and Religious priest, landed in Taungoo and time limit was forced there until 12 July 2001. Buddhist priests requested that the antiquated Han Tha Mosque in Taungoo be obliterated in striking back for the decimation in Bamiyan.[48] On 18 May, the Han Tha mosque and Taungoo Railroad station mosque were annihilated to the ground by bulldozers possessed by the SPDC junta. The mosques in Taungoo stayed shut as of May 2002. Muslims have been compelled to love in their homes. Neighborhood Muslim pioneers gripe that they are as yet irritated. After the brutality, numerous neighborhood Muslims moved far from Taungoo to adjacent towns and to as far away as Yangon. Following two days of savagery the military ventured in and the viciousness promptly ended.

Remember 2012 Rakhine State riots”, he laughed.


Since June 2012, no less than 166 Muslims and Rakhine have been executed in partisan savagery in the state.

Since Walk 2013, riots have erupted in different urban communities in focal and eastern Myanmar. The savagery has agreed with the ascent of the 969 Development which is a Buddhist patriot development against the convergence of Islam in generally Buddhist Myanmar. Driven by Sayadaw U Wirathu, "969" has asserted that he/they don't incite assaults against Muslim people group, albeit a few people have called him the Buddhist Receptacle Laden". In an open letter, U Wirathu claims he treated both Beech[clarification needed] and picture taker with cordiality, and that he "could see duplicity and perceive his sweet words for all individuals' purpose." In the letter, he guarantees he has regard for the Western media, yet that the TIME journalist misjudged his serene expectations. "My proclaiming is not consuming with contempt as you say," U Wirathu says to Beech in his open letter. He goes ahead to state that he will "excuse the misconception" on the off chance that she will do a turn around on the article. Notwithstanding, quite a bit of his open talks concentrate on striking back against Muslims for attacking the country.

"The Burmese Buddhist priests might not have started the viciousness but rather they rode the wave and started to impel more. While the beliefs of Buddhist sanctioned writings advance peace and pacifism, inconsistencies amongst reality and statutes effortlessly thrive in the midst of social, political and monetary weakness, for example, Myanmar's present change to democracy."

In July 2014 a Facebook post developed of a Buddhist lady being assaulted, probably by a Muslim man. In striking back a furious, vindictive horde of 300 individuals began tossing stones and blocks at a tea slow down. The swarm went ahead to assault Muslim shops and vehicles and yelling trademarks in Muslim private areas. Two men — one Buddhist and one Muslim — were killed. About twelve individuals were injured. A time limitation was forced on 3 July.

In June 2016, a crowd devastated a mosque in Bago District, around 60km upper east of the capital Yangon.

In July 2016, police were accounted for to be guarding the town of Hpakant in Kachin state, in the wake of neglecting to stop Buddhist villagers setting the mosque ablaze. Soon after, a gathering of men annihilated a mosque in focal Myanmar in a disagreement regarding its construction.

In late 2016, the Myanmar military powers and radical Buddhists began a noteworthy crackdown on the Rohingya Muslims in the nation's western locale of Rakhine State. The crackdown was because of assaults on outskirt police camps by unidentified insurgents, and has brought about wide-scale human rights infringement on account of security powers, including extrajudicial killings, pack assaults, pyromanias, and other brutalities. The military crackdown on Rohingya individuals drew feedback from different quarters including the Unified Countries, human rights bunch Absolution Universal, the US Bureau of State, and the administration of Malaysia. The true head of government Aung San Suu Kyi has especially been scrutinized for her inaction and quiet finished the issue and for not doing much to forestall military abuses.

The Rohingya Muslim are among the most mistreated minority assemble in the world. As indicated by Absolution Universal, the Rohingya Muslim individuals have kept on anguish from human rights infringement under the Burmese junta since 1978, and many have fled to neighboring Bangladesh as a result. Be that as it may, actually the Rohingya individuals have been persecuted for a long time preceding 1978, however apparently not as critical. They have lived in Myanmar for quite a long time yet strains with Myanmar's Buddhist larger part have caused separation and badgering. Instances of assault, torment, subjective confinement, and savagery against Rohingya are typical, with numerous episodes going unreported as requirement officers choose not to see. These culprits are not exclusively limited to the nearby populace, but rather additionally incorporate the experts and law implementers themselves. Pressures expanded in 2012, when three Rohingya Muslim men were sentenced assaulting a neighborhood Rakhine Buddhist lady, which prompted the 2012 Rakhine State riots. There are at present finished a million Rohingya individuals living in Myanmar, notwithstanding, fundamental mistreatment has prompted an expansion in relocations. In mid 2015 alone, around 25,000 haven searchers, comprising of Rohingyas and Bangladeshis, cruised out of the Rakhine State to look for shelter in neighboring countries.[76] Beside Bangladesh, greater part of refuge searchers additionally set out to other South-east Asian nations, for example, Thailand, yet additionally to Malaysia and Indonesia, which are overwhelmingly Muslim nations. Mass departures because of oppression and mass savagery, for example, the one of every 2012, has occurred before in 1978 and 1992, with a significant number of the escaping Rohingya individuals being minimized and barred in have States. They are regularly not perceived and not secured as outcasts, and therefore, they live in extraordinary destitution, need to turn to unlawful work and are helpless against exploitation.

The Rohingya individuals have been denied Burmese citizenship since the Burmese nationality law (1982 Citizenship Act) was enacted. The Legislature of Myanmar guarantees that the Rohingya are unlawful outsiders who touched base amid the English provincial period, and were initially Bengalis. The Rohingya that are permitted to remain in Myanmar are viewed as 'occupant nonnatives' and not subjects. They are not permitted to go without official consent and were beforehand required to sign a dedication not to have more than two kids, however the law was not entirely implemented. Numerous Rohingya kids can't have their introduction to the world enlisted, along these lines rendering them stateless from the minute they are conceived. In 1995, the Administration of Myanmar reacted to UNHCR's weight by issuing fundamental recognizable proof cards, which does not specify the carrier's place of birth, to the Rohingya. Without legitimate distinguishing proof and records, the Rohingya individuals are formally stateless with no state assurance and their developments are extremely limited. Therefore, they are compelled to live in squatter camps and ghettos.

I assure you, we are not against you people”, she said.

BREAKING NEWS! RIP Aung San Suu Kyi! (19 June 1945- 20 December 2017) age 72

2017-09-17 21_47_36-Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu K Pictures _ Getty Images.jpg

Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi was shot dead by ISIS terrorists while she was delivering her speech at the Ananda Temple. World leaders have condemned her assassination and vowed to invade more muslim countries in revenge, and kill more innocent muslim people.

Just as planned! Hahaha they so stupid!”

Praise Buddha! Let’s do some Khmer Rouge shit on our people!”


Terrorist leader Hamza Bin Laden was killed by a drone strike conducted by a US drone”

Gotcha Terrorists! Lord Jesus be praised!”

Bohemian Grove Targets Trump for Termination!

Who gives a shit about Rohingyas? They are sub-humans! Allah be praised! Let’s enjoy our wealth and worship our pagan idols!”

Muslim leaders and Buddhist leaders burn in hell realms for causing conflict and innocent people to die and not helping them.

There was no revenge...

Rohingyas continued to be persecuted...

until none of them were left.

We won!”

May this world and the whole universe be filled up with the teachings of the Buddha, undisturbed by the wind of evil, superstitious, negative thought. May sentient beings in all universes, through understanding the teachings of the Buddha, fill their mental continuums with faith in Buddha’s teachings. May all sentient beings, through understanding the teaching of Buddha, find faith in the teaching of the Buddha. May I always hold and preserve the Buddha’s pure traditional teaching of dependent arising in all lifetimes, even at the cost my life.

May I spend all day and night remembering the hardships undertaken by the sublime guide Shakyamuni Buddha, in order to show the path. May I spend day and night thinking how to spread the teaching of the Buddha and practice it, analyzing and practicing this by performing this meditation practice. As I am attempting to practice this, with a pure, special attitude, may all the Dharma protectors always guide me.

Through the three times’ merit collected by me and others, may bodhicitta, which is the source of happiness and success for oneself and all sentient beings, be actualized within my mind, my family members, and in the minds of all the students, benefactors, and others, as well all sentient beings, without the delay of even one second. May that which has been generated increase.

May all the father-mother sentient beings have happiness; may the three lower realms be empty forever; may all the bodhisattvas’ prayers succeed immediately; and may I be able to cause all this to happen by myself alone.

I dedicate these merits to Lama Osel’s long life, the Buddha of Compassion: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, other virtuous friends, and other holy beings who live their lives for sentient beings, to benefit all sentient beings.

I dedicate all the past, present, and future merits, all happiness up to enlightenment, whatever merits are collected during this time, through making offerings, practicing meditation, reciting mantras, and making praises to Buddha, one’s own body, wish-granting jewels, all possessions, and all realizations, up to enlightenment, to all sentient beings. May they receive whatever they want, whatever they need. May human beings receive everything they need. May everyone receive billions and billions of dollars. May the suras and asuras receive armor and so forth, whatever they need, for protection. May the pretas receive vast amounts of nectar food and drink, and so forth. May the animals receive the protection of Vajrapani, to save them from being eaten by others.”
