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The Jews

The Jews

Throughout human history, there has been an eternal jew trying to ruin it for everyone. From Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Persia, Ancient Greece, The Roman Empire, Ancient India to Ancient “put the Civilization’s name here”, they are responsible for eternal conflicts between various civilizations. Why do they do it? Self preservation and self interest. They think they are God’s chosen people. They are not.

The Jews: Cause of Eternal Conflict between Christians, Muslims & Hindus - and other people

The blood libel, or conspiratorial slur that Jews kill gentile babies to use their blood in the preparation of Passover matzos, goes back to antiquity (even back to before the advent of Christianity). In medieval Europe, outbreaks of disease were commonly blamed on Jews poisoning wells, which led to pogroms, murders, and the Jews being forced by the governing authorities to live in segregated areas of cities called ghettos.

It was only in modern times that the Catholic Church stopped assigning blame to the Jews for their purported deicide of Jesus Christ. In medieval Europe, Jews were accused of re-enacting Jesus's crucifixion and death by stabbing or mutilating the host, which Catholics believe are transubstantiated into the body of Christ.

Why did the biblical Joseph move himself and his family to Ancient Egypt?

At that time, Ancient Egypt was the most advanced and thriving civilization - kind of like USA is nowadays.

Why did the Jews move to Germany Pre-Holocaust?

Germany was the most thriving civilization at that time period. They started hoarding every resource therein.

Why did the Jews move to present day USA?

Same reason. You will see them being the richest and most influential in the country. How do they get rich? By not spending, ponzi schemes, raising interest rates, creating faux fiat currency, owning and controlling the central bank, controlling the government, and so on…
Benjamin Franklin delivered a prophetic speech at the 1787 Constitutional Convention urging that Jews not be admitted to the United States. Franklin's rationale included that Jews: refuse to assimilate wherever they move, are vampires who must live among Christians, will attempt to financially strangle the country, will stream into the United States in such numbers that they will take over and rule the country . Franklin's prophecy was recorded in a "private diary" of Charles Pinckney, Constitutional Convention delegate from South Carolina, that is now in the possession of the Franklin Institute. The references to the prophecy still persist on messageboards and on Usenet.

Google is owned by jews.
Facebook is owned by jews.
Twitter is owned by jews.
The internet is owned by jews.

They use the abilities and resources of others, use them for their own benefit. Millions of gentile computer programmers work their collective asses off for their jewish masters for little benefit. The eternal jew benefits from all of this.
Jews created the porn industry.
Jews created the movie industry.
Jews created the TV, and the radio.

And by created, it is implied that they used people like Tesla, Edison and others to invent for them, and then dispose them off.
