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Thought on Suicide and Near Death Experiences

Thought on Suicide and Near Death


I've thought a lot about suicide and near death experiences. I'm not saying I'm going to kill myself or anything. However, I've had a lot of passive thoughts about "what's the point?". I see life for what it is. We live, we procreate, we die. So the next gen can do it again. What's my purpose or point? Why bother? What do I have to live for? The near death experiences come in with me being curious about after life. If I knew I'd be okay would I just go there, would that change my mind about my purpose?

i always have had a curiosity and wonder...and sometimes even see what's after life. im just not much of a gambler tho. So i plan on enjoying what i got now as much as possible.”  Marv was curious.

"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.", said Henry Miller.

Rachel joined in:

I had thought about this, what is the purpose, during an extended period of daily exhaustion.  I felt like Sisyphus, condemned to roll a boulder up a mountain, only to reach the top and have it roll back down again.  I was working at an awful job, the environment there was toxic.  I had time only for the 'have to do' list and no time for the 'want to do' list.

I was fortunate, I found a way to quit the job yet still pay most of my living expenses; I became eligible to access my late husband's Social Security benefits.  With small odd jobs, I can live a quiet life with my pets on my rural small farm, watching sunlight filter through autumn leaves, seeing the excitement of the birds when I fill their feeder in the winter, savor the scent of hyacinths in spring, and bottle feed abandoned baby kittens during the summer so they can find adoptive homes.  Nothing is more heartwarming than watching tiny kittens drink formula from a bottle, so content to be eating that their tiny ears flap.

I don't know of any life beyond this one, so I found a way to live the life I do have by being aware of all the beauty around me, and trying to minimize the ugly parts.  It is still something I have to consciously think about doing; life is always filled with trouble and it can be hard to find something good.”

Gary said: “The point to life, secularly speaking, is to be happy.

There's plenty of opportunity between birth and death to achieve that and in a way that causes no harm to others.

It also has no need to involve offspring.

It is not necessary for the individual to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.”

A secular atheist said: “From a secular point of view, you would be very right. Life becomes rather meaningless.

But if you are open to the idea that there is meaning, and someone put us here for a reason, then you can start searching for it.”  

Life being just a fantasy-based prelude to something not coming is what would make it actually meaningless.

Embracing it and enjoying it while you have it is the only meaning not concocted wholly out of nothing.”

Jack Lupino joined in. He said, “But WHY do you think that so many people are desperate to fabricate some kind of meaning out of whole cloth? If life itself is enough of a 'blast' without having to concoct some sort of bizarre narcissistic fantasy regarding the ultimate significance of their existence, then why do the lives of the majority of the world's population revolve around these myths? It's not as if people don't have access to the education required to dispassionately reject these myths...but it seems that people feel that they need them.”

He continued, “I think about suicide constantly. I think that society criminalises suicide or the assistance of suicide out of fear that this will peel back the curtain and reveal the ultimate meaninglessness and futility of life. So suicide is heavily stigmatised, criminalised in many places, and even where it is not a criminal offence, people do not have a legally protected right to do it. I think that I'd be a lot more comfortable and content if I knew that I had a legally guaranteed pathway to suicide in the event that I should ever decide upon it. A prison becomes a home when you have the key, as a wise person once said.

Anyway, you have to just resign yourself to the fact that it's meaningless, and that may make it easier. What kind of greater meaning or purpose would you want there to be anyway?”

Terrapin, his friend, asked him, “Do you not enjoy anything?  If you do enjoy things, why not just concentrate on the stuff you enjoy?

If you don't enjoy anything, you probably have depression a la a (‘chemical imbalance’) and you can be treated for it.”

Jack responded, “Yeah, my dad has Major Depressive Disorder. He couldn't hold down a job, slept all the time, weight fluctuated. He'd quit a job thinking it was the root of his unhappiness etc... Then in his mid-30s he started seeking a psychiatrist's help, started an antidepressant and he's like his old self. He's had the same job for over 20 years now, active, happy, etc..

I know that's what I have, but I don't want to take meds. I know that sounds crazy, but sometimes I enjoy the depression, other times it's too much.”

Terrapin said, “If you seek treatment but you sometimes enjoy the depression, you could simply go off your meds sometimes.  Then when it's too much, go back on them.”

Indoctrination.  Both of the father figure type and that there has to be ultimate reasons beyond your own for everything.  The religious drive for the perfection of eternity of one form or another.

Facing mortality.  Many people are tempted to grasp at all sorts of irrationalities when it sinks in that they and their loved ones won't live forever.”

Even a lot of people who were raised non religious eventually embrace some kind of theistic religion which gives their life the 'meaning' that they feel that it has been lacking. It's not always a case of people being born into religion (although it usually is). Religion is obviously some kind of salve to put on an existential wound (perhaps being that at some level, people do have some kind of existential dread of the futility of life).

Facing mortality is possibly the main one, and people don't only grasp at irrationalities for their own consolation, but also grasp for irrational justifications to curtail the bodily autonomy of other people in order to validate the value of life.”

They argued.

Well, some morbidly depressed people field crassly dishonest and/or deranged definitions of "bodily autonomy" among other concepts and fervently wish to bring everyone down to their own state of perpetual misery.”, said Mary.

Their christian friend Erjen joined in, “There might be a purpose or a point that you are unaware of at present.  Okay, maybe that's not much, but it's something, and something is better than nothing, yes?”

My son is 7. I want to raise him. After that, I'll be 42. I'll go from there. He will be 18 when I'm 42.”, Arnold said.

Atheist Jack surmised, “Evolution. All of my ancestors had four traits:

The will to survive to the age at which they could procreate

The ability to survive to the age at which they could procreate

The will to procreate

The ability to procreate

Anyone who failed to have all four of the above factors would not pass on those traits to their non-existent offspring.

In other words, we survive because it is in our DNA.”

Rorshack said, “This, and your other one on suicide, are honest posts.

If all the billions upon billions of people throughout history who have had some sort of religious faith have been completely wrong about everything, and given how much this faith has shaped really would make the entire human species one of the most preposterously deluded, laughable collections of bacteria to ever exist. No other species that I can think of bases so much of its existence on (what would be in this scenario) a total delusion.

It is not at all narcissistic to want a possibility of heaven, if your focus is on other people and not just yourself, however. But without that possibility, yes, life becomes not just meaningless, but if we are completely honest, a nightmarish dark hole of misery for the majority of mankind. Suicide becomes a rather logical consideration in the face of such darkness.

I hope that is not the true reality, I have faith most days that it is not, but if it is, then this is the honest, no-BS reflection of it.”

I don't think that the desire for heaven is itself necessarily narcissistic, but merely the 'I'm so special' idea that a creator set up the entire universe just for humans and God pays special care and attention to the life of one peon, and also the idea that humans are what God specially crafted in his image as the pinnacle of his entire creation.”, said pessimistic John.

Bodily autonomy means the right to do with my body what I please; enlisting the assistance of willing third party participants if deemed necessary. Nothing dishonest or deranged about that definition.

And I want people to have the right to escape the trap of perpetual misery; thereby decreasing the overall level of misery in the world. But since people like you can only care about your own suffering, yes I would like to see how you would like the cage in which you advocate to keep others entrapped.”

You can enlist whoever you want to.  They, however cannot assist the deranged in harming themselves.  They have no such "bodily autonomy" to do what they wish to others regardless of the personal and societal harms.

And since people like you are straight-up maniacal psychopaths that among other things think that ending all human life is an answer for their own personal narcissism and cowardice, I'm not too worried what you're morbidly irrational-self gushes crazy about it.  

No cage for the vast vast majority; children accidentally escape the cage playing easy games with one of our fragilities.”, said Ragnoshock the offensive.

And that restriction exists based on an arbitrary moral code that bears striking parallels to the Judeo-Christian bioethic, as well as the prejudice that anyone who wishes to prematurely terminate their existence (and who doesn't have a terminal illness) is "deranged".

If the person requesting the assistance says that they are doing it in order to spare themselves from future harm, then what is the basis to say that death (harm only in the sense of physically stopping biological functions) is a greater harm than a probable lifetime of constant harm?

And you have stated that even if someone had absolutely no way of completing suicide themselves, but had several decades of further suffering, you would want to deny them any right to assistance to die because you have 'empathy' (because you've apparently thought through what it would be like to be paralysed for 90 years with no escape, and have decided that there's absolutely no rational reason that such an existence would not be desirable or that this individual would not be worthy of having their choice respected if they felt otherwise).”, said Michael Stern.

Ragnoshock the offensive responded, “Nah, that's just more of your own derangement.  And you reiterating that you have no regard for the quality of your word.  I've outlined numerous times how you specifically are deranged.   As in believing "actual" choice doesn't exist yet you must choose to work hard to get others to choose to change.  And repeatedly fielding nappycrappy dungeon-like conditions in third-world country asylums (seriously, how many times will you need to regale with poop?) as evidence, not for proper care, but for the need to help them kill themselves.  You howling like a baby at criticism of your inanities and in the same breath crapping alt-right slogans about ("safe spaces") and ("triggered").   You seriously maintaining that saying someone is bats!t crazy for the batsh!t posts they make is the same as calling them the n-word (which you love to toss out raw, in it's full glory).   Your hilariously daft pained paroxysms on ("word salad"s), ("double-negative"s), and the aforementioned n-words, poopdiapers, etc.  Your rocketing between being so fanatical about procreation that you were dedicating sappy '70s pop tunes to it straightaway to the opposite wack of hating it so much that that you want to eliminate it and the human race.  And the dripping wails.   Dear god, the wails.

And of course your laughably inane religious projection.  You revere it so much that you think valuation of life and helping people through problems vs. ending their problems by ending them has to have some Christian origin.

So many are from temporary and/or treatable crises.  And your ("probable lifetime of constant harm") is just your ongoing bloodripping Eeyore pitiful crazy.”

I've said there are extreme edge cases, and those might require some creative thinking, but that in no way sanely leads to your suicide pills at the drugstore nor even the ("treating") of the mentally ill by fast-tracking their crisis or illness.  And any of competent mind in any body state can refuse nourishment and be assisted with efforts intended to palliate.

As said before, many paralyzed make good lives.  Hawking seems to have had a blast.  What we do is help and palliate as much as is possible.  Not go with the unhinged who want to end the world.”

John the depressed said, “Well, you never even hinted at what category such a mental illness would fall into. And in calling me 'deranged', you are mocking all people who have the misfortune to be suffering with a mental illness; in much the way that a white person saying "nigger" (no reason why the word would need to be given such power that it cannot be spelled out) would be mocking all black people.

Saying that life has to be preserved at any cost derives from the humanist tradition within Christianity. Not all historical cultures have had such a problem with the right to die; for example in ancient Greece, people had the right to die. The prohibition against suicide was introduced by the Catholic Church in order to clamp down on suicide cults. It's also mainly religious lobbies, and disabled 'rights' groups (often linked to religious groups) which vehemently oppose the right to die. If you're going to deny people the right to decide what happens to their life, but without being able to tell them what the negative effects (FOR THEM, not for society) of being dead will be, then you can only resort to some kind of metaphysical mysticism about the sanctity of life. According people the right to die does not devalue life, but to refuse this right is to devalue the personal experiences of a segment of the population.”

He continued, “And my suggestion has provisions to filter out those who are undergoing temporary crises; whereas your callous suggestion does absolutely nothing for those who are suffering in the long term. Just 'try another treatment and maybe the 1159th course of medication you try will be the one that finally works, and if not maybe the 1160th treatment will be the one you've been waiting through several decades of torture for'.”

What 'creative thinking', when the very nature of the problem is that they feel very unhappy to be unable to move out of their wheelchair and feed themselves or go to the toilet? Oh right, they'll all turn out to be genius physicists, and will feel contented and fulfilled by their contributions to scientific research. Fun fact; all fully paralysed people have an IQ of over 160 and are leaders in scientific fields. And they all have exactly the same personality and outlook on life, so it's unthinkable that any of them might find a life of paralysis to be unsatisfying.

What would you say to your own child if this happened to them? Given that, at present, it is mere providence which separates one of your children from the fate of someone who has been severely injured in a car crash? Don't worry, you'll just turn out to be the next Stephen Hawking, and if not, we'll find some 'creative solution' to make sure that you enjoy spending the next 70 years being able to so much as scratch your nose or use a toilet. And if not, you can always starve yourself to death (if you can win the years long court case to allow you to refuse to be force fed).”, he finished.

Ragnoshock the offensive said, “The category of batsh!t crazy, supported by all of the wild hypocritical irrationalities and angst-filled supervillain psychopathies detailed, some in the most recent post.  I'm happy to note people who act as if they are insane on internet boards; the fact that you try to equate it with racist epithets that have no logical much less valid use just highlights both your crazy and your contempt for what you're wont to call the ("fuzzy brown people").  What behavior at all do you contemplate might warrant calling someone the word?  There was no legitimate reason for the it to have been fielded in the conversation at all, much less be giddily employed by you to try to claw some cover for the freakish content of your drivel?”

Them and you, as it's not with me.  Not only do you have a right to die, it's practically impossible to stop you as long as you're not visibly deranged or acting out in a scene.   No matter how hard you try you can't convert facilitating others killing themselves to choosing suicide for yourself.  So, of course, another paragraph of hysterical bullsh!t.

You've believed the religious crap; you've also been a rabid pro-procreation nut.  In your latest swing you're just looking for another kind of eternity.  Everything in crazy crazy extremes.  You're born to Believe.”

Not only did you say you wanted it available in drugstores, but in answer to the fact that many more would end up perishing that otherwise would have recovered you protested that who are we to override what they want at the time and once they were in your preferred state they couldn't care anyway.  And I know, life is nothing but pain.  So many decades of torture left for you to moan through.”

They can refuse nutrition with palliation.   But what you're describing is an effectively terminal state, and could likely be presented as that.

Fun fact.  The rational don't use the most extreme to ignore grave effects on the the bulk of the population.”

I've been there when loved ones died after desisting nutrition.  What sucks is getting to that point, not the final process.  Taking a whole bunch of people with you just isn't and never will be supported by you coming up with the most extreme, irrational, and slanted examples framed in the most shrilly exaggerated way you can weepily gnash out.”

The depressed guy said, “might warrant stigmatising people with mental illness and using a disparaging epithet which is commonly used to degrade the mentally ill? It's the same situation as with using epithets about black people, just not as fashionable an issue. Of course, I do not believe in giving words that power. I also don't believe in infantilizing entire groups of people by indulging them in feeling victimised by name calling. The whole point of the 'fuzzy brown people' rhetoric is to mock people who view racism as being a high priority political issue because they want to be perceived as a virtuous agent of change. And how they would ridicule the appearance of a white person that they don't like, but would never insult the appearance of a black person . But there's far more important issues than racism. It's more important to tackle the poverty which blights the black community than censuring people who use a particular epithet to insult black people. Making a tangible difference in the lives of people is more important than superficial indulgences such as bleeping out epithets when quoting from a source on the Internet.

And I would say the same thing about my own group (homosexuals). Whilst there's no reason that gay marriage shouldn't be legal, it should be treated as a very low priority issue, and as a homosexual myself I do not need people to protect me from being called a faggot. Someone's race or sexuality doesn't mean that they are fragile and need to be held to a lower standard than everyone else.

In what sense is something a right if there is absolutely no legal protection for it? Are you someone who believes that 'rights' exist intrinsically in nature? In what sense is suicide a right, if it is in no way legally protected and in many ways legally proscribed? Being able to do something is not the same as having a right to do that thing, if there are measures in place which restrict you from doing that thing.

And I was a 'pro procreation nut' because I thought that actual family life was like the utopian visions that were depicted in American movies and sitcoms (the opiate of the people, much like religion); the forms of entertainment that people need to consume in order to distract them from how dissatisfying real life tends to be. I didn't swing immediately to the opposite extreme, I got there gradually through an irresistible process of reasoning.

To clarify; I would have no personal problem if suicide drugs were to be made available at the first point of contact. However, what I offered was a reasonable compromise which addressed the objections that you had (i.e. that people would be acting on impulse and might have readily gotten better had they sought psychiatric help). Such a programme would most certainly save the lives of some who would otherwise commit suicide rashly in a fit of pique, but you have ignored that. It would also ensure that the vast majority of those who did go on to receive suicide would be the ones with objectively the bleakest prospects of improvement. But what you really seem to believe is that life is precious and sacred, and that there is no cost of suffering which is too high to justify preserving every human life for as long as is practically viable.

So you think that starving to death is a decent way to go, and it would not cause additional pain to the loved ones having to watch the patient slowly waste away, rather than having a firm date when they would be able to say 'goodbye' and actually be with the patient to provide love and support at the time of death? And as far as I know, anywhere where the law is 'terminal illness only', such a case would not be eligible for the right to die, because they aren't actually dying from their condition; much less within 6 months.

It doesn't 'suck' to watch a loved one slowly waste away? I remember my grandmother refusing nutrition before she died, and she looked like she was a zombie out of a horror film by the end. I had just come back from several months out of the country, and it was very startling to see what had become of her. Not a nice way to remember her.

And the most humane and rational approach would be to start with the assumption that the individual has full rights to their body as long as they aren't encroaching on the rights of others. From that basis, only when there are exceptionally compelling reasons to restrict freedom should we allow this to be curtailed in certain instances. The fact that many people requesting the right to die may have a serious mental illness should not be grounds for a blanket ban on the right to die (you haven't shown me how my desire to die is in any way the product of unsound reasoning, for example), nor should it even exclude the mentally ill unless we can prove categorically that they would be worse off (by THEIR standards, not yours) by having access to that service than without access. ”

The offensive devil didn’t deter from his devilry. He said, “Like I've said, another sign of the derangement.  The total inability to weigh sanely.  The fact that you persist in trying to carry that calling someone crazy/deranged/demented/supervillain psychopathic based on the nutbag content of their posts is the same as calling someone the n-word on the basis of - what? - just highlights one bit of your batsh!tness.

And following a theme, you again freely show your fullofsh!tness.  I get you live off your "I bet"'s as facts but you'd lose your money in less time than the duration of one of your infrequent pauses in weeping.  I ridiculed Vegas' picture after he was calling me fat, basement dwelling, whatever, and others similar.  I'd do the same with anyone much less ugly, whatever they were, who was going on about others' appearances.  Probably couldn't with you, as the distressed tears of headhacked goths double as potent beauty salves and I just can't call gorgeous ugly.  

It's scary to know that there are people out there actually too fried to know the difference in returning insults about appearance as opposed to hurling racial epithets under any circumstance.

You really are like a right-radio pull-string doll.  You'll probably be listing Christians getting killed in Iraq as evidence for not worrying about things happening elsewhere, because only one thing can be criticized at a time.  But you do scalded yelp at having your crazy pointed out - just like homicide!  The whole thing about the "fuzzy brown" was you yapping alt-right at people objecting to the wholesale tarring of a large group by the actions of some in the group while ignoring the assh!le actors and actions within their own groups, or even their own actions and support.”

It's like you can't rub two thoughts together. I don't care what you can or can't take, a positively laughable concept in any case given your constant mewling. I personally don't want to live in a place where assh!les can refuse customers or stop people from getting married for no good reason. As far as straight-up name calling, that's not illegal (here), and generally paid for socially if the names were unwarranted. You freely use racial epithets that says something about you and nobody else.   If I note that someone writing deranged posts is deranged that says something about me and the wack-job I'm saying it about, if it's backed up cogently.”

Rachel joined in the conversation. She said, “For the record, I agree with you.  I think it is inhumane to deny someone the right to end their own life, or be assisted in doing so.  

What we routinely do for our beloved pets is to humanely and painlessly end their suffering.  The veterinarian tells us that Fido has only a few weeks left and will be in constant pain, and we sign the paper to euthanize Fido.  The pets that I have had euthanized go to sleep peacefully in my arms, and never wake up.  It rips my heart out to lose them, but I will not allow them to suffer needlessly.

My veterinarian and I have known each other for nearly forty years, and he has Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care for me.  He knows I do not want my life extended if there is no chance of a meaningful recovery and nothing is left but pain.  He cannot euthanize me, but he can ensure that my life will not be prolonged artificially. I wish he could euthanize me if he deemed it appropriate.  He and I have seen too much of long, painful deaths; my husband's, his mother's, and animals whose owners just can't make the decision to let a well-loved pet die painlessly, before days of suffering. I have been through treatment for cancer, and if it recurs and no treatment will hold it at bay, I can and will end my own life if I am physically able to do so.

I love life, but death is inevitable.  Why cannot each individual make the choice of when and how to die?”. She was supporting the depressed suicidal maniac.

Frank Shiller joined in.

Hi Rachel, thanks for your response and support. I'm glad that you agree with me, as you have always seemed very reasonable. A lot of people who still think that they know what is best for someone else's situation and think that their 'wisdom' should therefore override the individual's right to make decisions for themselves...even if they cannot explain how the person is going to be better off for having their wishes dismissed. Even claimed that his desire to limit people's right to end their suffering is derived from 'empathy'.

I think that I respond to him because I'm bored and at a loose end (although it's getting boring repeating the same things all the time). When I say it, it doesn't tend to generate many responses anyway. Also, that devil is attracted to my posts like a moth to a flame. He has done this with several people, but I make a point of never letting anyone get the better of me or harass me to the point where I avoid them.”

The devil didn’t stop, and responded immediately: “As pointed out, it's unstoppable unless you are behaving in a deranged fashion.   Not being written down doesn't change that unassailable fact.  Being able to kill yourself most certainly is the same, as there is no punishment for accomplishing it.  Encouraging and facilitating it is another thing altogether, of course. You have extreme views and can veer radically to their polar distants.  Never a sensible, reasonable thought.   All Babies! or horrible horrible pain all must die.  And reasoning HA!  Like having no real choice but you choose to furiously try to get others to choose.   Or how about moaning about ("not given the opportunity to correct the distortion") , and ("much less defend myself against the insults") because somebody decided to stop responding to you.  Pure cuckoo-land.

It's objectively pure bull.  As pointed out, the people who are acting rashly in a deep crisis aren't thinking about going through some program, the reality ignored by you.  They are thinking of ending the grief/guilt/whatever immediately.

What I really think is that the state shouldn't be encouraging the derangements of the mentally ill not capable of accomplishing trivially easy once firmly decided upon tasks.   It shouldn't be shuttling those unable to process thoughts coherently to their doom.

And the devout belief that life everywhere is not worth any amount of ("suffering") anywhere is just you switching chant denominations. They are bedridden and semi-conscious pretty quickly.  And if they aren't terminal, then the state has no business making them so.   And still, the rational of mind don't use the most extreme to ignore grave effects on the the bulk of the population.  And you'll need to work your schedule, or not, for your goodbyes. Wasn't really about you, or at least it shouldn't have been.  But with palliation it's not that different from a more direct method.  And if she was terminal then it is moot to the subject. I've noted it countless times.  Among numerous other things, the actually decided physically capable not being able to accomplish the easily accomplished task is another glaring sign.  The fact that you describe having someone do your trivial work for you as a ("blanket ban on the right to die") is another.  Also, you ciphering from you wanting to die to the whole world should. ”

Rachel ignored the devil and talked to the depressed John, “Sometimes I wonder if there are people in this world that just can't carry on an adult conversation and listen to logic and reason.  Some seem determined that it is their way or the highway, no one can think or believe differently.  Other people's' positions and opinions about their own lives are not to be respected.  I had hoped that a discussion board like this would help people to understand other people better, to live and let live, but I guess humans are just naturally contentious.”

The devil said, “Sure, Gamma's got the hip displasia, somebody get me the shovel. You wish your veterinarian could euthanize you if he deemed it appropriate. Enlisting others is a more complicated matter that might take a bit of thought.”

Falconia the angel was sent by the Lord to intervene. She said, “If you had strong evidence of an afterlife, let's say you had an out of body experience, saw a blue trainer on your roof, then later you go up and find it (same color same place), combined with other experiences, would you do it? What about your son you mentioned? wouldn't you stay around for him?”

John the depressed saint continued responding to the Vegas Devil, “Deranged is a word that stigmatises mental illness. And I have not cried (not counting tears from eye irritation) in probably 8 years or so. The last time I did cry (for emotional reasons), it was because of the death of a cat I never ignored the evil that was being perpetrated by other groups, I only made the point that an equivalency was always being drawn between Muslims and Christians, even though Muslims are much more religious (on average) and their religion is causing more problems in the world at present. And even when it is an atheist stating that Islam is worse, you call them a Christian apologist.

For the record, I have never called a black person "nigger", and on balance, I usually find that I tend to prefer the company of ethnic minority people to other white people (for whatever reason), and I have a strong dating preference towards non-whites. I don't like to see them infantalised by well meaning white people pretending that racial slurs are a real problem. Sticks and stones, and all that...

Also, I have not cried (except for reasons of eye irritation) in about 8 years or more, and that was after the death of a cat. Before that, it had also been several years since I'd last cried.

I don't want that either; but what is far more alarming to me is that I live in a place where people think that it's their place to contrive laws to deny people the easiest possible access to suicide. That's a position which generally terrifies me, unlike the position of the toothless bigots who just want to carve out their silly quasi-religious ceremony for heterosexuals only. Give me full sovereignty over my body, then worry about the fripperies such as silly antiquated ceremonies. The only thing that makes you even slightly better than those people is that most anti-gay people are also anti-suicide hardliners. People who actually wouldn't even have pause for compassion if their own child was paralysed and the only options were a life sentence of being unable to do anything for themselves, or slowly starving to death.

So are you saying that 'rights' are intrinsically woven into the nature of the universe? Where would one go and what instruments would one use in order to observe and verify the existence of a natural right?

And if 'unstoppable' is the criteria of what determines a right, then I have the 'right' to mug an old lady in the street, just as long as I make sure that it's very unlikely I'll be caught. Imagine that you fall victim to an online scam, which causes your bank account to be emptied. The police tell you that the crime was so meticulously planned, that they are unable to find any leads to catch the perpetrators. Would you just shrug off the loss of the money as "well, they haven't been caught and couldn't be stopped; therefore they had a right to all of my money and who am I to begrudge them it?"

In Britain, you can be detained indefinitely in a psychiatric ward (where by law, all curtain rails must be of the collapsible variety and all potential ligatures are to be confiscated from patients) if you have been committed for a mental illness, and they think that on the balance, you are likely to kill yourself if you are released. There was a court case some time ago where the NHS was sued for allowing a depressed woman out on weekend leave, who went on to kill herself. Suicide is legal only on a technicality. But in every sense, it is treated as a crime. Both the authorities and members of the public can use force against you to prevent you from committing suicide, even to the extent of causing physical injury. You can be locked up without a trial for either a failed suicide attempt or if it appears that you are about to attempt suicide. And of course, nobody is allowed to assist you in this supposedly legal act, because they are liable to be prosecuted for manslaughter otherwise. I cannot explain any more clearly about how causality does not entail free will. When liquid water reacts to heat and becomes steam, it is not exercising 'free will' to change its state; it's changing because it is being exposed to an external variable which is causing it to change state. And if someone lied about something that you had posted, then refused to address the lie, I doubt that you would consider that to be fair game. Especially considering that you continually respond to people, even when they aren't referencing you in their postulates.

The solution that I proposed would help to support people through the crisis stage, and help them on the road to recovery and a productive life. The status quo that you support deters people in crisis from seeking any help because they know that they're liable to be imprisoned against their will and deprived of their liberty for a potentially unlimited amount of time. That and if they manage to get out of the psychiatric ward, they're probably going to be constantly regarded with suspicion and even surveillance by the people closest to them with the threat of being imprisoned again at the drop of a hat if someone thinks that they might be about to commit suicide.

And you're assuming that all people, spare the terminally ill, are unable to 'process thoughts coherently', which is prejudicial and denies many rational people the right to suicide because of the afflictions of others. I don't think that it was very pleasant for her either. She was so emaciated and wasted away that she couldn't actually even speak by the latter stages. It wasn't a terminal condition; she had dementia and entered the hospital after she had had a fall.

Well you're such a hardliner that you wouldn't even make an exception for someone who was facing an immobile 80 years of psychological torture confined to a chair and requiring a carer to do everything for you. That or starve to death (if you can somehow manage to win the right to prevent your relatives from force-feeding you). Even if it was your own child who was paralysed for life and had been crying out for the right to die for several years, you'd apparently not even give pause to the idea that it would be humane and in their best interests to allow them that right.”

The devil didn’t stop there. He said, “Good lord, you just can't help your derangement.   Who replied to whom? I know, I know.   You respond to me, great stuff.  I respond to you, harassing!  And you're the one who yaps on about safe spaces.  And that deranged narcissism of yours.  Have you even a little shame? Just more evidence for the cognitive shambles.”

This blue eyed devil was vicious. He said, “Dumb is a real word that stigmatizes dumb people.  Flighty is a word that stigmatizes flighty people. Unskilled is a word that stigmatizes people who are unskilled with whatever something, or I don't know, with your comically hypocritical safe-space rules, maybe all the unskilled at anything at all.  The n-word is a repulsive, illegitimate dive to rank racism with no basis in legitimacy or even in reality.

Deranged of course is another real word for a real form of thought process.  And your absurd over literalness with the reference to your bawling is yet another bit of wtf evidence.  You don't like it, don't write posts that bathe in derangement.

What you did was repeat your dross about having a fetish for fuzzy brown people when objecting to the rank hypocrisy of people/posters, including you with your own deeply embedded Judeo-Christian faith, when these people posters try to coarsely paint entire classes of people, and/or try to push that their ludicrous made-up immoral faith in the raw is somehow superior to others' ludicrous made-up immoral faiths in the raw.

Racial slurs unchecked are always a real problem, regardless whether you have none with powerful historical and even current-day significance that can be used against you personally.  And I know, you have fuzzy brown friends and compare pointing out somebody's dementedness to calling them the n-word.   And which Asian non-whites do you prefer to romance?  Pakistanis? Where I live what's far more alarming are the cranks who want committing suicide to be akin to treating a headache.  The "toothless bigots" are the ones unabashedly trying try to place their preferred kooky religion above other kooky religions and trying to brand wide swathes of "the other" based on the actions of some, all the while ignoring their own faith's bad actors and in fact their own reprehensible actions.  And it is a very simple mind that can only process one issue at a time and constantly attempts diversion from others not his obsession (gots to have me state-sanctioned suicide pills, be damned if I care about institutionalized second-classing of gays or racists spreading venom without blowback).   The self-centered dismissal as silly of concern over actual rights maliciously specifically excluded from particular classes as they don't apply specifically to things you particularly want, fits hand in glove with the narcissistic psychopathy of callously demanding from others what self-regard & cowardice prevent one from doing himself, regardless of the costs to multitudes of vulnerable.   Because the dead former-vulnerable can't care anymore, after all.  

And the mindless thinking that the more bizarre, "shocking" and hysterically he can put things, the more headway he'll get with people - even while forcefully asserting that no actual choice is possible, with anybody.   As opposed to the reality being judged as a morbidly lugubrious overwrought nutcase.

And what's truly freaky is people who consider it "hardline" to not put their children down for being paralyzed, as opposed to building them up so they have chances and a choices later on.”

John the depressed saint was enraged. He said to the Ragnoshock devil from Vegas, “I didn't 'howl' anything. You're the one who thinks that some guy who criticised a Muslim through email ought to be legally sanctioned for having the audacity to respond critically to the latter's arguments.

You know perfectly well that if someone lied about a comment you'd made and declared that they'd won the argument based on that lie, that you would probably not let the incident go unmentioned. I don't want a 'safe-space' from insults, but I'm not going to ignore it when people lie about comments that I've made and declare that they've won the argument. I don't condone going to the police when someone criticises the opinions of a member of a 'protected group'.If it's acceptable to use "deranged" as an insult against someone you believe to be mentally ill, then it's OK to use "nigger" to insult someone who might be offended by that word because they are hyper-sensitive and their emotional maturity hasn't evolved since primary school. The only purpose of using an insulting word is to insult, and it needn't have anything to do with any theories about racial inferiority. My point being is that the way to stop certain words from being used is to stop sensitising people to those words and giving them such power.

As to my preference for Asians, it depends on the individual. Most commonly Chinese, but sometimes Pakistanis.

I've put forward a proposal, which you've rejected out of hand, which would take into account your concerns about people acting impulsively. Even though with my suggestion, only those who had thought long and hard about the matter of suicide would be given the treatment, you've still rejected it out of hand out of your uncompromising commitment to the sanctity of life.

And it should be up to your child whether or not they want to be euthanised or not. You should not have the right to power of veto over how they wish to exercise their bodily sovereignty. If your child became paralysed and after 5 years was still relentlessly miserable, and you still think that it should be illegal to assist them in dying, then that would make you a torturer of your own child. ”

The devil was merciless. Angels were crying. He responded, “The places your crazy head goes.  Rights are a human construct but you don't have a right specifically delineated for everything you can do that others can't practically control.  You don't have a specific codified right to hope for me to be put in a cage but you have a practical one that you exercise, of course.

Explicitly specified rights are based on treating our fellow man how we'd like to be treated.  No surprise you look for and interpret ecclesiastical sources for everything.

It's not.  Just that some things are unstoppable and without recourse, so it is silly to speak of rights regarding them.  The right to have others do your dirty work is a very different thing indeed.

The perps are still around to be found, at least their act of theft did not make them stop existing.  They could still be caught and punished.  I realize it's possible that you really are incapable of distinguishing.

If you are in a deranged state they need to take such precautions.  If you're not then it is straightforward to be released, and in fact no reason to get detained in the first place.

Not entailing and precluding are very different things,of course.   And your clarity on the matter has never been an issue; you have very effectively communicated the patent irrationality of your position.

And "water" that thinks that "actual" choice does not exist, yet that it still can "choose" whether or not to become steam or anything else and thinks it can "choose" to convince other chemicals to not become steam, is deranged water.   If water had consciousness(es).  And I most certainly would not make batty statements of the like of "not given the opportunity" and "much less defend myself", against "distortions" and insults when you are free (really!) to responses to your crushed little black heart's content.  

The key derangement in this case is your assertion that actual choice does not exist, yet you still choose to work ardently  to get other people to choose to see things in your morbid way.  Without a hint of a grasp of the irony.

John said,  “The thing that you are glibly ignoring here is that the law provides for the ability of the emergency services, mental health services and members of the public to aggressively curtail the liberty to commit suicide, thereby treating it effectively the same as a crime. If you are suicidal then you lose your right to liberty and you lose your right not to be physically restrained by other people. An action cannot be your 'right' if the government grants others the power to aggressively prevent you from doing it in all instances. It cannot be a right (in ANY sense) if you are imprisoned against your wishes if you are even express a plan to carry it out.”

And if you fail at your suicide attempt, then you do continue to exist in order to face the undignifying (and often dire) consequences of harbouring a plan to commit suicide.”

Why must such precautions be taken if it is clear that all they plan to do is to commit suicide? And why encode into law the a priori assumption that any suicidal person is deranged and that the burden is upon them to prove otherwise? Why does 'sane until proven insane' not apply in the same way that 'innocent until proven guilty' is supposed to apply in jurisprudence?

Logic precludes the existence of free will. And the water will always do just as it was predetermined to do, just as I will always do what I'm predetermined to do. Being human does not mean the freedom to opt out of what I'm predetermined to do (which is exactly my point). And I'm not going to get anyone to freely choose anything. I'm either going to be the cause of opinions to change, or my efforts will have negligible contribution to establishing antinatalism within the meme pool.”

Satan said, “You howled like a bawling silly-baby.  And your second line is just more of your demented outright lying.”

I know perfectly well I'd do what sane people who aren't unhinged would do, and reply.  I certainly wouldn't howl on about not being allowed to "defend" myself or make "corrections" .   Regardless of how much you blow-stupid on about anybody not wanting you to reply, it's still about you bawling derangement like a hypocritical silly-baby over some other poster declining to reply to you.  _Nothing_ about whether you reply or not.

And then followed up again in this debates with howls of "harassment".

I breezed over the beauty of brilliance in line 3 the first time, as I was gobsmacked by the unblushing screwy rank lie in line 2.

1) You really want to maintain that it's the (patently false in this case) only, or even the most likely way to see a particular quote?

2) If somebody did do that, responding to an especially relevant quote on a highly related meeting, that you actually consider that as "harassment"?

And you take "offense" that your highly hypocritical oft-fielded "safe-space", as well as the couldn't-be-more-accurate "demented" should be applied to you? ”

John was mellow. He said, “I'm not complaining that graham declined to reply to me further. It's the fact that he created a strawman argument based on a distortion and declared victory in the argument on that basis, as well as the usual argument that the suffering of the unfortunate is unimportant and only happy people matter.”

I didn't 'howl' anything. You're the one who thinks that some guy who criticised a Muslim through email ought to be legally sanctioned for having the audacity to respond critically to the latter's arguments. And how would you have found my post had you not gone through my profile?

You howled like a bawling silly-baby.  And your second line is just more of your demented outright lying.

You know perfectly well that if someone lied about a comment you'd made and declared that they'd won the argument based on that lie, that you would probably not let the incident go unmentioned. I don't want a 'safe-space' from insults, but I'm not going to ignore it when people lie about comments that I've made and declare that they've won the argument. I've never reported anyone on this board or on the RFS forum on IMDb, and I don't condone going to the police when someone criticises the opinions of a member of a 'protected group'.

I know perfectly well I'd do what sane people who aren't unhinged would do, and reply.  I certainly wouldn't howl on about not being allowed to "defend" myself or make "corrections" .   Regardless of how much you blow-stupid on about anybody not wanting you to reply, it's still about you bawling derangement like a hypocritical silly-baby over some other poster declining to reply to you.  _Nothing_ about whether you reply or not.

And then followed up again in this thread with howls of "harassment".

On that note, you've also called me "deranged", which is the mental illness equivalent of "n*****"

I'm not complaining that graham declined to reply to me further. It's the fact that he created a strawman argument based on a distortion and declared victory in the argument on that basis, as well as the usual argument that the suffering of the unfortunate is unimportant and only happy people matter.

I breezed over the beauty of brilliance in line 3 the first time, as I was gobsmacked by the unblushing screwy rank lie in line 2.

"And how would you have found my post had you not gone through my profile?"

1) You really want to maintain that it's the (patently false in this case) only, or even the most likely way to see a particular post?

2) If somebody did do that, responding to an especially relevant post on a highly related board, that you actually consider that as "harassment"?

And you take "offense" that your highly hypocritical oft-fielded "safe-space", as well as the couldn't-be-more-accurate "demented" should be applied to you?

Following me is not the only explanation for your responding to that quote; but certainly the most likely, given that you don't usually go on that forum and hadn't responded to the other people on there. And no, it's not harassment, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy in the fact that you defended the cowardly actions of the Muslim guy in reporting someone to the police for sending him emails. To refresh your memory, this is the case to which I'm referring:

And with regards to 'safe space', this forum has an in-built 'safe space' function, which I do not use. Therefore it cannot be alleged that I am seeking a safe space. I don't object to being called "demented", I'm merely pointing out your hypocrisy for the fact that you have condemned other people for name calling, even going so far as saving the excerpts and quoting them for several months after the fact.”

The devil was relentless: “As well they should, as in to assist those temporarily or even permanently deranged, if they've shown mental incompetence enough to not carry it out in private.  If you are suicidal but mentally sound then when you actually decide, if you've made a scene then you can easily let the doctors know that you're better, and be released.  

Again, an explicitly-specified "right" is redundant or even less than coherent for something that can't practically be stopped.  And the state has a responsibility to help people when they are exhibiting mental instability.

Then of course you weren't mentally capable to begin with.  Re: the sociopathic narcissism of suggestion that jumping in front of a train might be an reasonable means of suicide save the personal consequences in the failure of the assault.

Because the mentally ill should be assisted in fighting their illness; not have their illness encouraged.  Any physically able suicidal person is deranged or just narcissistically acting out etc., if they feel the need to make it a public or discoverable-in-time affair.   It's prima facie evidence, and if in error then the person can easily be released by simply refraining from deranged behavior, depending upon how utter their contempt for others was in planning their act.

Regardless of the fact that such an assertion is both incredibly controversial and highly contested,  your mention of it is again beside the point and completely bypasses your derangement.  It's your inability recognize that whatever you "pick" to do - lie in front of the Flying Scotsman, become president of Morbid Anonymous, get hold the nuke codes, etc. - none of that will make one whit of difference, and any of your continually-displayed effort, fervency, upset, complaints, umbrages, bawlings, even wishes for harm on posters - is the very definition of ironic futility.  Once you "know" such a fact, it is impossible to not skate above it all, or at the very least be able to note the absurdity of such acts and feelings, _if_ you're at least a bit right in the head, again if right in the head was even a thing in such a system.

The derangement is not that you feel things, it's that coupled with what you believe, you can't even recognize the comic irony of your stances.

John was stoic, “But the state does not have any evidence to suggest that the person would regret the suicide should they complete it. And if something is a 'right', then why must it be carried out in private? It's only a 'right' in the same sense that homosexual intercourse is a 'right' in Saudi Arabia. Usually if you're going to force someone not to do something, you would be able to explain how it would either a) cause someone else to be deprived of their rights; or b) the individual themselves would likely regret the action for a long time afterwards. And even reason b) is questionable. With a well-planned suicide, there is no reason to believe that either a) or b) can be supported, regardless of whether the individual announces their intentions to anyone else ahead of time, or whether they are unable to get the time alone in order to complete the suicide without discovery.

If someone has made certain preparations for a quick and painless death, why should they not be able to go and visit their friends and loved ones to say goodbye and explain that when they go home they are going to administer themselves a medicine which will kill them peacefully and painlessly? What would likely happen in that scenario (unless the individual was blessed to have only friends and family members who were extremely progressively minded and irreligious) is that someone would alert the police, they would raid the person's home, remove the Nembutal and take the person into custody. In what sense, then, does the person have the 'right' to take the Nembutal. You're also ignoring the many people who do not or cannot live independently and therefore do not have enough time alone or the resources to complete a suicide without being discovered in time.

Jumping in front of a train is a scenario in which the suicide may traumatise innocent people and inconvenience many more. The reason why people do it anyway is because they do not have right of access to a means of suicide which is painless, guaranteed and will not leave a gruesome scene for someone else to have to clean up. It's people like you who have so little regard for the suffering of others that desperate people end up finding a way out which causes a great deal of collateral damage in terms of psychological trauma to other people and inconvenience to many. And yet you can't come up with one tangible negative consequence of committing suicide for the individual; you can only resort to gesturing towards abstract and metaphysical reasons why people shouldn't be facilitated in doing so (life is precious and therefore must be preserved by force, even at the cost of terrible suffering).

Going back to my first example of the individual with the well planned Nembutal suicide, who wants to say goodbye to their friends and family before they go. Explain how such an individual would be exhibiting signs of 'derangement', if they wanted to make the suicide less of a shock for the people closest to them, and try to explain to those people why they've made the decision to die.

Controversial and highly contested in the same way that the claims of monotheistic religions are incredibly controversial and highly contested. Just because a lot of people disagree with the evidence/logic, does not mean that the evidence or logic is answerable. And there is absolutely no comic irony in my stance, because in order to do what you've suggested (i.e. opt out of what determinism compels me to do, which is to argue that free will does not exist), then I would need to have the very free will that I assert does not exist.”

The devil responded, “Sure, up is not up and black is actually white.   Your words -

"I can handle insults perfectly well. What I was complaining about in the main was the fact that I was not given the opportunity to correct the distortion made by graham, much less defend myself against the insults."

Not that anyone made the silly argument argument you just shrilly hosed out at the end.  Talk about strawloons.”

"Most likely" while simultaneously patently false because you Adas will post whatever dribbles out of your demented heads at will. Right, derangeomatic, persistently sending emails to someone after they've asked you to stop is actual harassment, not simply having "criticised a Muslim through email", and certainly not replying to him on a message board.

You sob about harassment, then say it's not harassment.  You complain bitterly that you were "not given the opportunity to correct the distortion" "much less defend myself against the insults".  All after you've countless times shat out "safe space" and "triggered" and other alt-right pap.  You're a candypants nutcase.”

John said, “Anyone who resorts to straw man arguments and then refusing to acknowledge that they've addressed a point was not made is covering up for the weakness of their argument. Also, declaring victory in a debate based on subjective arguments (and ones that are based on a strawman at that) is the last refuge of a scoundrel. I don't think that you would allow such tactics to pass without any comment, but yet you expect me not to have posted again on that thread and just accept that graham had "won" the argument and that it was OK to change my wording.

That "silly argument" is exactly the one you keep making when you emphasise how "most people" are having a "blast". This statement is highly dubious in and of itself to anyone who keeps abreast of international news; but in any case, it is impossible to avoid the inference that the suffering of the minority (as you perceive it) is a price worth paying.

Someone sending you unwanted emails is something that is very easy to address without the involvement of law enforcement. You block the offending email address, or refrain from reading the emails. Thus, you've created your own safe space with the minimum of fuss and effort. Moreover, since the communications are private, nobody but the sender of the emails will think that you are being evasive and therefore there is no compulsion to respond in order to defend oneself against libel, or merely save face, where one may feel compelled to defend oneself against libelous statements and not appear evasive.”

Devil’s retort, “Nor of anyone if you 'neaked up and capped 'em in the head, either. No, again, because once completed, no punishment can be inflicted upon a suicide.  It's really not too hard. Empathy for the deranged. What kind of attention-starved narcissistic person would want to inflict such a thing ahead of time on people who feel that way?  And you don't need medicine to turn out the lights peacefully and easily.

Not ignoring, we've just discussed ad nauseum.   They have options; they may could be considered effectively terminal; that justify your institutionalizing and wide availability for the deranged and the cowardly.”

they are either thoroughly deranged or some combination of that and sociopathic and wishing to make a scene.  For the mentally competent and minimally physically capable there are trivially easy means if they've actually decided and aren't acting out of derangement or ill will.

Again, they can't regret it if you gas them and their whole family while they sleep, and many other demented things considered relevant only by psychopath supervillain types.  But many many having gone through suicidal crises and recovered and been glad for it is very strong evidence for helping them overcome their illness rather than feeding it.

And, "get it while you can, or not, just don't make a scene" is about as far from "abstract and metaphysical reasons" as one can get, but don't let that stop your silly projection, death cult guy.  Having suicide institutionalized as a "treatment" for you perpetual whiner types would trap a sh!t-ton of vulnerable people in your pit of ghastly morosity.”

To inflict that on friends and family as you described is pure narcissistic prima donna patheticness.”

As I've already granted -

And as I explained explicitly, that is patently deranged thinking. Either you 1) don't understand the futility of effort or 2) you're trapped voodoo style by a body that acts contrary to your perceived will and so can't acknowledge that you understand said futility, or 3) you do understand but enjoy the trollpleasure effect generated in your hypothalamus. That's two demented possible states and one rational but decidedly sociopathic one.“

John the suicidal said, “That would be an action taken without the consent of the person being killed, though. There's good reason to safeguard a person's rights not to be assaulted without their consent - it helps to create a climate where people are not concerned about being maliciously attacked. Also, the loved ones of the person being killed would be rightly aggrieved if the person was killed without any warrant, whereas if the person died by assisted suicide, they would likely feel aggrieved but would not be justified in believing that they had a right to force that person to live for their sake.”

It can be inflicted upon a failed suicide and the state is able to aggressively prevent suicide by removing or limiting access to the means for suicide. Such as building suicide barriers on bridges, making it illegal to access Nembutal, they can ban businesses from selling other household substances which can be used as part of a suicide, such as Lime Sulphur (which can be mixed with hydrochloric acid to create Sulphur Dioxide in what's known as a detergent suicide). They can force entry to your home and ransack the place if you are suspected of owning the means to commit suicide. This has happened on a number of occasions to people who have ordered Nembutal from abroad, telling nobody of their intentions. So on and so forth. Even though suicide is not illegal, it is certainly the farthest thing from being a protected right. It currently exists in kind of a grey area, wherein it is not de jure a crime, but is mandated by law to be prevented where possible.”

How is it 'empathy' when you are trapping them in a situation which you know is causing them grievous suffering and which has no guarantee of being remedied in any other way? How was the British legal system being 'empathetic' in forcing Tony Nicklinson to die by starvation, after a long and ill fated legal battle to legalise the right to die?”

Some people would prefer the chance to say goodbye to someone they love, rather than have their suicide come as a shock. But that's really rather beside the point. The point would be that the police would have the power to force entry to the person's home, confiscate the Nembutal and take the person into custody. Not that such action would always have been prompted by the tip off from a loved one. There have been numerous cases in which the authorities have somehow found out that an individual possesses Nembutal, resulting in the person's home being raided and them taken into custody. Please explain how that state of affairs is remotely consistent with suicide being deemed a 'right' of any kind? Please explain what the moral justification for such an action would be?

Nembutal is the most peaceful and painless way of dying. It's up there with an exit bag combined with Nitrogen or Helium, but is more failsafe, added to the fact that Helium canister manufacturers are now adding lung irritants or mixing the Helium with Oxygen in order to prevent their canisters being used in a suicide. A Nitrogen canister is very difficult to come across unless you are a professional in an industry which uses Nitrogen.”

They have very limited options if they are not living independently, and non-existent options short of starvation if they are paralysed (and even this may be denied to them if the carers force feed them to keep them alive). Paralysed people are not considered eligible for assistance to die in most jurisdictions which have 'right to die' laws on the books. Those laws typically serve only those with a prognosis of 6 months or less to live. And of course, by the time that they've cleared all of the legal hurdles, they're probably fairly close to the end of that period anyway; or for all the stress that the process causes they may be just as well waiting out the last months and hoping that it doesn't get drawn out longer than what the doctors predicted. The laws on the books in the US states which allow assisted dying, as well as the pusillanimous travesty of a law that Canada passed last year are virtually useless.”

People would not go to the risk of spending several hundred dollars and the risk of being caught to import Nembutal from overseas if there were many trivially easy ways of dying. And these are people who are hard-core suicide aficionados who are paying for Nembutal from the far-east; not people who have barely formed a coherent thought on the matter of suicide.

And like I've mentioned above, people should have the right to consent to what you're going to do to them, even if it kills them without them realising what's happening. But what is crucial to realise is that the family peacefully gassed to death in their sleep are not in fact victims; the victims are those who are left alive and who would feel wronged by that death. Whilst those same people may feel wronged if their loved ones are taken by assisted suicide; that speaks against their own lack of compassion and their own sense of entitlement, and is in no way an indictment of a right to die.

Well, people are going to tend to mourn a suicide anyway, and by telling them of your plans beforehand you spare them the shock and get the chance to explain your reasoning in person. But that really is beside the point.

The conscious veto thing does not salvage free will in the sense that you believe it to. They're still reacting to another cause which intervenes to inhibit the effect of the primary cause. You should read the comments on that article you posted; particularly the ones by george.ortega. Free will is as well supported by evidence as transubstantiation.

There is no futility in the effort, as I've already explained. I'm not expending any extra effort above and beyond what I'm caused to expend; and the result of my efforts will not be naught; it will be whatever it is predetermined to be.”

The devil said, “Sure, but we're not speaking of your standard reprehensible behaviors, we're speaking of your candybritches howls of harassment and out-of-the-exchange wails of being prevented from doing _anything_.   Actually posting "not being given the opportunity to correct distortions" "much less defend yourself from insults" because someone declined to keep responding to your strawbulls, your declarations of victory, your countless refusals to acknowledge that you've addressed points not made, and your outright lies and patent irrationalities is covering up for the derangement of a twit without any standards whatsoever.”

that and just accept that graham had "won" the argument and that it was OK to change my wording. You keep demonstrating that your "thinker" is quite broken. I'll comment to my heart's content. What I won't do is spew insipid alt-right chants about "safe-space" and "triggering" and then make deranged baby statements about "not given the opportunity to correct" "much less defend", because I'm not a hypocrite, and as a sane person I know that I have every option to reply as I like.

People rephrase to highlight the absurdity of stances all the time.  It's standard viable debating when it's not your standard of sideways ass-pulls of new meaning.”

That is an argument against antinatalism, and applies to the odds of everyone at the outset, even those who do end up having a bad time, and certainly not the "usual argument" that "the suffering of the unfortunate is unimportant and only happy people matter".  Holy completely change the meaning, Hysterical Hypocrite Bat-toddler.

And your poopy diaper fascination and they-can't-care-if-they're-dead psychopathy is a really healthy lens to view the world with.

1) I only brought up "safe space" to mock your high hypocrisy with it, as it is misused alt-right vapid pap.  2) Whether you don't have to answer, can individually block whatever address the maniac can come up with, can refuse persistently delivered unwanted packages, can ignore him parked at the end of your driveway all hours of the day for extended periods, or whatever else you psychos come up with, doesn't mean we as citizens think that any other person should have to put up with such derangement.  3) Because it was private, unsolicited abusive communications as opposed to a public discussion place is one of the key reasons it is considered harassment.  What other motive could he have had?

But regardless of another gorked position of yours on a matter, the point you tried to hose was that considering that actual harassment was somehow similar to your  howling like a teary goth cupcake over someone declining to reply to your patent nonsense, and weeping on about "harassment" because somebody replied to your various dishonesties and derangements on a public church.

You remain the candypants hypocrite pure nutcase.”

John the depressed couldn’t handle the relentless bullying by the devil. Falconia the angel tried to save him but he committed suicide and ended up in hell.


Copyright © 2017 by Ben Caesar All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
