Woe Unto Thee, Sinful Cities of the World - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Woe Unto Thee, Sinful Cities of the World

Woe Unto Thee, Sinful Cities of the World!
I dwelled in Hell on earth to write this rhyme,
I live in stillness now, in living flame;
I witness Heaven in unholy time,
I room in the renowned city, am
Unknown. The fame I dwell in is not mine,
I would not have it. Angels in the air
Serenade my senses in delight.
Intelligence of poets, saints, and fair
Characters converse with me all night.
But all the streets are burning everywhere.
The city is burning these multitudes that climb
Her buildings. Their inferno is the same
I scaled as a stupendous blazing stair.
They vanish as I look into the light.
Woe unto thee, Manhattan, woe to thee,
Woe unto all the cities of the world.
Repent, Naples, O repent; ah, me!
Los Angeles, now thou art gone so wild,
I think thou art still mighty, yet shall be,
As the earth shook, and San Francisco fell,
An angel in an agony of flame.
City of horrors, New York so much like Hell,
How soon thou shalt be a city-without-name,
A tomb of souls, and a poor broken knell.
Fire and fire on London, Moscow shall die,
And Paris her livid atomies be rolled
Together into the Woe of the blazing bell–
All cities then shall toll for their great fame.
Woe unto thee Japan!
Worship One God and him Alone. Stop pagan ancestor worship. Stop worshiping your emperors. Stop committing atrocities like Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731. God has tested you by giving you much technology, but it will all be taken away. Do not forget many earthquakes that visit your country. Do not forget the future tsunamis. Do not forget punishment of God through the hand of Americans in WW2. What if God destroys you with a megatsunami forever?

Woe unto thee, oh sinful cities of America

Words of disabled prophet Ben Caesar, son of Caesar the Byzantine believer in Christ.
WOE UNTO THEE, oh sinful cities of America.
What are you doing?
Have you not forgotten what happened to New Orleans a decade ago?
Will you not pay heed to constant warnings from God and his Prophets?
There are many prophets prophesying now
Yet you indulge in carnal pleasures
pleasures of the flesh
Even unto San Francisco
And Los Angeles, the cities of Sin

Warning to New Zealand from God

Stop committing blasphemy against God by worshiping Jesus Christ, his Prophet. He was/is a prophet of God, not God himself! Stop being hedonistic shameless worldly people and serve God alone.  Don't say you were not warned by God's Prophets.
Turn back to God!
Woe unto all the sinful cities of the world!
