Geniuses, SubGeniuses and Kooks: Strangest people Online or Offline - Past and Present - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Geniuses, SubGeniuses and Kooks: Strangest people Online or Offline - Past and Present

Geniuses, SubGeniuses and Kooks: 

Strangest people Online or Offline - 

Past and Present

Francis E. Dec is the greatest kook who ever lived, the greatest of the saints worshiped by the Church of the SubGenius and the rants he typed on his typewriter are required reading for all SubGenii, the holiest writings ever written, holier even than the writings of "Bob" or even the sacred PreScriptures. All other kooks and conspiracy theorists are pale imitations of Francis E. Dec, the greatest kook of all time. To find out more about Francis E. Dec, you can look at or his Wikipedia page. While his rants contain bigoted language as well insane ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic mind, what this ACTUALLY shows is how INSANELY STUPID such bigotry is, and he is really a self-parody whose rants are the funniest works of humor ever written by someone who was not intending to be humorous. Here is a video of his most epic rant, Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy :                                               
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy, the most epic Francis E. Dec rant, in its original typewritten form

Francis E. Dec Rant:

2017-09-17 17_49_27-The Collected Rants of Francis E. Dec, Esquire.jpg
L. Ron Hubbard

A newspaper article about L. Ron Hubbard being a law-abiding citizen

L. Ron Hubbard is the founder of the Church of Scientology, who was MURDERED in 1986 by David Miscavige in a hostile takeover of the Church of Scientology. Nowadays Scientologists revere David Miscavige as their leader, even though he killed their original leader. L. Ron Hubbard was best friends with J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, and the 2 of them had a friendly rivalry over which of them could get their cult to grow faster. It was in 1953 when "Bob" gave L. Ron Hubbard the idea to start his own cult, and "Bob" started the Church of the SubGenius that same year. Since this time, the Church of the SubGenius had friendly relations with our sister religion of Scientology, until 1986, when L. Ron Hubbard, a beloved figure in both of our religions, was cruelly murdered by his trusted lieutenant David Miscavige. David Miscavige silenced any dissent about what had happened within the Church of Scientology, but meanwhile, SubGenii were outraged at the murder of L. Ron Hubbard, who is considered a holy prophet in the Church of the SubGenius as well. This led to a complete schism between the 2 churches, with the Church of the SubGenius remaining true to the legacy of L. Ron Hubbard and never giving up on the fight for justice for L. Ron, while the Scientologists have been cruelly misled by the psychopath David Miscavige, who has absolutely NO respect for L. Ron Hubbard or for ANY of the sacred teachings of Dianetics. The Anonymous movement, allied with the Church of the SubGenius, likewise respects and honors the brave legacy of L. Ron Hubbard and his wise teachings, while educating the public about the evils of the modern-day Church of Scientology ever since David Miscavige took over and turned a once-harmless UFO cult into an evil organization dedicated to covering up the cold-blooded killing of ITS OWN FOUNDER. Rest in peace, L. Ron Hubbard. Hopefully someday, justice will be served on David Miscavige and his misguided followers who stayed in the Church of Scientology after L. Ron Hubbard's original message was perverted by David Miscavige.
Bob Dobbs
Bob Dean
J. R. "Bob" Dobbs is the figurehead of the Church of the SubGenius

Not to be mistaken for Robert Dean or J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
Bob Dobbs aka Bob Dean claims to be the inspiration for J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and the Church of the SubGenius. This claim is generally not supported in SubGenius circles, and is disputed by Church founders.

Bob Dean is "a guy born in 1922 who has personally met Adolf Hitler, assisted in launching the career of Lyndon LaRouche, had inside knowledge of JFK's assassination, and introduced Prince Charles to Lady Diana.". "The world that the Church of the SubGenius is actually based upon him – himself, personally."

   He [Stang] and Philo met me in 1978, in Dallas; when I was stationed there for the Secret Council of Ten. And, as young kids, they met me in a club. We had a couple of accidental (from their uninitiated view) meetings. But, in retrospect, they were preordained meetings, where I gave ‘em some info. As young, imprintable minds, they lapsed into this whole baroque spiral and creatively evolved Bob into this joke church, and joke religion and joke business; their psycho circus for the endtimes!

   I've known Bob Dean for years. He's not "Bob", but he does make me laugh.

       Connie Marsh Dobbs
   Bob Dean is no more "Bob" Dobbs than I'm a time traveling robot from post World War III 2041.

       JoX the Bobtist
   I wish Bob Dean was me. Then in 1984 it would have been him instead of me who got assassinated. It's hot as Hell here.

       J.R. "Bob" Dobbs (communication made through a medium)

Card-carrying members of the New (1979+)
   If you're researching the ancient history of the Church of the might stumble across a curiosity: Bob Dean, the so-called "Canadian Bob Dobbs"....all Dean has ever done is try to get attention for himself.

       E.W. Modemac
   I did not want Bob Dean "playing" Bob Dobbs, because the worst-case scenario was that Dean would show up on David Letterman or someplace spouting crappy imitation SubGenius stuff and... what next? The Bob Dobbs Comedy Hour on Fox Network starring Bob Dean?      
Rev. Ivan Stang

Rant against Bob

"Bob" must always have quotation marks around his name, heretic! Anyone who leaves out the quotation marks isn't a real SubGenius. There is only one true "Bob" Dobbs and his full name is J. R. "Bob" Dobbs. All others are frauds, impersonators, kooks, and sinister agents of The Conspiracy.

There is some pink kook on alt.slack named Bob Dean who doesn't follow this rule, and he claims to be Bob Dobbs, without any quotation marks. Dean spouts rehashed McLuhan memes ("phatic communication", et al) and claimed he is so rich that soon he will "buy alt.scrubgenius." He also claims to be the person "Bob" is based on. As Rev Stang put it, "most people who say things like that live in dumpsters".
For more:

H. P. Lovecraft

        H. P. Lovecraft                                                            
H. P. Lovecraft (with Cthulhu attacking a ship in the background)
H. P. Lovecraft is the author of the works that comprise the Cthulhu Mythos, reintroducing the world to Cthulhu. His works are all based on the prior work of Abdul Alhazred many centuries earlier, in writing the Necronomicon. While many people think H. P. Lovecraft was an author of fiction, he was actually a great prophet whose works are the gospel of the Cult of Cthulhu.
Free Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft for Nook and Kindle:
                                                220px-5410 Szukalski wystawa w Krakowie 1936-3                                                    
Stanisław Szukalski (1893--1987) was a Polish-born painter and sculptor. He also developed the pseudoscientific-historical theory of Zermatism, positing that all human culture was derived from post-deluge Easter Island and that mankind was locked in an eternal struggle with the Sons of Yeti ("Yetinsyny"), the offspring of Yeti and humans. He illustrated this theory in his works.
Szukalski immigrated to the United States in his teens, where he joined the arts scene in Chicago. Ben Hecht, who knew Szukalski in the 1920s, described him in his 1954 autobiography A Child of the Century as starving, muscular, aristocratic and disdainful of lesser beings than himself—traits Szukalski retained for the rest of his life. In 1929 was a founder of an artistic movement called Tribe of the Horned Heart (Szczep Rogate Serce) - centered on Polish artists who sought inspiration in the pagan or pre-Christian history of Poland. Szukalski returned to Poland in 1934, when the government proclaimed him their "Greatest Living Artist" and built the Szukalski National Museum to house his works. In 1939, the Nazi Siege of Warsaw resulted in the destruction of the museum and his life's work. Szukalski moved to Southern California, where he languished in obscurity, supporting himself by drawing maps for an aerospace company.
In 1971, Glenn Bray, a publisher who had previously specialized in the work of Mad Magazine artist Basil Wolverton, befriended him and later published one book of Szukalski's art, Inner Portraits (1980), and another of his art and philosophy, A Trough Full of Pearls / Behold! The Protong (1982). Bray and his wife Lena Zwalve maintain Szukalski's estate and the great bulk of his existing art under the name "Archives Szukalski."
Zermatism, Szukalski's concept of world history, postulated that all human culture derived from post-deluge Easter Island and that in all human languages one can find traces of the original, ancient mother-tongue of mankind. In his view, humanity was locked in an eternal struggle with the Sons of Yeti ("Yetinsyny"), the offspring of Yeti and humans, who had enslaved humanity from time immemorial. Szukalski used his considerable artistic talents to illustrate his theories, which, despite their lack of scientific merit, have gained a cult following largely on their aesthetic value. The irony of this would have likely infuriated the hyper-curmudgeonly Szukalski. Among Szukalski's admirers are Leonardo DiCaprio, who sponsored a retrospective exhibition entitled "Struggle" at the Laguna Art Museum in 2000, the Church of the SubGenius, which incorporates the Yetinsyny elements of Zermatism, and the band Tool, who recommended "any collection of works you can find by this man is well worth the effort".
Szukalski's works are on permanent display at the Polish Museum of America in Chicago, as well as at the Polish National Museum in Warsaw. In addition to the Laguna retrospective, notable exhibitions of his work include "The Self-Born" at Varnish Fine Art, San Francisco, in 2005 and "Mantong and Protong," where Szukalski is paired with another unorthodox theorist of earth history, Richard Sharpe Shaver, at Pasadena City College in 2009.
Following Szukalski's death in 1987, a group of his admirers spread his ashes on Easter Island, in the rock quarry of Rano Raraku.

JoX the Bobtist

Not to be confused with Dr. X., Mandrake the Magician, Mao Zedong, The Loveshade Family, or Professor Charles Francis Xavier
    Loveshade x                                                            
JoX the Bobtist in typical garb.
JoX the Bobtist, aka Mandrake Southcott XL, Little Love Apple, X. Mandrake Loveshade, Doctor X, Professor X, Madrake the Mathemagician, Mrs. X.L. Ovid, Freak NG, Chao Zedong, Loveshade X, and several other names including "The Robert Dean (not Bob Dean) of the SubGenius", is the 10th PreChurch Prophet of "Bob", a charter member of the Church of the SubGenius, and a fighter in the shadows against the X-ists. He/She/It (modern sources render this as "E") is a hermaphromorphic being who may be a disguised renegade X-ist, a Yeti (although this is disputed by Church authorities), a X-ist altered Homo subgenius, a Homo floresiensis with giganticism and two brains, or a human shoe salesman from Chicago.

Personal life

Few facts are known, and even those are disputed. However, as the only one of the PreChurch Prophets of "Bob" living at the time of the birth of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, the Tenth Prophet JoX the Bobtist is the most documented. The 64-year-old alleged virgin Joanna Southcott, who was the woman prophesized in the Bible's Revelation 12:1–6, gave birth to Mandrake Southcott XL on 19 October 1814 CE in London, England. The father is unknown. As several of her followers thought the infant was the second coming of Christ, Mandrake's birth was kept hidden, especially because Mandrake was apparently born female (but with a very large clitoris). As Mandrake's mother died on Christmas Day (although burial was not until Dec. 27) and many sought the child's death, Mandrake was taken away and raised in America by the Fugawi Indian tribe as a two-spirit female named Little Love Apple in an area that translates as "Springfield." For reasons unknown, e later became known as the male Mandragoro Loveshade.
At some point, the being went into a "deep sleep", likely either cryogenic suspension or suspended animation. Many times JoX the Bobtist has gone into this sleep, only to be later reawakened.

Prophet of "Bob"

JoX the Bobtist is number 10 in a series of probably Ten Prophets of "Bob" (now sometimes called "The Ten Profits of Dobbs") who pointed to the coming of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs. However, some suspect there were actually 13 Prophets of "Bob", but that JoX killed numbers 11, 12, and 13 with the vorpal sword that slew the Jabberwocky, thus gaining all their Slack and extending es lifespan. In addition, an underground SubGenius pamplet claims "JoX the Bobtist (Julian for short) is an eternally prepubescent neck beard basement dwelling dipshit."
As the last major prophet before the birth of "Bob", during waking periods through over 100 years X insured that references to the Coming of the "Bob" were included in several prophetic collections. These include several poems and stories by Edgar Allen Poe, particularly "The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq." to which X contributed. Also important are Dr. Sinister Craven and Toyalla's Esperanto translation, but not the original, of Der Librum de Vampyric Histroika (in Esperanto, La libro de la historio de la vampiro). But perhaps the clearest reference to "Bob" is in the original 1609 CE edition of the Authorized Version of the Bible in Psalm 130:13 which reads, "And the one nammed the robber shall redeeme the chosene peopels, from all theire slacklessnesse."
JoX also compiled the prophecies of the other prophets and emself into a book which was completed on October 29, 1929. The book was called The Holy Boble.

Church of the SubGenius: Meeting the "Bob"

After waiting for over 100 years, in July 1941, JoX the Bobtist finally got to meet J. R. "Bob" Dobbs. But JoX wasn't sure who "Bob" was. E had already heard reports of Slackful Deeds and talk of UFOs, but didn't know if this was truly the "Bob" or some random kook rocket scientist wanna-be. JoX had already approached Bob Clampett (Porky Pig, Beanie and Cecil), Bob Bell (then future Bozo the Clown), Bob Hope (comedian), Bob Cummings (actor), Robert Blake (Our Gang, later Baretta), Robert Dean (ufologist; not to be mistaken for Bob Dean) and several other Bobs, Bobbys, Roberts, Robertos, Robs, and Robbies including Robert "Bobbie" Kennedy (then future politician). JoX was getting a reputation for being a kook emself for had said, "He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoes I am not worthy to lick." This was especially troublesome after e asked if e could lick the booties of the then baby girl, future singer Roberta Flack.
So instead of going emself, on Tuesday, July 22, 1941, e sent assistant/disciple Susanna of Antioch to meet "Bob" Dobbs who was on a business trip in Houston, Texas. The assistant proposed ideas for replacing the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) with a civilian agency focused on both air and space travel that would "explore strange new worlds and new civilizations" (this later became NASA). The assistant had apparently mistaken "Robert Dobbs" for Robert Goddard who had created the first liquid-fueled rocket and who was, at the time, dead.
"Bob", who had already had contact with space aliens and who was then working on ideas for the Church, declined to participate. He told the assistant, "I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is!" The quote was later attributed to "Bob"'s friend L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.
The disciple reported to JoX, who felt e had finally found the right man. E spent the rest of the day and night and into the next morning furiously studying prophecies including those of the Necronomicon he had previously avoided.
To culminate es prophetic mission of 100+ years, on Wednesday, July 23, 1941, JoX met the SlackMaster on a Houston, Texas, golf course and offered to Bobtize "Bob" on the spot. This was at a water hazard on the 13th hole. But the future Church creator was in the middle of a game with a particularly difficult shot, and declined. But he did let JoX lick his golf shoes. But when the shoe licking distracted "Bob" and his ball shot into the water, the angry golfer kicked JoX who fell back into the water with two broken teeth. This was "Bob"'s first performed Bobtism, and JoX went mad for several years....
"Bob" and X met again later in 1953, shortly before "Bob" led the first "Opportunity Meeting" of the Church of the SubGenius on Thursday, May 7, 1953. (A second meeting was held in June, and a third on Sunday, July 5, 1953. The church actually formally began three weeks later during the lunar eclipse of Sunday, July 26, 1953). Dr. Mandrake X. Loveshade is listed as one of 23 charter members. In addition to X and "Bob" himself, these include Connie Marsh, the then future first wife of "Bob"; C. M. Manson, future commune leader; J. D. "Jed" Clampett, "Bob"'s Slackful hunting buddy who at the time was dirt poor but would later become a billionaire; Toyalla, a Homo floresiensis woman with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men; "Kitten" Anderson, a fellow salesman's preteen tomboy daughter who washed "Bob"'s car; E.W.C. Haskell Jr., a budding preteen conman known for his slackfulness and saccharin tongue; and several prominent politicians and tycoons. According to Dr. Philo Drummond, the latter included "Howard Hughes, Aristotle Onassis, Bruce Roberts (author of The Gemstone Files), and the young Henry Kissinger." Other sources say members included the tycoons' then wives such as Hughes' wife actress Terry Moore.
The price of charter membership and eternal salvation was determined largely by the person's wealth. According to Connie, "Bob" said "Make them pay as much as they think they can afford." X reportedly paid 5,370 quatloos (in 2015 money, this would be 37,995.73 quatloos, enough to buy eight highly qualified Thrall sex slaves).

The Man with Two Brains

While there are several stories of the being's nature, the most likely is that e is a hermaphromorphic Homo floresiensis with gigantism and two brains. This allows em to pass as a normal human (provided e doesn't undergo a brain scan).
The brains apparently have different IQs, with one brain at 100 and the other at 42, giving a total IQ of 142. JoX the Bobtist originally had 100 in both brains, but believed the resulting 200 genius IQ would have disqualified em from being a Prophet of Bob. Therefore the being voluntarily had es other brain injected with venom directly from an aroused prairie squid. Later, X learned the de-IQing had been completely unnecessary.
There is debate among pseudoneuroscientists as to how the two brains function. Some believe that the brains, which appear to be two hemispheres of one normal brain, alternately enter an awake or dream state. Others believe that the brains are simulneurocious, both awake and asleep at the same time. Still others think one brain is blue and the other is orange.
X does have the ability to enter and influence people's dreams, particularly those of Yetinsyny, Bobbies and Pinks. Yeti brains e finds more difficult. Most of these dreams are erotic in nature, but occasionally one is prophetic. Sometimes the process does not work properly, and either the dreamer has a nightmare or X gets a bad headache. Anyone who wakens from an erotic prophetic nightmare almost certainly had their dreamworld infiltrated by JoX the Bobtist. Especially if it gave X a headache.
It is estimated by somatierotic SubGenius scientists that 29% of the first wet dream of either a male or female Yetinsyny involves somatic invasion by JoX the Bobtist. Especially if it features an aroused prairie squid.


JoX the Bobtist went on many hunting trips, including some with fellow Church founding members "Bob" and Jed. E rarely killed a hunted creature, instead recording their image, sounds, smells, and "genome". However, the "hunting trips" were largely a cover for hunting X-ists and other aliens from outer space who threatened Earth. (This was before "Bob" made his famous deal with the X-ists).
When e did capture a creature, it was generally to either protect its existence or to protect other beings from its existence. E kept a tentacled creature in the Miskatonic University biology lab while a professor there. The being was named Shokushufakkā but known to university students, including "Bob", Connie and Philo, as Bosno. According to conflicting reports, Bosno may have been an inspiration to H. P. Lovecraft for the creation of the fictional Elder God Cthulu; the offspring of the real Elder God and a mermaid; some form of an octopus or prairie squid; or an other-dimensional creature planted by the X-ists as part of an information-gathering plot in their plan to destroy Earth. Or it may have been a multi-armed rubber garden gnome. In any case, according to Connie the tentacled Bosno had a habit of grabbing girls' chests and lifting their skirts, especially girls new to the school.
The Apocryphal Book of the Invisible Pink Unicorn: Version 2, says that JoX the Bobtist captured the invisible pink creature in the 1950s but, when learning it could not handle captivity, quickly let it go. It briefly lived on the property of "Bob" and Connie Dobbs, and was a favorite of their virginity-regenerating daughter Barbara "Garbs" Dobbs.
JoX the Bobtist may have triggered one of the most significant children's books of all history during an 1860s Dodo bird hunt. Alice Liddell, who was lying down for a nap, told em "You're going to catch a Dodo bird? (Laughs) In you dreams!" Angered, X then allegedly threw the sleepy Alice down a large rabbit hole. The near death of the girl led to the invention of the safety passenger elevator (lift) first used publicly in 1870. As the elevators were very slow and thus often used for sexual activity, bashful riders were supplied with reading material which included the sex education manual Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (The graphic sexual descriptions were masked to avoid offending delicate Victorian sensibilities)
X's hunting and sexual adventures were likely an inspiration for the character of Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher story series and video games.

Physical characteristics

In addition to debate over es species, there is great debate over es form and appearance. Apparently JoX the Bobtist is humanoid but capable not only of changing gender but of changing size and weight. While seemingly in violation of Conservation of Mass, this is actually a natural ability. The being can very quickly and tremendously change es metabolism. Thus gaining and losing weight can be done extremely quickly and efficiently, and can even be accomplished by tremendous inhalation or exhalation. E is an accomplished Breatharian and, when aroused, often a heavy breather.

The Loveshade Family lawsuit

While X Mandrake Loveshade had used the Loveshade name for almost 200 years before The Loveshade FamilyTM began, trademark registration for names did not exist at the time. As The Loveshade FamilyTM trademarked the Loveshade name for writing and visual images (including art work and photography), in 2014 they filed a suit against JoX the Bobtist. Details of the settlement are private as it was settled out of court in 2015, but estimates put the settlement amount at 1,000 pounds of Yeti dung. This gave em the right to use the name JoX the Bobtist provided e did not claim to be a member of the family, and did not attend family reunions without wearing a sign proclaiming "Unregistered Sex Offender" in at least one human language.


Many sources speak of JoX the Bobtist's extreme sexual proficiency, broad sexual proclivities, and boldness in "trying anything and anybody at least once". This includes sexual activity performed by entering sleepers' dreams. These activities allegedly inspired a phrase in H. P. Lovecraft's 1927 novella "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath": "to go with bold entreaty whither no man had gone before".
X Mandragora Amore-Umbra states, in translation, that JoX the Bobtist "has performed every sexual activity known to humanity and more." X reportedly denied this, saying, "That is categorically not true. I have never initiated a combination of simultaneous oral and anal sex on Mr. and Mrs. (name withheld by request), their two daughters and son, of Springfield during a thunderstorm on a Thursday afternoon on a slate blue boat. A red one, a canary yellow one, and a aquamarine one, sure, but not a slate blue one. Not on a Thursday. Not yet."
Many sexologists, however, interpret "every sexual activity known to humanity" in less specific terms. "The day of the week, or color and location of the boat, doesn't affect the act's classification," said Professor of Sexology Britney Cyrus. Simultaneous oral and anal sex on a father, mother their daughter(s) and son(s) is listed as number 3857 in Every Sexual Activity Known to Humanity, with "on a boat" listed as 3857 B. Interestingly, sex with "Bob" is listed as both numbers 808 and 13013.
JoX the Bobtist (under the name of "Philo X. Stang") claims to be listed as number three on Connie Dobbs' list of "Top 100 Lovers". However, other authorities think this name represents Connie simultaneously with Dr. Philo Drummond, Dr. X, and Rev. Ivan Stang. These authorities say that JoX the Bobtist may be listed more than once, but lower than number three.

Devivals and X-Day Drills

JoX the Bobtist frequently appears in various forms at Devivals and X-Day in December Drills, especially those held in Springfield and in Austin, Texas. After being hassled by the police during a small drill in Janus County, Texas, X now rarely speaks at SubGenius events except when wearing a black or very dark grey ski mask with one or more pink smiley faces.

Robert Dean

                                                                ROBERT DEAN on NEW LEAKED RUSSIAN UFO FOOTAGE! ~ RELEASED 2015                                                
                        Robert Dean 82                                                            
Robert Dean in the present and the past.
Not to be mistaken for Bob Dean.
Robert Dean is an American UFOlogist who accessed "The Assessment," a top secret government document that documents the existence of the X-ists.


Dean had a 28-year career with the U.S. Army, retiring with the rank of Command Sergeant Major. He was given "cosmic top secret" access to government documents relating to alien visitations to Earth. He likely read about suspected connections between the X-ists and Yeti.
Because of his cosmic connections, he was suspected by a PreChurch Prophet of "Bob" of being The "Bob." He has shown himself to be "Bob"-like in his X-ist knowledge, his challenges of The Conspiracy, and for successfully suing his employee for discrimination based on his UFO beliefs and age, making himself $100,000. Robert said that, like Dobbs, "I had a personal, intimate relationship with non-human intelligence since I was three years old."
About the X-ists, Dean said:
They're all over the damn place, they're in our midst and they We're related to them because they were the ones that had a hand in establishing us as a hybrid race 100,000 years ago.
Following his military retirement, he had worked as emergency services coordinator for Pima County, Arizona, preparing that county for the coming of the X-ists.
He is a prominent member of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), one of the oldest and largest civilian UFO-investigative organizations in the United States.


  • Greatest Story Never Told (video), Margana Anagram Production, 1997 (author/host)
  • UFO - Cosmic Top Secret (video), Visual Corporation Ltd, 1996, ASIN: B000057YNB (presenter)
  • The UFO Anthology CD-ROM, Dreamland Interactive, 1998, ISBN 978-0-9669651-0-0 (host)
  • Secrets from the Underground - Hybrid 101 Vol 6: Military Coverup & Hybrids, Alien Secrets, 2007, ASIN: B000TRILM8 (DVD interview with Robert O. Dean)
Anna Matskevich a 47-year-old schizophrenic Russian woman and former dancer and she may hold the record for most videos uploaded to YouTube for a single, personal account. She has put over 1,100 videos online since March 21, 2012, for an average of 38 videos per day or over 1.5 every hour. And that’s just her most recent account, under the name “refbatchrefbatch.” Anna has another one, too, “refbatch,” with 28,962 uploaded videos since 2008. Even with her illness she found something productive.
  • She has uploaded 24101 videos since 20 Apr 2008, that is like ~17 videos per day, ~6000 per year.
  • Her recent favourites contain a lot of UFO videos
  • She doesn't seem to sleep
  • She speaks some weird language, or a mix of languages - sometimes it sounds like tongues. Sometimes you can understand some english
  • She makes weird movements in some videos. Ex: this at the two-minute mark. Very fast head movement.
  • She seem to have been pretty normal when she uploaded her first video in 20 Apr 2008
  • She has another YouTube account named Refbatch1 vid 3000 additional videos
  • Her real name seem to be Anna Matskevich, and she seem to have been a professional dancer
  • She seem to be from Russia, 46 years old according to her YouTube profile
  • She sometimes have someone else filming her - her husband?
  • She mentions being followed, poisoned, suppressed
  • She has her own website, - "ufo is nurse for our sin planet"
  • Maxim Belov = husbands name?
Here is an interesting article of someone who looking into Refbatch:
the future is absent. the present is also. the past is disputing every second. that woman female object stopped to exist in 1999, you can see shadow only. the fighter of removed is representing to you its fight. which soon will not be needed as we all will burn. i said i drown in information, like a swimmer, who is exhausting to fight with waves in the lake or ocean-at time when a man drowned on telaviv beach-soon I will not have any dress and any tooth, and you will have to take my talk as it is-without any attributes
-and undertsand its sence.
life become too hard bec of their this hunt.
you did thsi?
you dance bear foot?
ypou did nto sleep and di not eat-
you tookj absue poisones scandla pof hsuabnd befor ework and insteda of sprot triasngina?
you posses vision/
you can move non stop- a out rest poiisitive smotion and money payed. you/
or me/
iof not then taker your long # to your pocketand hold it ther until you will not posses such features as me-
Anna Matskevich was detained and sent to 13-th psychiatrical clinik of Moscow for political expression against totalitarism in Russia…. I called at 9.00 a.m. to the receiption of the clinik.… She said that today Anna Matskevich will be psychiatrically checked and tommorow only I will get result about her future. When I said I want to take her home soon as it is possible - she refused,refering to their timetable. When I asked if any medicins were used against my wife - Mrs.L.V.Mischenko insistably suggested that I should call tommorow….By the way, there is some information that staff of this clinik sadistically jeer at people like fascist butchers in Hitler time.
By low if a person has somebody of his relatives, who are against the psychiatrical test of him - the test can't be done. I am against from the test of my wife.…If Russian Federation just announce open repression against her by such messuares - I apply for political refuge from her name and myself. Rights and freedoms,incl.expressions are persecuted in the country.…It is clear : that when state wants to remove a dissident - there are'nt obstacles for this.
A journalist by the name of Larisa fights with her editor over his unwillingness to allow her to work on a story about corruption in the military. The editor points to photographs on the wall of previous editors who published controversial stories and died because of it. Larisa doesn’t relent, insisting on writing the story and having it published and the editor gives in…. [At] the apartment of Larisa Mishchenko, Larisa looks out the window to see a FSB agent standing watch over her residence….
Read her YouTube profile description:
[...]becides,it also can consider tjhis action as the first of all krmelin fight for anomal technologies and direct accusation of me in connection with UFO what oI never
Just wanted to put this out here for users to look into it. Perhaps it something more than Schizophrenia. It feels like she is trying to send out some type of message. You be the judge.
If anything, it looks like she needs some type of help.

Alex Jones

Jones has not really lost weight and grown fit as of late; rather, this picture was taken by a corporate eugenics media photographer using a fitness lens.
The only reason I'm fat is because the globalists put too much aspartame in my donuts.”
~ Alex Jones on explaining the conspiracy behind his weight
Alexander Emerick "Alex" Jones (born February 11, 1974) is best known for bringing you key info on the Corporate Globalist Eugenics takeover of the world by a Scientific Dictatorship and shattering the false left/right paradigm. Everything he says is backed up directly by the globalists' own documents, plus stuff he found on Google (itself an admitted CIA front).
Jones's radio show consists of him making fun of the peon masses, predicting catastrophes, spending 25% of the show's time saying he's going to take calls but ranting instead, actually taking his shirt off from time to time, and yelling at Piers Morgan. Between these diatribes, he hawks survival goods to listeners in exchange for blood pressure medication and does the worst "British" accent since Dick Van Dyke.

What? Who the hell is Alex Jones?

Jones's Command Center after the globalist-manufactured flood of 2012.
Alex Jones was born on the eleventh day of February, nineteen-seventy-four, the son of Jim Jones, and the only baby to survive Jonestown. As a child, he was pushed into a vat of Jesus Juice, which permanently welded a bull horn onto the front of his face (This is admitted fact, it's all admitted!). All pictures of Alex Jones which do not contain bull horns dated after this event can be assumed to be fakes.
Jones lives deep behind enemy lines in his Central Texas Command Center from where he broadcasts his daily Radio-Internet-TV-MulticastTM Infowars. The Center is notable for its massive stores of pork produce, non-GM seeds, and thousands of unsold copies of The Obama Deception, fashioned into a makeshift throne.
In addition to the above and his noted cooking/pornographic career, Jones is also:
  • An Illuminati shill working on the minds of the masses using careful gatekeeping of his broadcasts whilst generating lists of suspicious Americans for the use of the Homeland Security Department.
  • One of the greatest men ever to set foot on the planet, on a par with Buddha or Jesus or Shaquille O'Neal.
  • A fat bastard who sells DVDs, gold coins, expensive Pot Noodles, and water purification systems that are worthless in order to pad his bank account. We've got the documents.
  • A humungous-bellied failure at dieting, despite promoting weight-loss products on his show. Documented, 100%!
  • A lover of hand-guns and certain other "hand" activities.


Jones advocates the creation of a one-world Neo-Paulian crypto-quasi-pseudo-theocracy in which all far-right, heterosexual baptists (who can prove that they have killed at least one globalist deader than a hammer) will be afforded the freedom to agree with everything that he says, does or thinks. He suggests that the name "New Global Order of Alexonia" to be used for the name of the new Thousand-Year Reich, as he lovingly calls it.
Jones's best friend is President-Elect Donald Trump. Jones has confirmed that Trump has already asked him to be his press secretary with orders to close down the Crooked Media, which Jones said would be "the greatest honor received by any man".
For the religious among us who choose to believe lies, the so-called experts at Wikipedia think they have an article about Alex Jones.
In the very rare moments when Jones is not leading Free Humanity in the InfoWar, he also supplements his income as a male model and professional chef. He makes regular appearances in publications such as Husky Hogs and Meat Magazine, both aimed at the fetish market of readers attracted solely to pork butchers.
Jones hosted a planned cooking TV show called Burn, Baby, Burn, which never aired. By episode 5, the producers simply gave up because Alex wouldn't stop drawing allegory to the World Trade Center — even with the Chicken Cacciatore and honey-glazed ham.

Superpowers and claims of invincibility

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It is said that ideas are bulletproof, and so is Alex Jones. In fact, at the age of 12, Jones was entirely coated with a dense layer of nanotech fat, called “Techfat”, created with a synthesis of colloidal silver and the elusive compound called “marshmallow”, developed by Illuminati scientists at DARPA in an attempt to create a "Super globalist shill". A rag-tag team of Christian libertarians successfully broke into the secret underground labs in Texas to save and evangelize him, only to get all shot in the result... but Jones made his way out and went under the radar for years. Alone, naked with only the Holy Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other, he set out on his quest to save the world from the bankers.
The TechfatTM grants him resistance to projectiles from virtually all firearms as well as explosions up to one megaton. It rendered the multiple attempts by many CIA snipers and mercenaries — as well as several bombings of his radio station by NATO drone fighter jets — completely useless, hence why he still broadcasts after all these years exposing the Illuminati. This also makes him impervious to Whoopi Goldberg, even though Barbara Walters once owned him real bad, but she was proper enough for giving him a bone to chew as a consolation for his battered ego.
Jones was additionally implanted with a radio-transmitting device powered by his overactive brain that allows him to takeover any FM/AM/Shortwave bands wherever he goes, so that he can jam radio transmissions to shout his orders to stand up to the global bankers, to either disgruntled guys caught in hours-long traffic jams or these lipstick lesbians having wild sex by the pool.


Jones was awarded the psychological health award for outstanding sanity in the face of adversity by the American Association of Mental Health Professionals Against the New World Order on September 11, 2001. He subsequently declined to accept the award, citing his belief that the organization was a front for Satan-worshiping Illuminati working in close association with the Bilderberg Group, to hypnotize their patients into believing that their recovered memories of Satanic Cult abuse are actually an elaborate screen implanted by Grey Aliens to cover their tracks.
In 2011, Jones was nominated for a Bogdanoff Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Quick Rundowns on the NWO Takeover Plot. He would eventually finish second place to Archangels Michael and Gabriel.

David Icke

As the leader of those in-the-know, Icke is tireless in advancing the hidden agenda of the Reptilians. Here Icke as seen when you squint your eyes and look at him just a little bit sideways.
~ The Queen on hearing David Icke's Name
David Icke is a former English football player, television sports journalist, and former leader of the Green Party. He is also a philosopher, model-maker, documentary film maker, Messiah, and alien-human-hybrid-reptilian shapeshifter.
Hatched at 6:15 PM on April 29th, 1952, in Leicester Zoo, England David was born to the only Rockefellian Iguana in the facility, who had become pregnant without the use of a turkey baster. Considered by some to be a freak and by others to be a little plump around the mid section, David Icke remains to be the only real alien-human-hybrid-reptilian-shapeshifter known to mankind.
Preferring the warmth of the sun on his skin, Icke quit school to become a football goalkeeper, but unfortunately his reptilian knees were unable to take the punishment of the professional game and he was forced to become a TV Presenter for the BBC. Shortly afterwards, he would meet the one person who would become his life long arch enemy and nemesis: Des Lynam.

Des Lynam / New World Order

Des Lynam; the man behind the moustache behind the New World Order.
Having taken control of the Bilderberg group, the CFR, The Trilateral Commission and the United Nations Des Lynam knew that only David Icke stood between him and complete control over the entire New World Order.
When Icke realised Lynam's evil plans and begin to fight against them, it was already too late. Using Manchurian candidate brainwashing techniques, Lynam forced Icke to watch thousands of hours of run-runs of a 1980s sci-fi mini-series. Applying methods Lynam had developed at Plum Island, he was able to convince Icke that he was not the only alien-human-hybrid-reptilian-shapeshifter on the planet, and that actually the world was controlled by an evil inter-dimensional-frequency based 1980s sci-fi mini-series.
When the brainwashing process was complete, Lynam compounded Icke's misery by forcing him to wear Nick Conway's old tracksuits and appear on Wogan. Ickes character assignation was complete and he was sent to the Isle of Wight for 40 episodes to be laughed at.
By ousting Icke, and taking control of Football programming on BBC1 Lynam was able to control the BBC and therefore the United Kingdom and with it his Ring of Power over the planet would be complete. Despite his apparent loss of sanity and being under Lynam's Manchurian candidate control, Icke still maintained some understanding of Des Lynam and his evil NWO agenda, and began to gather a small following amongst those willing to listen to stories about lizards.
Over time, Lynam's ability to control Icke began to reduce and Icke's following began to grow. Especially when he started to talk a bit less about lizards, and power appeared to be shifting in Icke's favour. Lynam felt the shift in the balance of power and employed his new apprentice Gary Lineker to convince Icke that the moon was made of cheese by forcing him to watch thousands of hours of Wallace and Grommit videos. This alienated many of Icke's alien followers, but many cheese experts still insist that perhaps it might be worth going back to the moon just to check.


David Icke arrives at the 2010 Winter Dance at Buckingham Palace. Icke's friendship with the Queen and Prince Philip is well known "in some circles".
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Davids Brother - 'Icke Turner' (Nice Tache!)
David Icke. What must be said, what can be omitted?
Torquiose is Davids Favourite Color
Brother: Icke Turner; unsuccessful fake moustache salesman & Presenter of 'World of Sport'.
  • Mother: Rockefellian Iguana , the only lesbian Rockefellian Iguana in Leicester zoo, who become pregnant in mysterious circumstances.
  • Twin brother: Eaten alive by David in utero.
Prophet Icke channelling a Higher Power.
What cannot be left unsaid about David Icke?
His own words: "As I looked at the mound, a voice in my head began to say: ' If you see Sid tell him.'"
More of it: "Only by breaking free from the shackles [ of sanity ] could I now be going around the world talking about shape-shifting reptilians occupying the positions of global power."
Monumentally abused: "I have taken 20 years of monumental abuse and misrepresentation on a scale that few, except Duncan 'Chase Me' Norvelle, have ever experienced. So what is said about me by harry Secombe and his goons on websites is like flying on an elephant's back - irrelevant to me. But if others, who are targets of this vicious 'comedian' want to take legal action in response, that is entirely up to me, which is why I am talking about it. Personally, I prefer to let my acolytes post poorly phrased abuse and ill-advised threats of legal action while I sit at home wanking into a dish and crying."
For the religious among us who choose to believe lies, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about David Icke.

The Beliefs

David Icke has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a silver Illuminati pyramid under the water off the coast of Cuba, just above the Shatner's Bassoon. David Icke believes that Prince Charles is an iguana, and that he, himself, is the Cosmic Suitcase of Ruth and Dave. Icke believes in super silver solutions monatomic gold and its efficacy in treating sanity. David believes in crystal power, astrology, eating the anal glands of civet cats for good health, and the fundamental doctrine of luciferianism. He also believes that Mr T pities the fool and certainly won't be getting on no plane.
Icke believes that the Illuminati doesn't yet own the entire world, only the small software company, Opera. He maintains that Opera plans on terrorising Microsoft with flaming bags of excrement, as well as Opera singing until it succumbs and gives away the source code to Windows as well as all rights to the most-crashing OS, so Opera can take over the IT world and extort all non-Macintosh offices for billions of dollars. After this, Illuminati intends to reinstall the Y2K bug for all computers, even the thousand Apple Macs in the world, and change the bug so it implodes computers on December 21, 2012. Icke says the machines will actually explode and reduce the worlds population to 533 million people. The insidious plan then proceeds to kick off the New World Order where reptilians will be slaves for the poor, and crocodiles will be hunted again as Steve Irwin is resurrected and becomes the figurehead of the New World Religion.
David Icke after moulting.
Icke claims vindication for his views from a number of indisputable facts:
  • That the royal family, George Bush, the Rothschild family and other wealthy people he claims are evil slobbering shapeshifting reptiles have not come forward for blood tests.
  • He claims that Prince Charles uses his large ears as a communication device to communicate with his reptilian brethren on Sirius 6 in the Aformsa galaxy.
  • That no-one has tried to debunk Icke's well-researched claims except for "obvious purveyors of disinformation.
David Icke believes that all who do not believe in him and his message of "Infinite Love" are as follows:
  • "I couldn't care less what they say because they are a bunch of irrelevant, self-indulgent navel-contemplators who are doing the Illuminati's job for them by seeking to undermine any researcher who commits the crime of actually getting the information out to the mainstream public."
  • "They are just shepherds who hide behind bushes to spew out their hatreds from their gutless anonymity, despite the fact that they have no guts and, therefore, I'm a little unsure where the spew in question would have originated from. They have balls the size of processed peas and the word 'Homebase' does not even begin to suffice."
  • "Why should I, or anyone else, care what such people say about me or anyone? Well, obviously I care enough to make this statement, but the irony seems to have escaped me for the moment. They are utterly irrelevant and they have made themselves so by refusing to buy my self-published pamphlets."
Icke, when provoked enough, also claims to believe that "I have already done more to inform the public worldwide, and change lives for the better, than most people will do if they live to be a thousand."
  • Thora Hird, the thousand year old actress and inventor of the stair-lift responded to this comment by pointing out that Icke is "a schizophrenic second-rate goal-keeper who wouldn't know community responsibility if he fell over it on the way to his helicopter pad." She later added, "If he thinks different I'll see the twat outside."
Icke has yet to respond to these comments, and appears unlikely to want a confrontation in the near future.

The Reptilian Brain

The Reptilian Brain (of course!)
David Icke discovered his the reptilian brain after opening his head to complain about the noise. The two Lizards called Percy and Flibble both agreed to keep the noise down, as long as he keeps talking about truth vibrations, however worrying for Icke fans: Percy and Flibble haven't made contact with Icke's brain for some time now.
David's brain Lizards are currently acting as part-time consultants to the UK labour party leader Ed Miliband
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Godzilla attacking David's Home in Ryde, England

The Libel Action

In 2004, David was taken to the high court in London after Godzilla was suing him for Liable. The main premise being that 'Godzilla is not assuming a human identity and is a Lizard by choice and didnt wanted to be tarred by being Illuminati'. During the hearing, things got heated and Godzilla even threatened David's home on the Isle of Wight if he didn't stop accusing him of being related to the Queen. The case ran for 1 hour and the judge awarded Godzilla undisclosed damages.

Moon Cheese

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Who stole the Cheese?
Davids latest theory is covered in his 2010 book the 2010 page Opus Is the Moon made of cheese?. His latest theory is that the Extras from V Mind Control Reptiles are close to exhausting their cheese stock from the moon and now want to take over the earth's food chain of hard dairy related products. Sceptics have pointed out the diet requirements of reptiles do not include cheese and this would probably kill them. However Icke reassures us that if The Queen can eat dairy products then so can the Illuminati.

Problem, Reaction, Final Solution?

David Icke frequently claims to have invented the Hegelian Dialectic, when asked why it was not then called 'the Ickian Dialectic' he blurted out a series of important sounding words in no particular order and made a break for the door.
When asked if by lizards he really meant Jews Icke replied:
No you retard. I am referring to Rothchild Zionism which is an evil group of ridiculously rich bankers and businessmen who could not give a fuck about religion or you for that matter. Also, I'm controlled by Des Lynam using Manchurian candidate brainwashing techniques. Why don't you bastards believe me?
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So that's why he pretends to be a lizard…
Karin Catherine Waldegrave
In 2011 something strange happened on Facebook. People were made aware of the hundreds of unnerving messages that were posted by a Canadian woman named Karin Catherine Waldegrave. Her messages read like the ramblings of a deranged conspiracy theory kook, however it wasn’t what she said that unnerved many. It was the fact that she was having a conversation with her own self. Five hundred to seven hundred cryptic replies within a twelve hour period. Soon after the messages stopped and were removed. And with it went Karin’s Facebook account. Leaving behind questions and the mystery of what happened to Karin Catherine Waldegrave.
According to her Facebook profile, Karin Catherine Waldegrave was born in London and studied at the University of Toronto, Canada. Earning herself a Ph.D. during her time there. According to her profile she is well traveled and speaks several different languages including  French, Estonian, Latvian, English, Russian, Gallic, Latin, and German. Proof of this was often times seen in her multi language replies to herself. However most of her posts were in English and read like chopped sentences from random texts.
This is an example of one of Karin’s seemingly normal post. Notice the 38 comments on her post.
When other strange ramblings started to appear, things really started to get weird.
There is a clear distinction between the coherent and incoherent posts made only a day apart by Karin or whoever was responsible for creating the account. It is because of this “switch” in text that many online users began to question the woman’s sanity. The word schizophrenic appeared alongside the link to her Facebook profile in many online forums. Soon, more posts were uncovered and shared amongst many.
In her profile, there were only a handful of personal images Karin uploaded. Strangely enough, they all displayed signs of film damage.
Karin then begins to mention the FBI and CIA on her posts, talking about being controlled and monitored by them, the men in black. She mentions the illegal and perverse doings of the “Elite” and how she knows several international criminal networks.  This of course sparks theories of her possible involvement in the infamous government project, MKUltra. However the more you read into her posts, it becomes more and more apparent that none of it makes any sense.
  • February 14 at 11:41am   
  • Also, the organized criminal pervert network which constructed our upscale condominium building in 1997 is advised to stop peeping tommery in it and activist social programming while harassing homeowners in a variety of ways including maste r key type entry in absentia and aggressive impertinent socialite curiosity. Selling retired entrepreneurial couples, war veterans, and young married couples with toddler age children and without (also considering other residents such as young professionals such as accountants as renters in the building) $2.5 Million worth of real estate (us for example – we are married and have been spouses for 8 years in a long marriage, a second long and faithful marriage for both of us – lifelong home owners in Canada both with the exception of 1947 – 1952), continuing peeping over the years and other home invading behaviour by frequent knocks on the door
At times there are paragraphs after paragraphs of this nonsensical text, all posted within a minute of each other. Which then brings up the question of this being done via some clever programming. A script or API that connects to Facebook and is testing automated posts. Sounds possible right? I would subscribe to that theory if it wasn’t for the fact that throughout the garbage of text, there does appear to be some form of structure to her messages and conversations. A hidden message. Which leads me to this:
Could Karin Catherine Waldegrave’s Facebook account have been a modern spy communication log? Some sort of social networking Number Station that can only be deciphered by traveling spies? Or was she an extremely intelligent person who snapped and began an online diary of her mental demise?
Whatever you may think, one thing is for sure; the internet has never heard from Karin Catherine Waldegrave since.
These people do not perceive life outside of these systems. I have never been in them. You are perverts from my perspective. The evil unfree. I was not raised and educated to be you. I am more today onyl because you could not ever nab me with my mother or father. Continuing to stinking obsessively attack me, training wave afte rwave of newborn bastards to hate me and try to hurt me. Internationally. Just plain weird/creepy.
I am not on the KGB's side. Never have been. On yours? Yes. And not aganst myself and any normal person in our tradition. I am not Czar's madwoman or Sad Dame Who is "Hussein." Global circus "101," narratives. Always on an artistic vacation. Form all brains. CIA French slut. Who is she? Their agent anywhere in the world. We do not like to be in less than diplomatic costume to counterpillory of course. "Pilloriin Pillepopper." Maybe she's some kind of government secret black ops agent who just went insane with all these secrets in her head just randomly bubbling up via facebook messages. Probably not but sounds cool.
In the matter of hurting or murdering or debilitating anybosy or not defending proper matrimonial vows and values? I am supposed to start respecting "F" mackensen after she ruined my marriage? Hers ot Saxe-Szonyi?
Tell Curt Hudson to murder his wife and children. They ar enot relevant in our upper class tradition.
I have been going through her Facebook since last night; it's oddly fascinating and is very sad. I started from her very first posts (March 2010) where is nutty but not as crazy as in her most recent posts.
It does seem she is mentally ill. She had a husband but they divorced in the early 2000s. She still seems to be obsessed with his family and mostly speaks of them and but not as much about her own. They are a fairly affluent family and her ex-husband seems to be a part of the Estonian community here in Toronto (he is in his late 40s now - they have been separated for at least 10 years). I think his family opened a printing company which he now runs. She speaks often of their family cottage and how it was destroyed/vandalizes (all of her photos show signs of what looks like water damage). She lost a child in 1998. She also sometimes rants about professors at the University of Toronto. Sometimes, she invites people from either her husband's family or her old friends to comment on her posts, but they are not friends with her on Facebook. She also believes that people are out to rob, hurt, kill her and her husband's family.
Some people think she was a history major, which is quite possible but she doesn't mention it often but does post a lot of articles related to politics, war, and secret services. She read the Christopher Andrew's book In Defense of the Realm (a book about MI5) and a history book about the MI6 which I think helped to fuel her rantings about secret service jobs. And whatever downward spiral she was on from March 2010 until May 2011 convinced her she is/was somehow involved with the CIA, FBI, CSIS and MI6 + 5.
She is quite obsessed with genealogy and it seems that it only got worse with time. She convinced herself that she was of German royalty/nobility. And also related to Sir Vernon Waldegrave Kell. Which is unfounded according to other people who looked in to her. Also, neither her married or maiden name is Waldergrave or Kell or anything related to that family. Even though she now continuously claims her relations to them (when this delusion begins, around July 26th 2010, she says that she was told for years that she might be his only surviving great-granddaughter).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing creepy about her; it's just very, very sad. I also feel like a dick going through what are personal memories and information that she is posting, but god damn, I can't help it. It does seems she is quite smart with a giant wealth of knowledge and spends most of her time on the internet and Wikipedia and then throws it all out on Facebook. But she is mentally ill, paranoid and delusional. ”

Christopher Langan

You gotta believe my incoherent babbling, MAN! I'm just a MISUNDERSTOOD genius, MAN!
“”I am closer to absolute truth than any man has been before me
Christopher Langan (1952–) is a fellow of the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design (ISCID), a professional society which promotes intelligent design. His IQ has been measured at 195
(although, at such high levels, IQ tests are highly unreliable) and he also claims to have scored a perfect SAT score while taking a nap during the test. He's employed as a bar bouncer.
Langan styles himself as a misunderstood genius; indeed, Filmmaker Errol Morris directed a short documentary on Langan titled The Smartest Man in the World. However, his pet theory, the "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe," appears to the casual observer to be a steaming mound of incoherent babbling, and Langan has reportedly used ad hominem attacks against those asking him to explain it further, which does not bode well for his "misunderstood genius" claims.


Langan accepts the theory of evolution, but believes it could not be responsible for the specified complexity of the biodiversity that we see today. He believes on various levels that intelligence is responsible for the evolution of life, the ultimate level being "GOD" or the Global Operator Definor (or Designer), which is compatible with the monotheism found in the God of the Bible. He even believes there is a logico-mathematical explanation for the phenomenon of a "messiah", which suggests Jesus wasn't the only one; however, he describes his personal approach as "logical theology" in his words,
“”What does this say about God? First, if God is real, then God inheres in the comprehensive reality syntax, and this syntax inheres in matter. Ergo, God inheres in matter, and indeed in its space-time substrate as defined on material and supramaterial levels. This amounts to pantheism, the thesis that God is omnipresent with respect to the material universe. Now, if the universe were pluralistic or reducible to its parts, this would make God, who coincides with the universe itself, a pluralistic entity with no internal cohesion. But because the mutual syntactic consistency of parts is enforced by a unitary holistic manifold with logical ascendancy over the parts themselves — because the universe is a dual-aspected monic entity consisting of essentially homogeneous, self-consistent infocognition — God retains monotheistic unity despite being distributed over reality at large. Thus, we have a new kind of theology that might be called mono-pantheism, or even more descriptively, holo-pantheism. Second, God is indeed real, for a coherent entity identified with a self-perceptual universe is self-perceptual in nature, and this endows it with various levels of self-awareness and sentience, or constructive, creative intelligence. Indeed, without a guiding Entity whose Self-awareness equates to the coherence of self-perceptual space-time, a self-perceptual universe could not coherently self-configure. Holo-pantheism is the logical, meta-theological umbrella beneath which the great religions of mankind are unknowingly situated. Why, if there exists a spiritual metalanguage in which to establish the brotherhood of man through the unity of sentience, are men perpetually at each others' throats? Unfortunately, most human brains, which comprise a particular highly-evolved subset of the set of all reality-subsystems, do not fire in strict S-isomorphism much above the object level. Where we define one aspect of "intelligence" as the amount of global structure functionally represented by a given sÎS, brains of low intelligence are generally out of accord with the global syntax D(S). This limits their capacity to form true representations of S (global reality) by syntactic autology [d(S) Éd d(S)] and make rational ethical calculations. In this sense, the vast majority of men are not well-enough equipped, conceptually speaking, to form perfectly rational worldviews and societies; they are deficient in education and intellect, albeit remediably so in most cases. This is why force has ruled in the world of man…why might has always made right, despite its marked tendency to violate the optimization of global utility derived by summing over the sentient agents of S with respect to space and time."


In a video uploaded to YouTube Langan talks about how he wishes he could implement a benign form of eugenics involving mandatory birth control and health screenings, and how breeding as much as we like isn't necessarily a free right, and that people have to be trained to not abuse their freedoms, especially at the expense of future generations.

Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU)

Langan describes the CTMU as a metatheory or a theory about how theories are made in general. The subjects he covers belong to the fields of epistemology and meta-mathematics. The main concept in the CTMU is "telic recursion" which differs from standard Markovian recursion in which the next state is only determined by the current one, but that the next state is also determined by the path it took to get to that state as well as the rest of space and time, so the state-transitional syntax of every part is ultimately determined by the "syntactic unisect" of the whole, which he identifies with "teleology", the relationship between the logic of the parts and the whole with "hology" and the theological or metaphysical system this implies as "holotheism".
“”Scientific theories are mental constructs that have objective reality as their content. According to the scientific method, science puts objective content first, letting theories be determined by observation. But the phrase "a theory of reality" contains two key nouns, theory and reality, and science is really about both. Because all theories have certain necessary logical properties that are abstract and mathematical, and therefore independent of observation — it is these very properties that let us recognize and understand our world in conceptual terms — we could just as well start with these properties and see what they might tell us about objective reality. Just as scientific observation makes demands on theories, the logic of theories makes demands on scientific observation, and these demands tell us in a general way what we may observe about the universe.
In other words, a comprehensive theory of reality is not just about observation, but about theories and their logical requirements. Since theories are mental constructs, and mental means "of the mind", this can be rephrased as follows: mind and reality are linked in mutual dependence at the most basic level of understanding. This linkage of mind and reality is what a TOE (Theory of Everything) is really about. The CTMU is such a theory; instead of being a mathematical description of specific observations (like all established scientific theories), it is a "metatheory" about the general relationship between theories and observations…i.e., about science or knowledge itself. Thus, it can credibly lay claim to the title of TOE.
Mind and reality — the abstract and the concrete, the subjective and the objective, the internal and the external — are linked together in a certain way, and this linkage is the real substance of "reality theory". Just as scientific observation determines theories, the logical requirements of theories to some extent determine scientific observation. Since reality always has the ability to surprise us, the task of scientific observation can never be completed with absolute certainty, and this means that a comprehensive theory of reality cannot be based on scientific observation alone. Instead, it must be based on the process of making scientific observations in general, and this process is based on the relationship of mind and reality. So the CTMU is essentially a theory of the relationship between mind and reality.
Critics point out this model is kind of a semantic game. In an interview, Langan was asked if nonconsciousness exists, and if that question is the same as the nonsensical question: "Does nonexistence exist?" Chris Langan answered, "Consciousness is a stratified predicate. Everything partakes of global consciousness, but on the local level, incoherence results from stratification. So the answer is yes and no. Regarding existence, it is defined on its complement, namely "nonexistence". So if one exists, both exist." What is missing is a distinction between conceptual and material existence. Just because something exists materially, does not mean it can also not exist in the material world. An example is the Earth's sun in the year 2005. We know it materially exists in the year 2005. Conceptually we can imagine it not existing in that year. But materially, apparently it does exist in 2005, which means that it's not the case that it materially doesn't exist in the year 2005. Another example, "In order for X to have property X, ~X must also have property X." The former is arguable and perhaps defendable; the latter is clearly false. But by turning the former into an examination of existence, he has turned it into the latter.
Langan also explains that the Expanding Rubber Sheet Universe is the Universe as a Self-Representational Entity, which is a consequence of duality in an "infocognitive" lattice. He admits the ideas in his theory are not new, however they haven't been brought together before. The shift towards noncommutative geometry found in Shahn Majid's work is one example.
“”In fact, the CTMU can be characterized as a THEORY of how the mind DEFINES and IS DEFINED by the universe.
“”What I am going to argue now is that what we know about quantum gravity — what we have seen in earlier posts — is telling us that the Scientific Method itself is perhaps the fundamental ‘metaequation’ of physics. To see what I have in mind, consider playing chess but forgetting or not being aware of the rules of chess (perhaps because you learned them at a very early age). Then as you play, you experience the reality of chess, the frustration of being checkmated and so forth. In this sense the joining of a club, the acceptance or rules or constraints ‘creates’ a bit of reality, the reality of chess.
What if Physical Reality is no different, created by the rules of looking at the world as a Scientist? In other words, just maybe, as we search for the ultimate theory of physics we are in fact rediscovering our own assumptions in being Scientists, the Scientific Method?
To explain why I think so, we need to think about the nature of representation. Imagine a bunch of artists gathered around a scene X, each drawing their own representation of it from their angle, style and ethos. Any one bit x of the scene is represented by the artist f of the collection as maybe a fleck of paint on their canvas. Now, the amazing thing — and this is possibly the deepest thing I know in all of physics and mathematics — is that one could equally well view the above another way in which the ‘real thing’ is not the scene X, which might after all be just a useless bowl of fruit, but the collection, X* of artists. So it is not bits x of X being represented but rather it is the artists f in X*. Each point x of the fruit bowl can be viewed as a representation of X* in which the artist f is represented by the same fleck of paint as we had before. By looking at how different artists treat a single point x of the fruit bowl we can ‘map out’ the structure of the collection X*.
What this is is a deep duality between observer and observed which is built into the nature of representation. Whenever any mathematical object f represents some structure X we can equally well view an element x of X as representing f as an element of some other structure X*. The same numbers f(x) are written now as x(f). In mathematics we say that X and X* are dually paired. Importantly one is not more ‘real’ than the other.
So within mathematics we have this deep observer-observed or measurer-measured duality symmetry. We can reverse roles. But is the reversed theory equivalent to the original? In general no; the bowl of fruit scene is not equivalent to the collection of artists. But in physics perhaps yes, and perhaps such a requirement, which I see as coming out of the scientific method, is a key missing ingredient in our theoretical understanding.
In an ID forum Langan and his partner Genie LoSasso threatened critics and engaged in relentless character assassination. Even non-critics who innocently say they don't understand his ideas are often accused by Langan of lying by pretending not to understand. He began his essay on the explanatory debts of scientific naturalism with the Hegelian dictum thesis + antithesis = synthesis, in which he attempts to show how natural selection and teleological selection are compatible explanations for evolution, not only on the biological but cosmic scale. However rather than "design" Langan uses terms like "self-determinacy" and "self-design", which are closer to the autopoietic nature of his ideas.

Wikipedia Warrior

Under the handle Asmodeus, Langan and his partner have been caught repeatedly trying to postively skew the Wikipedia article covering him and the CTMU. Exhibiting his typical highly aggressive style of combative dialectic he attempted to brow-beat everyone who edited the page; this eventually led to him being topic banned.
And there are many others out there...

