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the perceptual limit of time travel.

If we use commonly accepted laws of physics as a basis for questioning the nature of time travel, you get some very chilling and interesting observations. from my knowledge of quantum physics, it appears that the human concept of time is relyant on certain aspects of displacement from our earth and gravity, Speed.
Physicists have concluded that the only way to move backwards in time would be to move faster than the speed of light, which would be impossible with our current technology, since acceleration to such a speed would require an exponentially growing fuel reserve and a push of infinite mass.
Lets assume we figured that out, sooner rather than later. If we sent bob on a course towards earth at a speed faster than light, his displacement in time would have him some seconds,days,years, etc. from the time he started his journey.
Heres where it gets fuzzy. if it took bobs vehicle any observable amount of time, say a single second in earth time, but from his perspective, at the point before he reached a velocity GREATER than 'c', everyone bob ever knew would have long since died during his acceleration, and he began to age slower relative to earth living more and more, he would have somply blinked in the amount of time it took for the entire human genome to have changed to adapt to its new enviorment or possibly have even gone extinct, then once reaching the smallest additional speed greater than light, go back to earth in the time somewhere before he left the planet for this expedition.
Based on observation by bobs wife and everyone else on bob's earth, bob would still be accelerating and be only seconds older while everyone he knew was either dead or on their deathbed, and percievably would never be seen again and unable to observe the point at which he went back in time.

However, if Bob's vehicle accelerated beyond the speed of light in a instant from Earths perspective, Bob would be observed as simply no longer existing to the world watching him go, and in reality should never, ever see him again. When Bobs vehicle slows down and lands on a slightly younger earth, It CANNOT be the same planet he left, or even the same universe. everything could be the same but Bob could not be born on this version of earth. the version of earth where bob was sent back in time could not be the same earth that observes his arrival in the past, because that would mean that bob has already traveled back in time an infinite number of times, meaning there was no earth where bob DIDINT travel back in time.
This means that bob's body is on an alternate earth, where bobs creation was not birth, but his arrival in the past through the use of his time traveling vehicle. from bobs perspective, and perhaps in reality, Bobs universe was destroyed by his transportation backwards to an earlier time on earth. No one on Bob's original earth can experience an effect from Bob's actions in the past, because Bob cannot return to the earth in which he began his journey back in time.
So this means that if our Theoretical time traveler bob went back in time and changed history, lets say he changed the outcome of the first world war to end in a peace treaty during stalemate, Bob and his vehicle has not altered time, but rather created a new universe in which history played out that way due to his interference, and no matter how big or small or how close to his own birth, none of the people he met could ever exist on this earth, because that would be another paradox.
It is concievable that time and historical events act naturally in a way that makes such paradoxes impossible,

And that our timeline of strange and unpredictable events is a result of many different time travelers from different earths who created a world in which things happened differently

if our timeline of events is the product of impossible time travelers influencing people with no profit but to exist in their newly created history, and never revealed their journey to anyone, We would never know what reality Bob came from, and the things Bob did would only be valuable to Bob. The alternate history our Bob created is true history to us, and not suprising or wonderful at all. but to Bob, his influence on the world could be the most influence a man could ever have and the most spectacular thing a man can experience, because Bob could literally observe the butterfly effect firsthand.

My hypothesis is that a man who used such a vehicle to take himself and some belongings backwards in time can only show us events that can not happen the way they did on his earth, because his arrival back in time would mean he ceased to exist on his earth and began to exist as an adult in his vehicle, earlier in time.

Because of this time-perception paradox Bob cannot go back in time and live in a world that leads to his own birth, because this would give younger bob the opportunity see his future self in his own past, which would require the original Bob to have already seen another, MORE original Bob who would have seen the same thing, which could not exist because their could be no original Bob who was the first version of himself to travel back in time.

If you travel back in time, your on a different earth, and its yours to manipulate.

could multiple time travellers (of different identities of course) meet on the same alternate earth? if several time travelers from different realities met on the same earth, they would be the most powerful people on it, because by sharing their knowledge they can be certain what will NOT happen, and make assumptions of the future accordingly. If they became politicians they would be capable of always changing fate, losing battles but never losing wars.

Everything that is currently happening has already happened an infinite amount of times. I have been trapped in a perpetual loop for trillions of trillions of years, yet my memory is reset every time I am reborn. The universe cannot die, gravity eventually pulls everything back into a singularity which allows for another big bang. The catch is that light and all other matter is drawn back to the exact same location as it did billions of years previous when the former big bang happened. As a result everything happens in the same sequence. There is no such thing as free will, everything is deliberate. Help me.

Moving faster than light would give us an imaginary number as time dilation, not a negative time dilation

(pic related)

>move faster than the speed of light
could be possible under apparent faster-than-light, where distorted regions of spacetime would permit matter to reach distant locations in less time than light could.
But then you need to find the distorted regions in spacetime and navigate it coherently.

Just for the people who don't comprehend: if you move really fast, your time will tick slower than a relatively stationary clock. In other words, your time will dilate

the version of earth where bob was sent back in time could not be the same earth that observes his arrival in the past, because the INITIAL CONDITIONS have changed to create a circumstance in which Bob would have never existed

Bob wouldn't just go back in time and then simply step out of the time machine and experience time normally. No, he would go back in time and at the same time do all those "amazing things" in his newly created universe.
Bob would still age and die during the time travel and at the same time, he would live in the newly created universe in reverse time and also age and die.

>If you travel back in time, you're on a different earth, and it's yours to manipulate.
The hard part would be directing yourself to a past timeline that you want, just as hard as it is directing yourself now to the future timeline you want.

What is the Universe you want?
Sooner or later you would find that you would create the Universe EXACTLY as it is now, unless you have a specific affinity to the human race.

Can I manipulate my Destiny already?

The perceptual limit I believe is only limited by mind fuckery. The threshold of information the brain is willing to hold before it starts dwindling.

There were these new age documentaries of time travel and its use in Papua New Guinea. Why Papua New Guinea? Supposedly they say melanesians don’t belong there and most of South East Asian/Pacific Islands had been used by Chinese to make American looking people. Ultimately create a Manchuria candidate like society controlled by Chinese government unbeknownst to them.

In the time travel documentary they explained the use of the Papuan New Guineans described as a Pygmy people. And how they’d be monitored outside their habitats by land given to them in the island of Hispaniola. Studies of same people split into two groups.

Wifi might be the key to teleportation.

ayo hol up
so you be sayin
dees instagraham thots
can teleport?

