The forbidden fruit was the redpill - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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The forbidden fruit was the redpill

Knowledge was the forbidden fruit. The red pill is the most knowledable political methodology, an unorthodox reform of societal reconstruction. Rejected by the blind followers of Moloch.

The original sin is that we have knowledge, or intelligence, and still we live like animals. Or worse than animals. It was better for us to stay in blissful ignorance and live in the garden of eden, than building this abortion of civilization with our so called intelligence

the blue pilled humans were not fat and they didn't wear a striped jersey or glasses. Also there was no human harvesting going on under the blue façade, or anything nefarious, just walkies with an OG. The forbidden fruit was enough of the red pill to force all default seedlings to live in a state where not taking the brown pill would drain their life force, and taking the red pill would be extremely painful.

Eve caused SUICIDE and GRIEF.

Your mind has been warped by Moloch by making you see it where it wants you to see it. You worship a beast that is consumption for the sake of consumption, a system that exports suffering into the future, such that we are effectively consuming unborn children. The baby-eaters want to distract you from our impact on future generations - they don't give a shit, they have amassed enough wealth to insulate themselves to outside suffering.

Every since I have taken the redpill, I can't live comfortably in the Garden.
Everything and everybody just feels so fake and sickening.
I have been banished, by my own choice

Things aren't perfect, but things aren't as bad as they seem either. There is a good and a bad part of everyone, you can focus on the bad or you can acknowledge the bad while valuing the good. Realize you are not more perfect than the rest of this imperfect world. But you don't see yourself as fake, people are flawed but good.

The lord is our shepperd and will keep us safe from the wolf and will guide us to green pastures. And the lord will pick humans like wheat and separate yhe wheat from the weeds....

That's all pretty untill you realize.
>the wheat is then used and consumed by the farmer.
>the sheep end up to be used as comodoty and in the end are also consumed by the sheperd.

Your "god" is the evil Jesus warned us about.

the real red pill is that the serpent in the garden of eden was an avatar of Jesus Christ trying to break you out of prison and the god of the garden is actually satan

>the losing side
>the god above god is the losing side
>becoming a god is bad
>eternal life being a god is bad
>escaping the prison of matter is bad
>you have to be a sheep with a vain promise of heaven which will lead you to torture and misery because that's being good

Yahweh is a petty tribal child king and sadistic

 If you consider species mixing and learning evil so we sin and therefore die is redpilled.

> abortion of civilization with our so called intelligence

I'm laying on a memory foam mattress inside a heated house and using a hunk of refined earth elements to tell you from a thousand miles away that youre fucking retarded. Now I'm going to go open my refrigerator that's filled with food and eat breakfast while I think about how great it is that my primary method of transportation allows me to go hundreds of miles in a few hours from a comfortable seated position.

have a tart 

