Escape from this world (Part 1) - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Escape from this world (Part 1)

Escape from this world


The most important Books of humanity are those that make up the Canon. Main teachers of history are those who have knowledge commanded by the word. They form a continuous line of succession in the tradition of the Sages, spreading sacred Knowledge. The major method of using this priceless treasure for the one's own benefit is Gnosis. What is the Canon? Egyptian pyramid texts, the Bible, the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Sutras ... Who are the Sages? Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Vyasa, Lao Tzu ... These names are known to all, but few read, let alone understand their complex and highly scientific creations. Very few know the gnostic method and possess the technique of working with texts. The basic method of the Gnosis is the interpretation, the transcription of a symbol, translation of metalanguage into common language, understanding the hidden meaning, a direct entry into the mystery, the direct experience of the sacred... - Or, in short, an understanding of the Teaching and finding the Truth.


There are two paths to understanding: "Who understands my teaching becomes a Buddha (an awakened one), who does not understand prays to me" - said the Indian sage Gautama Buddha. The first get everything, the second give a lot, but get very little. The first direction defines the genre of the book. In order to continue the tradition of study of eternal themes that underlie all philosophical and theological systems, this genre is marked by compilers as a modern Gospel of Truth. The known ancient text with the same name, which was established in the second century AD, is attributed to the founder of one of the most famous Gnostic schools - heresiarch Valentinus, or one of his followers. The first lines of the text declares, "joy to those who have received from the Father the gift of knowing the truth through the power of His Word." The term gospel means the good news of salvation. In a more traditional sense of the word, the book includes descriptions of many hitherto unknown aspects of the lives of Christ and other heroes of the spiritual history of mankind. However, we reveal these details not by the way of dubious historical and archaeological research, but by using a rigorous and reliable method - through interpretation of authoritative texts. All of our characters will pass before the eyes of the reader in unexpected guises, as in a magic theater, giving new understanding of already established ideas of right and wrong, harmful and useful, beneficial and dangerous - until you change the polarity, thus revealing the non-dual Truth.


The desire to stand on the top position for the last Gnostic implies a certain "scientific" style and very sophisticated technique of presentation, but the general problem of this book is simple. The ultimate aim of any person, to which he is obliged to go once, is salvation. This simple word hides a lot: life and immortality, freedom and grace, peace and joy. In the East, for full disclosure, various terms: Nirvana, Moksha, Kaivalya, peace with God (see, however, also the Bible - Ps. 84:9, Rom. 5:1) ...

Until I fall under the fence and
The wind will finish off me,
The dream of soon salvation
Burns me as a curse.
 (Anna Akhmatova)

The key to this is extremely difficult, but solvable problem is the Truth that is God (Jeremiah 10:10). The happiest person is the opportunity for gaining the ability to love and trust. This acquisition takes the person out of the zone of doubt, misery and confusion. It is a gift of the Spirit. Similarly, the truth has only the one who does have it already, who found her in own person as the supreme gift, it is not transmitted to the ear, in the finished form, from birth or through tradition. To achieve the goal, there is only one way - through the true Self of man, through his personal spiritual growth; this way is recognized in all religions. "I am the way and the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6), "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end" (Revelation 1:8, cf. Isa. 44:6), the Hebrew word Emet (truth) contains the first, middle and last letters of the alphabet.

Nothing can beat the approaching horde of death
But to the truth, immortality is hiding from falsehood in truth ...
One dies from error, immortality is achieved by truth.
"I am That", non-harming, seeking for the truth ...
 (Mahabharata. Mokshadharme, Ch. 175)

Thus our task - approving Joy of Life - is more important for each of us than all the social and worldly problems.

Dead is the doctor, and the patient died, and the whole world died.
Only Kabir, devoted to the truth [in the original - Rama, i.e, the Lord] shall not die.

Theme of salvation is always present in our book as hazy bright spot, indicated in various religious traditions as the Kingdom of Heaven, Islands of the Blest, Shambhala, the Pure Land ... In fact, this country is achievable, but one may come there only through a search for the truth, which immediately leads to the transformation of man's destiny.


One Truth, once comprehended by people, is contained in the Word (John 17:17), which was in the beginning and will always exist (John 1:1, Matt. 24:35). God is hidden from the person, but is revealed in His Word. Being heard, it promises freedom from death and eternal life (John 5:24, 8:51). This wealth can be attained by us too, as it belongs to all and is accessible to everyone. One can find the truth in the scriptures (texts), and this goal is becoming more pressing.

How much will it weaken the age of old age, as will be multiplied evil for living. Even further removed truth and lie close.
 (3 Esdras 14:16-17)

In last times the world has retained negligible benefit - energy substrate, which determines the ability to exist on.

We take purity, simplicity from the ancient,
Sagas, fairy tales - from the past drag -
Because good is good -
In the past, the future and the present!
 (Vladimir Vysotsky)

The only way to reach out to the good - to go back to the original word in the form as it sounded in ancient times, and through it to get a true and pure understanding. Only then we will have a future, unbroken and desirable.

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said: "We will not come."
 (Jeremiah 6:16)

In his search one does not need to be based on logical constructs or precepts of human morality, but has to persevere in the ancient path given in the scriptures. The truth exists, and it is the only means of healing. Going this route will find a healthy mind.

Tathagata has realized by his wisdom a sheer, but hiding, erased, divided, impassable, deserted path, and did the road paved.
(Questions of Milinda)


Why not go that route? People looking for life, truth, and then the path will find a guide and mentor. "Or do you despise His ... great patience and kindness?" And teachers are needed. An ordinary person has no information on how to achieve excellence, his memory does not keep data on the way to freedom. Most skilful narrator does not tell you how to reach Paradise, no woman guarantees happiness for centuries, no doctor will cure the fear of troubles and there is no hero who would protect the assembly of poor people from grief and sin. There are no such secrets in the human tradition, in the scientific literature, in the secret material of wizards and sorcerers. Once they were, but one had lost, and then forgotten. "There is none righteous, all have gone astray ..." That amount of information held by a scientist called erudition and ignorance, because it can not lead to the desired peace and quiet. We have to start all over again - to find a way (out and in). Canon, Sages, Gnosis... call to this. The above words of the prophet Jeremiah refers to those who had not even sought, giving thought to his teachers (theologians, pastors and priests) and go with the crowd, rather than to walk in his own mind (Romans 14:5). For refusal of thinking and personal search, one always has to pay a high price - in this case the own fault cannot be blamed to no one else.

You did run well who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? This belief is not of him that calleth you.
 (Galatians 5:7-8)

One who does not want to follow the path of wisdom and seek the truth, but is on the road of lies, will never find freedom, become master of his fate.


In the scriptures, dictated from above, the whole spiritual experience of the world is contained, from its creation to decay. They have all the instructions, as a person should be born in a new way, to grow up and leave the world without debt. Scripture is given to everyone to dig, search, find and enjoy finding. Of course, recognition and perception of the original text still requires spiritual hearing, attention and intense inner work, otherwise it will remain a dark prophecy or textbook for shy idolaters.

 There are speeches - their sense is
Dark or negligible
But without emotion
Listen them is impossible.
 How full are their sounds by
Madness of desire!
They are tears of separation,
They are thrill of bye.
 No response
Amid the worldly noise to
The word born
Of flame and light;
 But in the church, amid the battle,
And where I will be,
Hearing it, I
Will learn everywhere.

The order (destroying you, but still the order) is in the world, otherwise he could not have existed. However, in the manifest form of the world (for example, in the written text of the Bible) a clouded unsaved person sees a lie, because he can only see himself, his false nature. In fact, there is no error in the texts, no wrong. Look for misconceptions, as do the "liberal" minded leaders of modern science, is useless, all misunderstandings and criticisms only mean that there is something serious, not yet understood by us.

Tell them that this is true and that there is nothing false, but firmly and soundly based.
 (Shepherd of Hermas)


Our book is not intended to nominate in any way own ideas or promise salvation doctrine of perfection. Everything that is in it - only good wishes to the reader to begin the journey in the ultimate space of his innocent heart (intuition) or severely minted step back-streets of his trained mind (logic). Everyone can freely assign any ideas and tips, in order to have some help from the authors and simplify his life. And concerning the feed material, be sure - no harm, one good (Ephesians 4:28). "All that is sold in the shambles, eat no question" (1 Cor. 10:25).

Who has believed - that gets a present,
To achieve a good end, like in the movies.
 (Vladimir Vysotsky)

The authors are based entirely on primary sources and are not just trying to lower the bar, and this is the "ease" of their labor.

Experienced attraction is calling,
Labour heavier relief.
 (M. Kuzmin)

In a sense, our relationship to Scripture corresponds to the medieval commentary tradition, although during processing of text we are acting in the interests of the reader and feel much less dogmatic conventions. The last clause allows you to open hidden connections and meanings that first seem unexpected and cause protest, but then become clear and obvious.

Seeking new harmonies in the pages of
Tested old books.
 (A. Blok)


Mankind can be divided into two categories. First, an absolute majority, are worldly beings whose behavior is caused by sinful human nature, the children of Adam and Eve lost the path of truth. "Universal" vocabulary (primitive logical reasoning and emotional expression) of the sinners are by a large non-normative, because the norm is the desire for the highest truth and the light. In our world, it was firmly forgotten and ridiculed. The second category of people are devoid of sin righteous who are intermingled with perfection, live in it and own symbolic speech, reflecting the true ultimate reality. Their behavior is indeed correct, and vocabulary is normative: they can speak metalanguage, beyond the limits of the visible world. It is the language of beauty, knowledge of which is attributed to the ancient gods.

Hermes autocrat, living in heart, lunar disk,
Round and square, founder of the words,
Docile to truth, bearing chlamys, wings shoes,
All-sounding language providence, prophet for mortal.
 (Greek papyrus., P. By CG Jung)

Understanding metalanguage is a prerequisite in order to proceed to the real spiritual work. This is a kind of alphabet which must learn to come to the main tasks. All the sacred books contain incomprehensible mystery of otherness and are written under the sign of "Top Secret. Burn After Reading your sins." We also do not open all the secrets here, but not so much in the interest of secrecy, how in order to save power (own and of our readers), as well as the number of pages of the book. Seeking transcendental knowledge and ultimate truth in its entirety, we refer to the Large Treatises.


To speak of a real multiply-connected world needs refusal of a linear sequence of presentation and illusory connections of "realistic" literature, actually giving primitive scheme. In this sense, the genre of this book looks like a work of postmodernism, but we put a completely different purpose. The issues are vitally important for every person, and too serious to just play with them (Matt. 12:36, Eph. 5:4-6). Moreover, in the course of such games truth is lost easily and discreetly. At the end of the world, all are starting to make fun of the Divine and to extol their own achievements. A man without reason is a punished people for his end is sad. The best way to strip up consciousness is to let pointless and free to laugh and have fun, fast burning all their advantage. According to modern concepts, the "free" people can afford to look in any gap of the world, to pull for either end, put his hand into an opening, open your mouth for any reason, with impunity, as the last word belongs to him, the crown of creation. Collective fun in the form of satire, when the goats (companions of Bacchus) lead the sheep, is a form of ritual sacrifice (Lev. 16). Unreasonable is like an animal to be slaughtered (Ps. 48:21). "There is no trouble, which would be a fool not call on you."

 So, like you, have no faith!
But if we - alas! - Mired in sin,
The gods have punished blindness
Deprive us of the ability to judge
And pushing us to our delusions,
Laughing about how important we are marching
To death.
 (Shakespeare. Antony and Cleopatra)


Not suffering especial cynicism, our presentation is far from straightforward and sublimely right (moral and ethical, black-and-white) instruction. Firmly to the course following peruse all our books to the end, going into the intricacies of the plot and sorting out the details of the narrative, the reader suddenly finds: a contradiction!

The first time you said that 5 +5 = 10, I believed. When you said again that 2 +8 = 10, I doubted. When you said a third time that 7 +3 = 10, I realized that you are a liar.
 (From folklore)

In fact, there are no contradictions in the text, as well as in the world, but there is a contradiction in the mind of the reader: the obstacle, doubt, tear in halves - this is dual nature of sinful and imperfect person. A human morality id so flawed that divides the world into good and evil, I want to and can not, give and take, thus depriving him of rest and throwing him in a painful quagmire of opinions on what the authors just speak to the reader: caution!

Skew matching
In the space to throw
Mirrored spheres -
Mad parabola
Ringing, fluttering
Escape stems.
Zodiac fire
Field burning.
Boiling ether
But all intersections
Drawing output
Motionless letters
Thy name!
 (M. Kuzmin)

There are no eternal things in the world. That "now" is most needed is extolled, indispensable for the moment thing is praised, to be declared good. It does not matter what name has the thing: the law, grace, dedication, persistence, philokalia, peacefulness, gentleness, purity ... At one time, at a certain stage in history, each of these categories, according to the will of God finishes its life as useless, disappears, goes into oblivion as superfluous and useless, even will be mocked and called a criminal. The Moor has done his work ...

What yesterday still alive, radiant
Spiritual light secret meaning
For us, makes no sense, loses its connection,
As if dropped designation
Sharp and the - and the musical number
Silent. Clutch harmonies
Irrevocably shifted, and the way
Converted into a bitter breakup.
 (H. Hesse)

Then it turns out that this "good" thing was just a bait for the gullible, temptation, beautiful promise. Having gone for it will then be charged, suspended and punished. "God sent the adversary to test the righteous..." Again, at the time, on the next round, inexorable fate will extract the light of day something before obscene, that suddenly blooms charming beauty, touches the heart deep, simple and clear, makes clear the minds by the obvious truth and closeness in spirit. Or more simply - written with a capital letter is easily converted into a technical term with a lowercase letter, and what one did not want to think safely registers itself at various altars, even without changing its name. And again, in the next round ...

You can not say "it's worse than that," for all at one time considered to be good.
 (Sirach 39:41)

Requirements of literary style, which we try to comply with the minimum extent, reduce only to ensure that these transitions do not seem to the reader too harsh. Speech, full of hidden meaning, and transcendent language have certain laws, and they need to learn. Exercise in interpretation resembles examples of grammar which was considered the most important science in ancient India. Here one really does not to do with the Aristotelian logic (which, according to the Indians, generally does not apply to spiritual matters) and school mathematics. Instead, the modern reader who does not like to do without analogies may try to use the images of non-Euclidean geometry (as it was trying to do, for example, P. Florensky) or quantum mechanics.


For Western man, a traditional perception of the world is through Judeo-Christian culture of Scripture - the Bible, which is the book of life (Rev. 22:19), which tells unvarnished about all past, present and future human history.

Are here arrived give order that these bodies
High on a stage be placed to the view;
And let me speak to the yet unknowing world
How these things came about: so shall you hear
Of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts,
Of accidental judgments, casual slaughters,
Of deaths put on by cunning and forced cause,
And, in this upshot, purposes mistook
Fall'n on the inventors' reads: all this can I
Truly deliver.
 (Shakespeare. Hamlet)

In addition to the canon of texts, we are getting to study the Old Testament and New Testament Apocrypha. This group includes the deuterocanonical books of the Septuagint and the Slavonic Bible, Jewish apocrypha (for example, the Book of Enoch), the Qumran texts, later Christian apocryphal sources, the Gnostic Nag Hammadi texts, etc. All these books are directly adjacent to the biblical tradition . Many anonymous quotes from Jewish apocrypha can be found in the sermons of Jesus and other books of the New Testament. Despite the fact that the meaning of the Apocrypha - secret (or renunciation) books, sometimes they make the necessary additions and clarifications of the canon, and, paradoxically, open and full explanations. Especially true, they sound right now, at the turn of the third millennium of the Christian era, when the newly revived apocalyptic mood - as in bad, and in a good way, and value systems are almost lost. In popular culture, and even among the "intellectuals", the living understanding of Scripture has been lost. Often it is perceived with disdain through third parties - through the standard interpretations of already dead - or worse, is known by ear (sometimes literally, from radio and television), in children's narrative. Finding fresh and at the same time true and accurate interpretations - metaphors - is directly related to the issue of salvation and resurrection.

Metaphor [understood as the opposite of the stereotype] decree on imprinted inside, in this instance, the experience of conscious life, which is still one act of life, that is, additional experience of consciousness need to revive ... Metaphor begins where item is removed from the usual connections and nomenclatures ... "Continue to live" means the completion of such acts, which is reviving the dead, which is linked with the living, which is quick now to ... not to continue to crumble parts (like plaster crumbles) to death.
 (M. Mamardashvili. Psychological topology of path)


The one who is in the process of interpretation (and - to a lesser extent - the listener) receives a part of a huge energy released by sparks at failure of mystery. The precious grain is extracted from the husks, juice is squeezed from sugar cane. This gift, if it is not spent on the empty enthusiasm, can give a powerful impetus to the growth of understanding and personal advancement on the path of perfection. Interpretation works as right speech - mantra, giving energy that is necessary for the internal working. Properly performing this work can only be based on the recorded and commanded word, because there are taken all the original (in the Orthodox terminology - uncreated divine) energy. The process of transformation of the inner world, strictly speaking, is inseparable from the evolution of the external world. When salving person moves to the level of higher ideas of great stature, his energies are involved in the fate of the entire world. Saints of all religions and Buddhist Arhats (and those and others are often invisible ordinary people living among us) transform in silent practice the world. In addition, they prepare it to the preaching of the word, which sounds like this Christ or Bodhisattva - the promise to save all people. There is nothing above the Word, transforming the world,. This is the Word - the truth, which is extracted from a dead form and lively capital, started in business. Logos appears as the Messiah, the only salvation and cleansing power of this world, which is not to be win by stupidity, gloom and darkness.

Do not waste, O king, the Golden Idols -
The word that is said, will not be changed by gods.
 (Epic of Gilgamesh)

The gods themselves follow the Logos - the Word, through the pleroma (the original fullness of life), and can only keep it, but not change. Seek salvation through prayerful worship to idols outside is just get lost in the universal law, get lost in the words without meaning.

Word lives longer than the case,
If by the grace of Graces
Language plagued him from the chest deep.

Source of eternal and beneficial knowledge is the scripture. The word as a meaningful interpretation and presentation of events is more important than all the rituals, liturgical rites and rules. We give just a word, and not the description of external mechanisms of magical salvation. It should, however, be remembered that the initial transfer of a very difficult and ethical issues is going on in oral form - either in the ear from the mouth of a student teacher, or loud preaching to the world (Matt. 10:27). Written teaching is then formed on the basis of words. For example, the oral teachings of the Jews was written in the Talmud in a catastrophic period of Jewish history, after much hesitation: teachers of the law understood that such recording prevents the free development of the tradition. This book can serve as a good tool for self-reader. Those who never met a real teacher and whose heart is closed are not yet ready to accept the material. He did not understand, but, depending on the temperament, experience the feelings of boredom and resentment.


The aim of the work with the canon of a Gnostic, and in general of a reasonable person is to extract hidden meanings inherent in the text, and finding the truth, not the literal and superficial understanding. The sage has always words with deeds, as he searches for the meaning, which is kept a mystery, but is vital. When reading the sacred texts is not necessarily, not useful or even dangerous to delve into the external circumstances of their writing - historical and geographical context, basing thereby on unimportant details. Therefore, we do not attach much importance to the time of writing (fixation) of the texts. Their ideas were contained in a much earlier oral tradition, although with time blurring and degradation of these ideas occurs, accumulated distortions lost accuracy. Secular science is a separate exercise, interesting enough to devote his whole life. However, remaining within it, one can not manage to get anything good for yourself.

Therefore, we did not prevent to study foreign science to those who did not choose the monastic life, but to deal with it the whole life is in no way suggested to anyone, and we forbid to expect from it any exact knowledge of divine things, because of it can not be learn anything reliable about God.
 (Gregory Palamas. Triad)

It is hardly necessary to waste precious time (rather than to saving) to clarify the issues and to search, why there are almost no historical evidence of contemporaries of Christ, no tomb of Moses, no archaeological evidence exodus of the Jews out of Egypt were found... All these topics belong to ultimate reality, which is available to personal perception overriding any problems and contradictions of science.

The current direction of piety which rejects historical work is called Gnosticism. This designation is valid to the extent to which the latest piety tends generally to break the link with the historical forces of faith and completely transform into a myth ... Equally true is to call the new piety pure mysticism ...
 (R. Bultmann)

We will not find out whether the Torah was written by Moses, and the Song of Solomon by Solomon, etc. Maybe may it would be also worth to try to attribute this book to the ancient prophet or apostle. However, compilers resist this temptation to avoid the technical difficulties associated primarily with the problem of style. The book is left without author (although, of course, Author is unavoidable). It sounds a whole set of voices that do not always agree with each other, but try hard to reflect the subtle and multifaceted truth from all sides, not always pleasant. The reader, being not satisfied of all these attempts and thirsty for something good, will have to exert himself the power to enter into an argument, find accurate and correct (middle) position, write in the book the best pages.


We should always keep in mind the distinction of secular and spiritual criteria of truth. Any knowledge is approximate, but it is important for the destruction of current barriers.

Love the truth. Enjoy lies [only] as a medicine.
 (Sayings of Sextus)

Using the knowledge the person saves from the swamp of absolute ignorance, but it is the knowledge that is largely false and creates a new obstacle. However, a spike can be pulled out of the wound by another spike, and then both of them can be thrown away. Realizing a lie, including that presented in the book, the reader will be able to solve a very large problem, which was born with him, accompanies him relentlessly, and called delusion of life. From "absolute" point of view we say a lie, so that it is not necessary to believe our words. At the same time, no secular (including theological or theosophical) system of knowledge, irrespective as many as it had promised, or attracted its logic and simplicity, never offers anything better.

- Is it nonsense? - The Queen said, and shook her head. - I've heard such nonsense, close to where it is reasonable, as the Dictionary!
 (L. Carroll. Alice in Wonderland)

Ancient authors serving a model for us "composed no fewer stories, which are, however, not without reason, revered as the truth" (Lucian). The most valuable is not what we were told and what did not say, leaving the opportunity to find the hidden by his own efforts, to remove the curse from the treasure and suddenly become rich by knowledge-understanding.

The system moved forward in order.
Swinging signs of fiction.
And every student stealthily
washed by clean tear.
 (N. Zabolotsky)

The movement of the book in the grateful readership is a fact, not a wish. System is a chariot, which is our book. She turns in the conditioned and the existing order - nothing new, we did not come up, but made only a few things contained in the words. We should not forget the compassion for those who have still little understood.

Blessed launched
 wheel of supreme sermon
   its progress will be not stopped
by no shramanas or brahman
 neither god nor Mara nor Brahma
   and no one in the universe.
 (Sutra of the wheel is spun sermon)


Both past historical events and transient current situation, which also has a tendency to repeat the well-known stereotypes of the past, are nothing but a distorted reflection of the truth, a hint of it.

What was, what will be, and what is done is that which shall be done: and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there any thing as saying, "See, this is new," but it was already in the ages which were before us.
 (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10)

The world of phenomena is represented by color and shape and other sensations, another world is described words. Listing the processes occurring in the latter, the text provides the description of the elements of the Program of Genesis - Games of Creator, indicates the means of salvation, spiritual weapon possession techniques, etc. But since the other (parallel, invisible, eternal) world differs from this transient world, direct matches between writings and the "real" events are not so numerous. However, this relationship exists, and the primary, dominant in the worlds is the Word. "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made" (Ps. 32:6). When someone interprets, enters the secret to derive meaning, based on the words of Scripture, it does work in both worlds, becoming a member of all the major world events. He quickly reaches the purity and perfection that comes through knowledge, not by works of righteousness and penance. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). From now on, he is able to make the most important of the miracle - revive dead forms, turn back to life events of beginningless antiquity. But the most important achievement, the highest goal, stated in the scriptures, is freedom, termination of restrictions, breaking causality of fate, the suppression of sin, overcoming suffering. What is interesting is the availability of all of these benefits to anyone. "Who has the plan, reaches ..."

I answered and said a shower! Devour sense and eradicate wisdom. Because you promised to listen, and wished to prophesy, and you're only given the time to live.
 (3 books. Ezra 8:4-5)

The main method of understanding for us remains "the study of Scripture," where the key to historical events could be found. If any communications of the text with the life are well observed, the relevant processes are in the world in an active form. Those passages of Scripture, the interpretation of which seems to be difficult or even impossible, refer to another global period.

So, the story which is already fulfilled in the time of Moses, we omit, but consider the spiritual meaning of history by intelligent eyes, for it is constantly repeated in real life and therefore acts with even greater force.
 (St. Maximus the Confessor. On various difficult passages of Sacred Scripture, the question XVII)

Although being not easy for "direct" the perception by the modern reader, the Bible remains the most concentrated source of truth, which is always at hand.

To a million pages of suffering
Five pages of bliss,
Abroad - head separation.
A tiny section meetings
Given in fragments. That grief
With applications of explanations
Having no end.
 (Goethe. Reader)

The One, which appeared on a high level, is denoted here as a million, that is a unit with a large number of zeros. Mastered in the Torah (Hebrew Pentateuch) takes on the law and finds the good, the price of which is crossing the line - getting into the otherness, the Exodus, followed by parting with all the hopes. Fragments of heavenly knowledge are given in Scripture by parables and comparisons, which represent transcendental in the final decimal form. The Bible ends with the apocalypse, and the interpretation of it, explaining the suffering and hardships of man, has no longer a reasonable amount. This process can continue indefinitely.


Paying tribute to the religious syncretism, besides Judeo-Christian tradition texts we quote some Eastern (mainly Hindu and Buddhist) texts, which have already quite actively penetrated into the spiritual and cultural life of the current generation.

And slavon women with a white scythe.
Will mix with pure dew,
sayings by Dzonkava
Plucking Kupava petals
 (V. Khlebnikov. Ladomir)

In this case, we do not seek to dive into abstract eastern mysticism: just here western approach, clearly focused on the text, has the advantage. In fact, some of the difficulties of spiritual growth are common and inevitable, because the writings of the East say the same as the Bible.

East or West -
Everywhere the same trouble.
Wind chills as well.
[Studios me back.]

However, often these texts allow us to see new faces of the problems that are usually left silent by Western theology and culture. We will try to show this on nontrivial examples, though some of them may seem shocking to the reader. Eastern scriptures are also useful in that they clearly emphasize the inner meaning of the text - the description of the spiritual path of man. In the West, such an understanding, unfortunately, is often lost because of artificially demarcated spheres of religion and everyday life. And if we want to close the gaps of his education and learn to really read the Bible, we can not proceed without serious attention to the art of interpretation. Interpreting thought is a means to go beyond the limitations that come from misunderstanding. Being outside of human wisdom, it at least gives us a chance to move to the next stage.

The interpretation is a science only in the depths of the foundations, and in the applied aspect is always an art.
 (E. Bleuler)

The reader will see this difficult and unsafe art in action, and learn a thing or two himself. This will leave an indelible mark on his personality, and irritated, skeptical attitude towards authors will be gradually softened, when positive results become obvious.

Now, I serve a different feeling,
Burning thirst different:
Teach Well me, my comrade,
Puzzling art!
 (N. Yazykov)


Irenaeus with indignation, but with a certain degree of uncertainty about the Gnostics wrote about Valentinians:

And, I think, there is a reason they do not want to teach it explicitly the all, but teach only those who are able to provide these ordinances for a large fee. These exercises are not similar to those of which our Lord said, "Freely you have received, freely give" (Matthew 10:8): it is opposite the strange, terrible and deep mysteries, which are reached with much difficulty by lovers of lie.

Thus, the distant spiritual outlook remains unclear. However, some temporary consolation doubtless is provided by the practical effectiveness of this book, including the possibility of applications in a normal life, in any secular society.

Wise words to exalt himself, and a man of understanding will like lords.
 (Sirach 20:27)

Wealth, revealed attentive and thoughtful reader, cannot be overestimated.

Who will buy and try,
Interpretating knowledge
Fearless, fearless
Will shine in the meeting.
 (Questions of Milinda)

One has to pay very little,
No more than five rubles from the snout.
 (Kozma Prutkov)

However, the texts themselves are not only inspiring, but also warn of the desire for too wide and uncontrolled spread of knowledge. Buddha uttered aloud the word of truth, if it was helpful and pleasant, but he was silent when it was disastrous.

In the meeting, the board, in public
The scientist did not make a speech abusive.
He knows: sometimes the truth
Is destructive and malicious.
 (Panchatantra 2.11)

We hope that a sense of proportion does not leave the reader even after intensive study of the book.

Asceticism is harmless, study [of Science] is safe, Vedic injunctions according to each caste are not fatally, the acquisition of wealth by means of effort should not be refused, but, when used with malicious intent, they are disastrous.
 (Mahabharata. Adiparva 1)

In any case, we should not doubt that the authors had good intentions too, even though they may sometimes appear in a peculiar manner.

Come to Me, all of you, the stupid, and you will have the gift of understanding, good and valuable. I give you the bishop's clothing woven of all wisdom.
What is a bad death, if not ignorance? What is bad darkness, if not the knowledge of oblivion?
 (Teachings of Silvanus, cf. Matt. 11:28-29)


Eastern philosophical tradition distinguishes between unreal being and real non-being (nothingness, see Mahabharata, Adiparva). In terms of the transcendent teaching, the first category includes illusion, frustration, damned emptiness of this world, staying where there is no hope of realization. Joy is ending by sorrow, and the victory is worse than defeat. All sources of knowledge (i.e., all the sacred Scripures), among instructions to begin the way, give the task of understanding the unreality of the world, where there is not things belonging to you and you are not the master of yourself. In what is the point? The answer is unique: to start work on the beneficial personal salvation. This is a unique possibility of human existence (birth), which is achieved with great difficulty. Happiness to those who can use it and who start a process of gaining that ancient, distant dream!

And if someone tries to get back all of a sudden
In Wonderland magic in beautiful good sleep -
Even then, it seems that only appears
Finds in its mysterious and magical country.
 (Vladimir Vysotsky)


All dreams become true in real nothingness. However, you can not get into the ultimate, entering as a thief.

Having come into his garden, gardener, unfortunately,
Saw the prowl in his garden
Three other people's fruit collector:
Sayyid [descendant of Ali], the venerable Sufi and faqih [theologian].

As further Rumi's parable tells. clever gardener gives a lesson and brutally expelled the intruders, climbed into the Garden of Eden. To avoid such troubles, you must first go through the fire of renunciation and recovery of the ineffable, by fanning the spark of God and the execution of all desires in a higher purpose. Desires themselves are not high or low, but, appearing randomly, they hinder the salvation. And when they are ordered, they are horses, carrying a full speed. The transition into the ultimate is through a mirror transformation of consciousness, and this process is not completely painless. Therefore, there should be a new quality, which no one else has in the unreal world - patience: according to the Gospels, patience saves. However, in this unreal world, exhaustion is accepted for patience (not to be confused!).

A: How? Discontent?
 What do you want from me?
B: Freedom!
A: That I make free you until the time go?
 I will not hear about that.
 (Shakespeare. Storm)

Delicious taste of sweet fruits of own labor also can not be described by anyone, even those by who have tried them. This bliss is ineffable, words are not enough. In the mind of the average person there is no reference for the correct perception of such states. Therefore, the book is full of hints, innuendo and incomplete. The authors can not perform for readers their personal work. At the same time, referring to the Bible, we can say that all of it will be given to anyone who has desired, will look, will knock.

The real dreams and delusions,
Marvelous are old tales for children -
Beautiful Oriental legend
Of the lake on the hill and in the maelstrom of a hundred cubits.
 (Vladimir Vysotsky)

For a man who started a spiritual path, dreams and delusions come to life and turn into reality, with all its pain (in contrast to most of the world, the suffering of sentient beings are very real). Then beneficent flood washes all the sins of his world, and he has again flourishing lives. Immersing himrself in the true doctrine (and not just in the book), one attains immortality - a victory over fear of life beyond.


The book contains many unpleasant things that offend hearing of readers. To avoid they mistakenly take these things to their account, we introduce the concept of a virtual magic geography: Country of Fools (Foolland). All wrong things, that descend on the heads of fools, now will apply to residents of this unlucky country. The children are in school, but they get not useful knowledge, but stuff that is good for nothing. Old people are always full, but the main food is wood flour, cooked stones and husks of used medicinal plants. Women are marked by grace and beauty, but the local fashion makes them dress up in rags and sackcloth, because men are impotent and all manifestations of beauty are classified as crimes. Fresh air is intentionally filled by odorants and acrid smoke according to standards of the government. Oppressive places in our books are reports from there. Such sad things happen where people compete in trouble and insecurity, despite possessing all the great features. They believe that one person in their country is best than 99 from a nearby undeveloped state and deserve special attention (Luke 15:4-7). The beginning of all troubles for them was the black day when they realized al untruly and vice versa, turning what could be beneficial. This day is the 13th number, Friday. The year of starting the troubles precedes calendar of all other countries. Up to the time of time.


At first contact with the doctrine of salvation, a simple, unconverted person feels uneasy feeling. Vague, anxious anticipation of deception and danger catches up him and requires defense. Reading person feels the bitterness and resentment, a desire to stay away from it all: "Do not unto us right things, speak unto us flattering, prophesy" (Isaiah 30:10). Natural righteousness and self-righteousness often do not allow the person calmly accept the realities of the true meaning of the Bible, which rigidly poses before the man important questions - eternity, freedom, salvation, death, loss of Paradise. They directly face the most painful aspects of life - insecurity and uncertainty, transience and vanity. And this is despite the fact that a person is constantly and quite tangible needs, becomes cheat and sick and even sometimes dies. In terms of the Knower or Judge such issues are control and critical. Without solving them, the man, proudly declaring victory over Destiny, turns out from safety lay into the inoculated and embittered soldier-partisan, not living quietly, and looking for loopholes in close maze of hostile circumstances.

The north wind rain, and the secret language - an angry countenance.
 (Proverbs 25:23)

Being the only true guidance for man, the best instruction to achieve a happy fate, the Bible contains both comforting promises and serious accusations and dire threats - respectively for accepting and rejecting.

And people could not recognize the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of folk, because people said aloud, and his voice was heard far away.
 (Ezra 3:13)

Accepting the teaching, in turn, are divided into two groups, which are designated by Buddha as understood and agreed. Although most of our expectations and are sympathetic to understanding, the book is addressed to all. Aristophanes said, "Oh you like it or not, and you will be saved." All that has to happen, will happen despite the best stubbornness of the reader. He just does not know capabilities of the Person interested in his salvation, Who has made for it all and did not regret anything and anyone (John 3:16). Saving technique can be quite unpleasant. For example, Socrates in his time preferred long philosophical discussions with youth, rather than rapid salvation, and received a cup of hemlock.


This is followed by another appeal to think seriously about own behavior.

In Other land of involuntary aurora
Inexperienced in good and evil,
We live in the wild and do not pay tribute
And our shadows roam the earth.
 (A. Adalis)

Demand tribute is the will of God that no one died, and all were saved (or rather, have engaged in their own salvation). Those who do not will be saved, will be engaged in a judge by black angels with hooks that will charge the soul.

Ungrateful we call those
Who with sullen discontent pays debt
To generous lender.
 (Shakespeare. Richard III)

Magnanimous lender is the divine breath that gives life to everyone (in India - Atman). Adam took life in the form in which he wanted, God wants another - better. That avoid sin nature, man must transform it.

Issachar is a strong ass, lying between the channels of water, and he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.
 (Genesis 49:14-15)

The ass got up and went to finally get peace; there is no quiet life to the unsaved. God will pursue him, punish and torture his endless threats and fear, and no one can break this painful process. Ass must do what is required of him, and to pay tribute, using a higher truth to benefit himself. The law is in any person, so every living ass separating channels of water (good and evil). Anyone who examines the highest categores, sits down on this ass and rides him. Only the knowledge and interpretation of the law, understanding the supreme give a chance to get to the coveted Jerusalem. One can safely ship all their hardships and sorrows on strong donkey - he will take the right place.


Although the interpretation of the Bible can not be done without a sense of humor, the humor is often bleak and bitter (the word "tragic" here a few drops out of style, probably related to the ethical constructs of the Greeks, to which, however, the Bible also has a direct relationship).

 I'm learning terrible fun here:
'm Sick of the sound of the songs take on,
Which no mother ever
 Will crow over the cradle.

However, being understood correctly, the text of Scripture provides just pure and good knowledge.

This sutra, good in the beginning, good in the middle, at the end of the good, is good in the sense, good style, unique, fully finished, exceptionally pure, chaste, and is called great, because it is eternal, like vajra [diamond].

For a man, it is natural to choose from written only what is comforting and reassuring, though such "work" with the text does not lead to good. A parable tells about the player in the bone, which took on a roll winning result, and in case of loss snapped bones and stuffed them into his mouth to hide failure, and did not know what they were smeared with poison. Person electing for himself only comforting and flattering, is like to that player.

Swallow, swallow, cheat, rogue,
But then it will be in difficulty!

Among those listed in the Bible, there is no dark and dangerous things, but there are some people that could use them to their advantage, and there are those that will prepare for the balm of self poison.

What was for one of blessing,
For another brought only grief.
And therefore, not everything is good,
And therefore, not everythingis evil.
 (Buddhist canon)

This is called freedom of choice. Who can be claimed? Oneself, of course!

Manjushri, those, who considered some sayings Tathagata good, and others poor, abandon the Dharma [teaching, law].
 (Sutra of collection of all violations)

As Goethe wrote, wisdom is only in truth. The truth is the final result that comes from wisdom, deeds are an intermediate step that brings the fruit over time. Truth as a goal can help to going to not stray from the straight path. The word Israel (Isra-el) is interpreted as the direct light of the Creator (God); all the cruelties of the Bible come from the straightforwardness that is incompatible with the flexibility of a serpent cast out of paradise. Lies is always curve, snake is straightened only when it is dead. Rider, riding fast on a horse, seeks in his motion a snake (leviathan) in an effort to impress it by spear and straighten. Implementing the truth is possible only through an act of wisdom.


A situation is typical where you can attach to one Bible line several pages of soft and colorful oriental comments that conceptualize it from all sides. As you know, the Eastern Scriptures, probably related to the world of the gods, than face the people and the gods love long conversations, but do not make a clear statement. Clean dish Judeo-Christian tradition, we should rely only on quotations from the Bible, but then the inexperienced reader just did not have enough imagination to believe us. Therefore, we will not impose any restrictions. All surviving sources that tell of the High-lowest, demons, humans, ghosts and the like, should be regarded as true, because the way it is. All other ideas about the nature of Said are doubt, delusion and darkness, as the other can not be. Truth is all-encompassing. Therefore, having a technique of interpretation, one can trace the movement-travelling of an idea through many seemingly unrelated texts, just as you can see the passage of a separate thread for the entire length of the fabric.

Some poets have told this tale, some narrate now, while still others will tell it on the ground. This is great knowledge, approved in the three worlds contained by twice-born in detailed and short form ... Threefold revelation of truth - the Vedas, abstract thinking and knowledge; the law, the good, and love.
 (Mahabharata. Adiparva 1)

Chronological conformity and cultural ties between civilizations do not play a significant role - it's about spirituality. Thus, commenting on the Bible, we will refer to a very ancient (e.g., antique) texts. As wrote, for example, St. Justin, the mystery of the ancient Greek Dionysus is the devil's version of Christ's Passion, overheard possessed by Jewish prophets and then to transformed to parody. Of course, the discovery and experience of such links should be deeply personal.

For many centuries ago
Socrates stole a bunch of my thoughts.
 (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

Many parallels, that is, the similarity of views and stories of the West and the East, may seem to the reader arbitrary, but in essence they are justified. For example, the genre of hortatory and legal books (Nitishastra) is wide-spread in the Indo-buddhistic literature. Indian Panchatantra (five tantras - books of edification) - homily for the servants, the common people, is similar to the Torah. On the other hand, as stated in the form of fables, Panchatantra is aimed to awaken at the most direct way the minds of fools, bypassing the study of the law and grammar. This book came to Europe through the Jewish and Arab scholars, along with the Indian numerals, and old Russian translators thought her instruction in righteousness and attributed to the famous Christian saints.

India eh light Do you hear height
In the Nile eh go down dark caves -
Everywhere you hear in sacred places:
Absurdly to call foolish for the corrections!
Mind children, trust Utterance -
Fool or rather leave out in the cold!

The meaning of the scriptures is unclear and hidden, and it can not be known by the man in the crowd who does not have a purpose. East and West are divided as India and Egypt, the heaven and the underworld of death. Full truth is not needed by anyone - it would break the normal life of the people, and their habitual tortures are beneficial to the gods, who feed the smoke from the ground. Luring people, angels and gods give them roots and currently take tops. Even the elected people (Jews) are engaged in the service of idols, and can not turn to God alone. For one who has the mind of a child, the way to heaven is through great suffering, and it is easier for him to stay on the ground.


But the manners of presentation traditions of the East and the West are different. The East adopted a form of building material, which in some way enriches a person, awakens his interest to high, giving him new powers and capabilities, and at the same time is calming. Indian poetics distinguishes eight to ten moods (rasa), which can cause the hidden meaning of the text. They must be in a good book (of course, along with the basic mood, optional ones are required). Is it love or erotic (crngara), laughter or irony (hasya), compassion (karuna), anger or rage (raudra), courage (vira), fear (bhayanaka), disgust (vibhatsa), surprise or revelation (adbhuta), calm or detachment (canta), tenderness, and kinship (vatsalya). Before reading the primary material of the book, we invite the reader to conduct training and to lose a small gamma. Take an unusual, uncomfortable position, internally stiffened. Below are ten pairs of quotes that relate to the sense with these moods. If successful, the results of the exercises assigned to the executor as the prize money, and if not complete tranquility, really emotional coldness is guaranteed. Citations are given in pairs, so that the reader can choose one of the two. The order does not comply with the above listing.

As the saying of the Vedas state: act, but renounce the fruits of action!

Which, in spite of the ban,
sacrifices duty to short fun.
 (Shakespeare. Antony and Cleopatra)

Rich home, good health,
Girlfriend's heart, friendly wife
Dutiful son, useful knowledge -
Are the six blessings in this world.
 (Hitopadesha 1.16)

This physic but prolongs thy sickly days.
 (Shakespeare. Hamlet)


Who chooses not the mind as the driver,
tears up actions of his heart.
Reasonable calls it fool,
And the friend meets him like a stranger.

Not because one was tricky -
They kept not out of fear silence,
and to listen to. One who howled
and who roared - he was for them to be void.
 (R. Rilke)

I told you in the eye, dude,
The strongest juice'll admit,
So you then ever
Do not link up lovers' eyelids.
 (Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream)

And I, weaker vessel,
I make bold to the forbidden path
Of alien, otherworld Elemental,
In an effort to scoop up even a drop?

Have I not to worship the scriptures, being known for their dignity, received as a gift of welcome? On the other hand, how can I to break your orders?
 (Jataka Garland)

So thinks are tanked. With this we can
Compare even weaving, for example, a machine.
It is difficult to thread management:
Then down, then up warp shuttle
Invisible threads merge in the fabric.
 (Goethe. Faust)

My Wall, Wall, dear Wall
Show me his gap, so I hugged her eyes!
 (Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream)

 Deprive our eyes
Favorite food - to the cherished night.
 (Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream)

At the station, someone suddenly bleak
nodded to someone
 (R. Rilke)

Ship, frozen in eternal ice,
Polar bound spaciousness,
Forgotten, where the Strait by which
Sailed he and was in trouble.

And yet that night a friend of mine
Not drained his glass, filled with poison.
 (Goethe. Faust)

Why, why, my spring
I fled from the books to the pub?
I write easily with his hand,
My heart is torn to pieces.
 (F. Villon)

So glorify God in the east, to the islands of the sea - the name of the Lord God of Israel.
 (Isaiah 24:15)

Boil all evil poisons
In music, in tradition, in verse.
Hurt the voices and views,
Lunar orb wandering in the clouds.
 (I. Krandievskaya)

Wasted no strength in battle
With grief - not cope with grief
Hide weak in spirit
Under grave.
 (M. Watson)

For nothing have sold yourselves, and ye shall be redeemed without money.
 (Isaiah 52:3)

In the Western tradition, the Bible is referred to in the dispute by both God and the Devil, which is also taken into account and reflected in the book. The above exercise can be repeated, but with the help of the Bible, based on only two moods: (1) the joy and light (2) depression, hopelessness, and fear. The origin of each of them needs not to be explained. We use such interludes to prepare the dear, but vulnerable reader to possible stress in further work with this book. Repeated heating and cooling of the metal allow remove stresses and reach recrystallization in the best structure.


Harmony of the world forms a large number of levels of consciousness of the infinite number of living beings. Each of the floors of the universe is presented in the text having special tongue (of animals, humans, gods ...). The original texts are written in all languages simultaneously, and one can derive from them languages of individual letters, numbers, words and symbols. Creatures from different worlds are characterized by different time periods, and sometimes one word can be equal to the term of their lives. Therefore, there are different levels of interpretation, from breaking off small trivial pieces to extraction of higher truths. All these treasures are contained even in the most primitive texts. In one drop of water, as in a hologram, a man with a keen eye can see the reflection of the whole world. Useful truth can be extracted in the form of scraps of text, a set of phrases or words. For the interpretation, it is enough to take any translation or profane retelling of the canonical scriptures, containing the highest saving ideas (though simple artistic comment is not suitable for this purpose). What is not a part of the tradition (that connects people with the Ultimate), is usually interpreted on its behalf. These revelations are similar in consonance to the canon, but reliable truth can not be found there. Anyone, who uses personal insight of clouded consciousness, is based only on body language, that is on the earth's truth. The latter is distorted as a result of last fall and lost by Adam in the event of Eden, its properly repair being now almost impossible. Study of sensual experiences is fishing in troubled waters. The most useful way of thinking is the canonical form, which are alone fairly and firmly. Human experience is a form that must be overcome in order to move to a pure state of mind. Although it is sad, it is necessary to base in the arguments on the dusty treatises - scriptures. Internal sources can not be opened unless you turn to external ones.


Besides the original eternal texts, we are resorting to the secular works of varying severity, including those having authors. They can somehow catch the attention of the inexperienced reader and raise him to the height of such a platform, where the "heavy artillery" begins to work, since not all can read the Bible to the mark. It is known, for example, that the works of Homer, Hesiod and Plato are the canonical texts for understanding the religion of ancient Greece. We use also literary texts of following centuries. In fact, none of the writers did not go beyond the canonical Bible stories, but only painted more or less clearly its episodes to the best of his talent, usually without knowing it. For example, Shakespeare, a late prophet recounts all the major events and ethical issues of the Bible in an ironic and critical form, through the innocent, or, conversely, the tragic story of a secular nature. The Bible is called the book of life, the book of people, because all phenomena and the rules of the collective (and personal) unconscious are contained in it as in the handbook. Unlike the latter, the Bible also explains why it happens and how to do otherwise. Not based directly on Scripture, standard books take scenes from the life and perceive reflection of truth through it. The problem is only in the quality and level of reflection of reality, the loss of depth in modern times. However, the hope for a spark of genius of the writers is always present. This especially applies to good poetry, which may go well to the level of prophetic revelation (on the other hand, in the controversy of the St. Fathers who are prone to philosophical approach, a curse is typical: "nonsense of poets"). Philosophers are those who say they are looking for happiness, and poets are those who say they found it, and claim this by their creations.


There are several reasons why we constantly turn to poetry. From a practical point of view, they squeeze information-rise skyscrapers in a small amount. In addition, according to Shakespeare, the poetry makes the food taste better. As Brodsky wrote, poetry gives tremendous acceleration of consciousness, thinking, attitude, which is hard to refuse, having experienced it once. Canons, transmitting the highest ideas, are couched in poetic form, and the oral tradition (especially in the East) was formed usually through poetry.

Wise men spend their time in entertainment, poetry and science;
And the fools spend it on passion, a dream, or a quarrel.
 (Hitopadesha 1.32)

Citing in the book two kinds of knowledge: the poetic and scientific, we tranfer our dear readers in the category of the wise men. Referring to the complex treatises and speaking of wordly matters, we do not disregard the small and exquisite form, which allows to get not only good, but also some pleasant feeling. Fools, who do not even want to open our book, are destined to loose time.

On the poisonous tree of the cycle of birth
 there are only two such amrite fetus:
The sweet juice of immortal poetry is the first,
 meeting virtuous people is the second.
 (Hitopadesha 1.117)

Anyone who gets in the way of perfection, and comes to the realization of his happy lot, partakes of immortality through the category of poetry, listening the highest truths in poetic form. The most delicate issues come alive only in the poetic part of consciousness, which is itself split into coarse and fine, heavy and light, that is, prose and poetry. Higher ideas are perceived by lyrical, creative thinking, and not by a concrete logic, which still needs to meet with virtuous - authoritative citations driven by us, i.e. the sources of knowledge. The best way to communicate with those who wrote, is the connection the reader with a sense of our quotations cited in both forms.

Poet puts on all the forms.
 (Rig Veda 5.81.2)

When God created the world with the Word, He did it in the thinnest and lightest form of poetry. Diversity of God's creation is just a variety of poetic forms, rhythms and sizes. Play and understand all the attributes of God is possible only through the repetition of the same actions and rules. Appeal to poetry allows us to become poets and take the forms, proclaimed by God. Discovering the highest meaning through interpretation, we perform the processes, reverse to poetic creativity, and pass upward to the mysteries beyond.


Harmony, happiness, inspiration (breathing of divine) are the fine states of the soul, subtle and unique, like to illumination by the light of understanding. In such moments, any onerous restrictions of time and earth are removed, and the person begins to see that happiness and unalloyed being do exist. Some persons even realize that happiness is attainable for them, so it's worth to try. Scriptures also argue that it is even necessary to do this by casting off the shackles of the old Adam - iniquity, wickedness, trouble, and call it perfection, nirvana, the grace, the Promised Land, and indicate the path that leads to it. All the poetry - "earth deity dreams" - is about this. Therefore it is possible to believe poets, as in their rebellious souls they have already experienced the finding of Paradise, and its loss, and now sing the eternal desire to return to the Home, in Happy Land.

The priests of the elementary theory,
you expect sermons from a poet:
I say preach for the good of the world -
Not by word boredom, known to all,
But by resounding full-voice sonnet
Not found by anyone yet!
 (K. Balmont)

According to Heidegger, poetry is fulfillment of the truth. But, according to the Midrash, to one hundred thousand prophets Holy Spirit gave one book, to the other - two, and to some - only two verses ... In an exact line, the poet can express transcendent content in the form, unknown even to himself. At the time of his creative urge, his highest individual consciousness dissolves in the ocean of altruism. In true poetry, the Transcendent tells, that feels sad in the verse line. To utter inexplicable is possible only at loss of myself, at failure of the evaluating and weighing systems of selfishness. One, who knows that eternity can not remain silent, searches for a place and time where the great Prophet Women heralded her another tale of eternal and immortal in the human world, in the ocean of poetry.

My knowledge is scarce for
Those who are void of understanding -
for those who wander around the dark, -
highlight [the path] by poetry lamp.
But still, not owning this lamp,
I'll talk a little bit - a drop - to feed fools.
 (Buddhist canon)

We ourselves do not demonstrate literary and poetic (prophetic) creativity: now it is beyond our capabilities. There is no need, since the high-level sources are at hand abound.

I got blessed inheritance -
Wandering dreams of strange singers.

In any case, the conscious awareness provides a lot of advantages, even to the authors of the quoted text.

Every person, citing saying with reference to the name of the person uttering it, promotes universal salvation.
 (Talmud, Avot)


Assuming the reader to be familiar with the basic Bible stories, we do not require a special scholarship in the tradition and practice of religion. Sometimes external (formal) knowledge is even harm: going to memorize passages of a specific theological scheme, the person ceases to strive for truth and begins to rely on comments, approved and recognized in a private human tradition. Knowledge of the sacred language of primary issues (Hebrew, Sanskrit ...) is not too radically for our purposes; besides, many Apocrypha came to us only in the form of Greek, Syrian, Coptic, Old Slavonic, Ethiopian versions, and the original language is often completely unknown. Comprehending thought has no different languages, it uses a meta-language. This allows us to understand the texts in any translation.

A certain nun kept repeating Mahaparinirvana Sutra. Hearing this, the mentor tried to explain it. Then the nun took the book and asked him to explain the meaning of some of the characters. The mentor said: "I am illiterate, but on the sense, please ask."
 (Sutra of the platform)

Not the language of the wise man is valuable to God, but the thought.
 (Sayings of Sextus)

On St. Paul, the character is sometimes deadly; once Buddha forbade translate his sermons into Sanskrit. Vital importance belongs to the spirit and meaning, and therefore, the search of the ideas embodied in the word of the holy text.

On thoughts, breathing by force,
words are strunged like pearls...
 (Lermontov, cf. Proverbs. 8:11)

If there is a true understanding, or at least the pursuit of this understanding, which is supported by techniques mentioned in the same texts, the truth can be found in the translation, avoiding all the inaccuracies and distortions. No snobbery is misplaced.

If Gentile studies the Torah, he is the high priest.
 (Talmud, Bava Kama, cf. 1 Pet. 2:9)

Use understandable language will allow us to significantly increase readership, despite the protests of the zealots of academic rigor.

Envy, moving you, finds that I robbed new
And the ancient artists and that I lie in Russian
That in the Roman long ago and in French
Is said more beautiful ...
 (AD Kantemir)

Of course, the real work with each letter of the text (but not the literalist understanding!) gives deep insight "into every iota and dash" and might lead away (sometimes too away). We will not argue that the magical power of Sanskrit or Hebrew (according to legend, a single parent language of mankind) is high.

What is said in Hebrew, does not have the same strength when it is translated into another language.
 (The Book of Sirach. Foreword)

Using Hebrew letters, the righteous rabbis were able to easily create objects, living creatures (Golems) and the worlds. However, techniques such as Kabbalah is actually available and needed not for all: in our world, they can pose a serious harm.

Certainly know that every letter of the Scripture is an idol, and the idol is surely your veil.
 (Sheikh Attar)

This warning was not listen on time even by the best representatives of the Jewish religion. Going the other way, we will use the symbols of letters and numbers only to reasonable (minimally required) limits.

Let my tongue, without further stalling,
interpret the essence of life.
(R. Rilke)


In general, the interpretation is not entertaining exercise in solving crossword and puzzle, that is easily turned into a useless sport. And at the same time it is an exercise in solving puzzles and charades, where an essential factor for success is patience and hard work; this brings the process of gaining knowledge closely to the sport or hunting. Champions do miles - remember Spartacus members.

Once two people put on seed - one has taken it from the mango fruit, and the other mustard seed. After that, they acted in the same way: fertilize and water the ground, protected the germ and cared him unstintingly. However, when the time came to harvest, the results were different: the first got the sweet mangoes, and the second mustard.
 (Buddhist parable)

The apparent injustice was initially predetermined by sown seeds, the beginning of the case is the most important point to get the desired results. Seed is the idea and the purpose to start spiritual work. While the amount of effort may be the same, crucial for the fruit is pledged intention - to become an athlete (knowledgeable, respected, respectable ...) or indeed to achieve perfection. Only "the wicked flee when no one was chasing" (Prov. 28:1). What is the external difference? Almost imperceptible.

I'll bet that I'm not dead,
And, as a jockey, I assure head
What else can I do joke
On the trotting track.

Do not worry: impatience is a luxury
I gradually increase speed,
By cold step we will come to the track,
I kept my distance.

Being not afraid of obstacles, we turn with a clear mind and sober head to the interpretations. Without succumbing to mad and maintaining the desired level of responsibility and detachment, we will always be safe, and let passive fans and lazy observers clutch their hearts.

A: You see, I have on occasion, and I can make a joke.
B: Oh, yes, you are as wise as the fine.
 (Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream)


In the course of the book, we consider the value of certain symbols, most important in the Gnostic work.

In meeting the four major religious needs: food, clothing and shelter and medicine - you have to be careful and check all that you are given before using.
 (Jataka of confidence in food)

The four major religious needs are just symbol things that are supporting (the most important in the life) for individuals and groups of people who follow the path of perfection. Monk (practicing any belief system) converts in his work world and brings there good, and in return receives from the world these things in a secret manner. Food is a symbol of saturation by otherwordly knowledge and ideas derived directly from the hidden storage.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
 (Matthew 5:6)

Although the spiritual path requires reliance on written tradition, one can not do without food when committing the inner workings on the contemplation, eradication of their sins, etc. Spiritual food strengthens, driving the transcendental forces and supporting them. Shelter is holding the dark time of day (in night, the world of the human soul), when the practice deals with switched off consciousness. Purposeful spiritual work takes place just in the night: the day of the Lord is darkness (Amos 5:20), Eastern ascetics abide in a dark forest, where there are their opponents-demons (e.g, female owls). At this time, they contemplate and study material of dreaming state having a very complicated structure. Medications are the means and good fruits that are consistently extracted by practicioner on his way employing them to change his poor condition, that is, for the healing. They provide superior comfort and make closer to the desired goals - to the spiritual health and perfection, the eating of the heavenly blessings, liberation and peace with God.


All of these issues we will look at, and now let's do detailed interpretation of the clothes symbol. Clothing is the doctrine relied on, a set of saving ideas, which protects and decorates a person on the spiritual path. It is also a set of laws of morality that defines life, destiny and future revival of who holds them.

Judas said to Matthew, "We want to understand the way of clothing, that we be clothed when we abandon the ruined flesh."
The Lord said, "The rulers and officials have clothes provided only for the time that is not stored. But you, as children of the truth, are not in this transient clothing. Rather, I say to you that you will be blessed when you drop them. For this is not a great thing [...] out.
 (Dialogue of the Savior. Nag Hammadi, cf. 2 Cor. 5:2-4)

Everyone chooses a style of clothing during his life and on this basis cuts out personal karma for a long time. Rulers and officials are archons, doers of the law who are temporarily dominating in the world, until it collapses. Liberty consists in the rejection of all the rules and rituals, the truth in their destruction.

His disciples said: On what day you appear to us and what day we see you? Jesus said: When you are bare, and not ashamed, and take your clothes, put them under your feet like little children and trample them, then [you see] the son of the one who is alive, and you will not be afraid.
 (Gospel of Thomas 42)

Apostles, being unfaithful to their teacher, want to find reward and blessings for their actions after the death of Jesus, though they did not understand his teachings in life and did not take its truths (Mark 16:14). Shame as the beginning of selfish salvation (sinful nature, which was received by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden) must be destroyed and disposed. To do this, one must abandon the "saving" ideas and teachings, all contrived rules and man's traditions, accumulated by people at the crossroads of history. One who goes astray misconceptions and errors is guilty and living in fear only. These errors just need to be corrected, and then any way will be salutary.

All, first removing clothes
And various armor,
Begin as ignorant,
But then there are successes.
 (N. Zabolotsky)

Blind, who comes to Jesus, first folds his clothes (Mark 10:50). In the Jataka of dance it is said that one monk tore their clothes, and appeared before the Master naked.


Shoes and clothing is a belief system that is used by the adept, saving yourself from the bad influences of the outside world, a specific and well-defined.

All is for the benefit for one whose mind is pleased with the small:
For the feet, clad in a shoe, the land is covered with skin.
 (Hitopadesha 109)

Clothes need to keep warm and protect themselves from the cold, anger and hatred. Having it feels warm and relatively safe. The one who stands in the law, finds robes - beautiful and sparkling, pure and exalted. However, there are dirty, filthy rags (the doctrine of sin), and its role can be performed by monastic chains, mortifying the flesh, or hair-shirt, which brings suffering. There are also symbols of chitinous cover, protective armor of warrior monks, tree bark, which is put on by hermits. One even uses rags, picked up on the trash heap, that is made out of waste products of perishing world. So tells Jataka of signs:

We're monks, detached from all worldly things, and be content with rags, which are either caught in a landfill, where dumped dead or lying in the street, in the garbage pits, bathing places on the highways or elsewhere.

Renounce monks are a collection of the forces of this world, or the people who took the path of renunciation and are content with rags. During the apocalypse (the destruction of the whole world, which is no longer able to exist) all is dumped in dead landfills. Teachings that were used during the entire period of the world, but has not brought salvation, are wearing and deteriorating. However, a group of monks and practitioners, researchers, and spectators are beginning to rethink the basis of saving drills and dress up in old clothes as into new ones, giving them again a sense and power, now for the world's future. Streets are a community of people and nations in the city religions - the gathering of all peoples, where the central themes are addressed and the eternal truths of salvation are declared, which must not be forgotten.

And now - met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: on the street, on the premises, and at every corner she lie in wait.
 (Proverbs 7:10-12)

In this context, a woman is seduction of curious by mystery.

Even during the day you are deposited by ghosts here
And, as in narrow channels smelly mud,
Secrets, secrets crawl in all nooks.

Pit is hell, the underworld of the dead, the zone where stay ancestors. In bathing places (churches, sects, philosophical and mystical schools) one is cleansed in the flow of time-being through some religious teachings that speak of the highest, and rituals. Highway leads the world in the final stage to the last end (Isaiah 35:8).


Jataka of signs also explains the technique of the treatment of clothes.

A Brahmin, full of superstition and prejudice, was on the wrong track and did not understand the essence of the Three Jewels. But once mouse climbed into his chest with clothes and spoiled this.

Clothes can be made from both of useful ideas and truths - pieces of supreme teaching, and from superstition and prejudice, that is, restrictions based on the false human morality that prevent to come to true salvation. Brahman means not only the upper castes, but also symbolized the creator Brahma, head and living principle of the world, who only cares about his needs. Mouse is inhabit of underground burrows, head of ancestors, the king the law of Moses, the judge of the dead kingdom Yama, the keeper of treasures. In an apocalyptic period, death becomes the main character, acquires power in the world and destroys its old clothes, that is, a system of values. One has to do something.

Brahmin thought: "If I leave the clothes, spoiled by the mouse in my house, there will be a great misfortune, for it is as a bad sign, as to see black ear. One can not give it to anyone from children or send servants or employees: for everyone who will wear it, it will bring terrible misfortune to those around. "

Old set of ideas is to be updated by reference to the truth, not the individual, but on a global level. If you do not create a new doctrine for the next period of the world, the world would perish with his lively issue. Servants and employees of God are the Jews, the chosen people, which have to do His will and to solve specific problems. If you open them all the secrets of the Torah and the Old Testament prophecies encrypted, it will lead to the plight for all the surrounding nations, and not to salvation. God loves the world and does not want to give to people a dead doctrine.

For now I'll have to take it to the place of the dead dump. But how can I entrust to servants or employees. After all, they can set their bag for clothes and take her, then it is inevitable misfortune. For now I'll get it all to his son.

Brahman decided to bury and destroy all the teaching in the apocalypse, to get rid of death. However, in this way the whole world would have been buried, being devoid of life-giving ideas. Father instructs the destruction of dead ideas and saving the world to the Son.

At this time, a young man came to the gate, as instructed by his father, he carried on the tip of the stick the very clothes - looking as if dragging a snake caught in the house.

Like Moses, that brought the snake to the cross (Numbers 21:9), the son carried the Old Testament clothes to the apocalypse. At the dump of corpses he met the Buddha - the Enlightened, a teacher and mentor, a preacher at the end of the world, and said to him:

"These clothes are now highly poison. Now I throw the clothes and go to wash from head to toe."

Damaged clothing is a threat to the entire world. Completing their work for God, the son wants to bathe - perform the baptism of the world.

"Well, throw!" - the Teacher said. The young man threw the clothes. A teacher once, in his eyes, picked her, saying: "We'll do it." The young man pleaded with him: "My friend Gotama, it is a bad sign, do not take, do not take it" - but the Teacher was not listening to him, picked up the unfortunate clothes and went to the Bamboo Grove.

Buddha will alter rags, that is dying ideas, update and retell them, give a new life-giving meaning of truth, to provide the basis for their new birth and awakening of the world.

Hearing this, the Brahmin decided: "This garment portends terrible accident, there is no worse signs! Even the ascetic Gotama will inevitably die, if he wears it. Had this trouble, all convict me. It is better to give to Ascetic Gotama a lot of other dresses, let he allowed throw this clothing. "
" My friend Gotama - said the Brahmin - this clothing is damned; if you're going to use it, you will die and destroy the whole community. If so you need to dress the top or bottom clothes, be kind, take all these clothes, and, carry away the one that is picked".

Community are those who perform in this world the processes of purification, being illuminated by faith and listening to the scholars. Brahman offers a new dress to Buddha, but Buddha does not accept the exchange, as he knows: the new clothes that will be given to him, belong to the old world, and on this basis the new world can not exist (Matt. 9:16). The medicine is developed from the venom of death, dangerous and unclean; beautiful lotus grows from the mud. The new belief system must be justified from the roots. Good can be built only on the bad, through the alchemical transformation of mercury and lead into gold.

I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white clothes to wear, and that is not visible to the shame of your nakedness.
 (Revelation 3:18)

Shay dress possibly more expensive,
But austere - rich, but not flashy.
(Shakespeare. Hamlet)


One can not develop such a teaching of one God, which would give protection around the world, enable all living beings to walk on the earth.

Skin is not enough to ensure to close the ground, but you can find the skin to make your own boots.

However, you can do it for a certain type of person, so that they protected their feet, and did not walk on thorns and rocks. Buddha forbade wearing wooden shoes, to do not destroy living beings and do not disturb the peace of the land. However, after seeing the bloody feet of student Sona, who came from a noble family and was subtle, Buddha told him to wear boots with thick soles. Feet mean motor function, based on the ground; they come in contact with the underworld, the zone of the ancestors. When moving through the legs, magical powers are set in motion. Jewish priests, following Moses (Exodus 3:5), conducted worship barefoot, while it was considered shameful for a scholar to walk without shoes.

Jesus, by Jericho, looked, and saw, and here stood a man, and in his hand a drawn sword. Jesus came to him and said to him: our Do you or for our adversaries? He said, 'No, I commander of the army of the Lord, is come [here]. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my Lord unto his servant? The leader of the Lord's host said unto Joshua, Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place on which you stand is holy. Jesus did.
 (Joshua 5:13-15)

Joshua wore shoes during the war, as a result of which all fighting Jews have died in the desert. In the holy place, we can not show strength and resist God. Being outside the protection, Jesus becomes soft, vulnerable, flexible, careful. It is just now that Christ enters the way of the cross, becoming a martyr. There is also here a severe angel with a drawn sword - a true prophet Muhammad.

Shod feet can not ascend to the height from which you can see the light of the truth, until the pace of the soul is freed from the dead, and the Earth's shell leather enveloping our nature, since we disobeyed the divine command, were naked ... That's what, in my view, the definition of truth is: no misconceptions about Who is.
 (St. Gregory of Nyssa. About the life of Moses the Lawgiver)


All the scriptures, especially the texts of the East, are built on certain ethical principles and have their main goal to bring maximum benefit to those who study them. In encrypted form (at the symbolic level) they contain a sequence of actions. First, specify the ultimate goal - the salvation and the truth leading to it. It determines the proposed level of saving or the degree of perfection which is reached by the person that followed this doctrine (entered into its gates). Not every teaching is the latest release of the perfect, as fair warning is done. Often, the aim is just to get to a certain level, the world of the gods (the magical delights) or get freedom in a confined space. Second, the detailed descriptions of each state, where the one will remain who has realized this level (master mystic power, knowledge, freedom, etc.), - the goods have always to demonstrate face. Sub-goals are accepted too, but they are considered only as a temporary accumulation of merit. Third, list of practices, techniques and tools to achieve higher states of teaching, involving the work of both the body and the spirit (penance, yoga, meditation, study of texts). An important condition for correct operation is its ethical and moral justification. One has to understand the tools in order to be able to use them without causing harm to themselves or others. Fourth, the skills are given to work with the purchased tools, that is, weapons are switched on, which are just the means of salvation. These are directed primarily against own sins, vices and imperfections of a person. Fifth, learn to turn off equipment and weapons, because people tend to get involved in their power, or, conversely, fear of weapons so that they can not stop its action - tame a demon created and return it to the place. If this is not done in proper time, you stuck at intermediate levels. All bearing the arms of war, and condemned to die in the desert (Joshua. 5:4). Sixth, the man who has reached a perfect state, should see all the tying factors and be able to go out, without staying, to the next level, not sparing the loss of found strength and happiness.

Before Christ, many of them went. Where they left it - there they could not enter. Where they came from - from there they could not leave. But Christ came. Those who came in - he gave them leave. And those who went - he gave them enter.
 (Gospel of Philip 70, cf. Jn. 10:9)

The biggest mistake is to regard a level as a desirable and sufficient to himself. "For a fool ,salvation is shackles," because, freed from the temptations of the world, he finds himself in a new dependence on higher pleasures (intoxicating wine), which is more difficult and dangerous than light mundane crap.

Last their delight is wine:
poisonous, harmful juices,
animal vices feed them...
 (R. Rilke)

As for wine, give me avidly to fall
To secret moisture thick dreams
Crave awe flexible visions.


Turning to the books as carriers of absolute knowledge or praying for them, it is easy to lose a sense of purpose in life.

Alas! You deplete your spirit over writings,
Interpreting their lost meaning at random.
 (E. Verhaeren)

Direct and true understanding comes, if we seek the truth, and not to engage in a mechanical interpretation of the texts. Moreover, texts themselves are not a final end for us. All of this are the means to achieve the pure sense (cf. 2 Pet. 3:1), that address many of the serious problems of the reader.

Understand a saying, puzzle over the other [and so with] ten million words - this is not the end. If you really understand what I am saying, precious words and wise sayings will flow from your mouth. Otherwise, what is the use of such things on the Way?

Then - after the new birth (John 3:3) - one will need to come back to life, as do the monks after the shutter, and then it will go in a new capacity. Then, perhaps, it's time for her songs ...

Now again, I'm going
There, to life, to bid, to market
And I will lead the army of songs
With the tide of the market in a duel.
 (V. Khlebnikov)

However, it is possible that, even freely looking at the world, we will only reproduce in a sequence of Bible verses. The Orthodox tradition ascribes this ability to illiterate saints. In the story "Pierre Menard, Author of Don Quixote" JL Borges describes techniques of verbatim recovery of classic novel text, which acquires a new meaning for the author-reader.

And not only one treasure, perhaps,
Bypassing grandchildren, goes great-grandchildren,
Again a bard composes alien song
And utters it as own.

Even if our work will not be understood by contemporaries, who are too busy with their own affairs, it can be useful to future generations. True tradition based on Scripture, is again revived and passed through the Spirit, and not through people.


The reader again began to suspect that we are addicted by useless moralizing.

Ah, what can say to me all of this fraternity,
Words replacing by the concept!
Tell on the soul, about deep heat,
Without even having understood completely,
Outside: abyss of the imagination,
In practice is the destruction of poetry ...
They can not say a word in simplicity - more about
That, well, we feel, they say, we have a ...
 (F. Schelling. Epicurean views by Heinz Stubborn)

Atheist propaganda claims that salvation is the usual primitive life in worldly terms. Everything is going well, so that saving is vanity. Why kill the natural life, then to revive it again? Atheists are calling for removal of any "saving" practices, saying that excellence described in old texts is present now as a paradise on earth, and in heaven, it does not exist at all. Then materialism is the most desirable teaching and status, and to moving away from it is not needed.

I undertake convince all now patiently
That it is only the essentially, true,
What one can and feel, and smell,
And, it is not hard to understand these things,
Without repentance, the more killing flesh
In an effort to cleanse.

Such thoughts are sitting in the head of any normal person has not come to the idea of the importance of true knowledge - it seems unnatural to him, just as the Scriptures. For vibrant and healthy person, contact with the ultimate is unusual.

I believed that could gradually
To mock evil, be like God.

Although we do not consider an atheist as an enemy, there is a bit of advice for him. Struggling with religious fanaticism, that person takes correct ethical promises, but modifies them to reject any ideas of salvation and spirituality. All of these views would be fair, if not the existence of fate, cause relationships, death and the Last Judgment. Then one really ought to live and enjoy, not caring about the future.

I expect their Last Judgment many years,
But up to it, I think, anyone hardly will survive.
I am convinced that this world was always existed,
And that it will turn to dust is, in my opinion, nonsense.

However, the sheer joy does not exist in this world. Here, each person experiences fear and anxiety - hopelessness is looming, and the apocalyptic disaster becomes last argument. Therefore, the way to salvation is inevitable, whether they some people want to admit it or not. Life must go on, God loves the world and does everything on His will. Bliss and happiness can only be achieved after the salvation. Mature and sensible man must consciously take care of the future and do what is necessary, extracting useful information from the Scriptures. Word about salvation is not an empty call, but a vital thing.

Sweetness of such judgments is so
What can sting bitter, and all are words are
No more than words, there is no hearing yet
To heal the heart through the ear.
 (Shakespeare. Othello)


Certainly, knowledge should be a natural process, not only motivated by curiosity. However, even one who has reached a certain holiness (now we do not give its exact definition, but below unexpected things will be told on this issue) have to move somewhere. Pot, when it is made, and accepted a perfect form, remains on the wheel and continues to spin. Also saint continues to live in the world.

Are not you bored
In a cloudy jelly
daily dip eyes becoming corpulent?
Let's - you know -
organize carousel,
on the tree of study of good and evil!
 (Mayakovsky. Cloud in Trousers)

Being far from calling for nihilism, we often omit ethical and humanistic perspective for brevity (at least explicitly), because it is not the main subject of this book, but at the same time seamlessly fills each phrase, giving a flavor to every thought.

Although the hearing of noble truths is found in other Jatakas, further it will be referred to only in cases where the special praise is paid to the acquisition of the fruit.
 (Jataka of constancy)

According to Nietzsche, the trivial Adamian ethics is "too human"; in the eight-fold Patanjali Yoga, spiritual ethics is the first and relatively simple, though a necessary step (yama, niyama, ...). Let's hope that readers have successfully mastered them, try to do it, hope to come to it, or just put it to better times.

Why do you, the devil,
live like a Hottentot,
Do you not know the rules
as live in the opposite way?
 (N. Zabolotsky)

This book assumes a constructive outlet for this stage and further personal growth.

My soul, seeking the good,
is not the same today, as yesterday.


Going beyond good and evil does not mean the disappearance of personal and social responsibility - it only takes a different (more appropriate and sophisticated) forms.

- From the moment you left the limits of agreement with other people, you're not ever going to know what is good and what is bad. If you want to be good, then you should be convinced that the world is good. But you and I are not convinced. We live in an age where morality is decomposing or writhing in convulsions. But for the sake of the world, which might yet come, it is necessary to keep yourself clean!
- Do you believe that this somehow will affect it will come or not? - Agatha objected.
- No, unfortunately, I do not believe it. Believe except this: If the people who see it will not do the right thing, then it certainly will not come and one will not be able to stop the decay.
 (R. Musil. Man Without Qualities)

We are not particularly frightening, that the book falls into the hands of untrained reader - he just will not comprehend it, though can find a reason for jokes. There are more important concerns.

It is too long to find all the reasons that cause us to be silent about the truth. But among them, there is the following: that those who do not understand the truth, do not become worse by the fact that we were trying to guide those who are able to understand ... What to do? Is it not better still talk about the truth, so that the persons able to listen understand it, rather than to keep quiet about it, so that they both remain in the dark? Then our silence is of hurt even for the most capable, from which, if he had been instructed, many others learned.
 (St. Augustine. Permanence gift)

The readers understanding us will under no circumstances be bored and remain without work.

I'm not insulting them by neurasthenia
Do not humiliate by warmth,
Do not get tired of meaningful hints
At the contents of a damn,
But when the bullets hiss around,
When the waves break the board,
I teach them how to be not afraid,
Do not be afraid and do what is necessary.
 (Gumilev. My readers)

Anyway, on an ethical level, each will receive his own.

For the pure all things are pure, and are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure, but contaminated by their mind and conscience.
 (Titus 1:15)

Verily, the people received from the first words of the prophecy: if you feel no shame, then do what you want.
 (Islamic hadith)

St. Augustine told the same rule, tying him with love, and the only (natural?) restriction is associated with eating apples growing on the tree of life (which is the same, as it gradually becomes clear, the tree of knowledge of good and evil). Those who have not yet gained enough freedom and are not ready for such an attitude will have serious problems with reading.

To mix good and evil
Is in the habit of the laity.
Accordingly, the neck is lowered to the cemetery,
A swan (goose) to the lake.
 (Buddhist canon)

Unfortunately, the perception by the lay method is usual for many those who consider themselves Orthodox Christians. The person who is looking for bad everywhere (and especially in others), will find it for yourself.

Virtuous man from the village damages morality.
One who repeats heard on the street leaves morality.
 (Konfutsiy. Lun Yu)

From the point of view of the Scriptures, human virtue is the "street" doctrine and a primitive superstition. A human morality is the enemy of truth.


According to Eastern tradition, the good and sublime, the only valuable is that can be used as guidance. Really useful is only the gift that will not disappear with time and enables to increase, build and deepen own state of eternity. These imperishable sublime category includes guidance: it is fundamentally different from the empty words and meaningless calls for repentance, fear of God, a new and better life, joy, happiness... On the contrary, the material, designed as a ready sense unit and transferred by a piece as a gift, is considered to be unimportant or even worthless - eventually it crumble and fall apart, like all finite created things. Guidance is a neutral presentation of material in the form of fairy tales, parables, etc., which contains a possibility of to discover by himself new worlds and opportunities to get new energy. A person possesses actually the latter in excess, those who think they are poor people having no good are usual misers who do not want to use their greatest treasure - personal sinfulness. ("What is on your own?" - Asks the Russian mystery about sin; the same idea is told by St. Augustine.) To confess their sins, you have in proper time to discover this treasure and spend money for pleasure.

Grab and eat, grab and drink, for the world we are leaving is like a wedding feast.
 (Talmud, Erubin)

Combining business with pleasure, you can turn sins into blessed pure states, into jewelry of future life. For the pure, everything is clean and there is nothing sinful (Romans 14:14). In Buddhism, the sin is fuel - burning them, fire gives lights, warms and even helps to cook the food. There is nothing to spare - when you die, your treasure, consisting of bad savings, will be used by another, and the punishment still will get you.

Of all my treasures I stayed
Only thanks - I give it to you.
 (Shakespeare. Richard II)

In the West, people tend to circumcise themselves up to the bones, cut off and someone to transfer their sins to cleanse and weighing on the court, notwithstanding the Gospel warnings (Matthew 5:25-26, John. 5:24). While the bridegroom is with us, you can not post, rater have to feast. When taught, the true instruction should not greedily hoard treasure, and use it immediately destroy wickedness. Thus, evil is not discarded, but is transformed into good; got scared and ran away from evil only increases sins. He that findeth his life shall lose it, and ruined - save it. Taking his soul sinful looses all his savings and achievements without profit, and taking it for what it is, will be easy to live a normal and intensive human life.

 And here in my heart
Wander lame days unsteady steps,
And all dead years are covered by snow tufts,
Longing, sadness fruit that thyrants sorrowful spirit
will suddenly take terrible dimensions of immortality.


Scriptures are usually only praised as an idol, but almost no one wants to work with them and apply them to intended purpose - for personal use. To give to someone a proper understanding of the Bible mean to offend him, and in return he will go to reproaches and insults of who reminded him of the unpleasant things about human wickedness and suffering. A human virtue and stupidity tend to take militant forms, protecting himself from the transforming truth.

Drums beat gathering of old insults
Impotent curses, crushed to powder,
Drums beat gathering in our minds.
 (E. Verhaeren)

Few are willing to give up voluntarily their pride, ignorance, selfishness and fear. It is difficult to expect another. To wound care, surgery (i.e. desperate therapist) peels adhering dressing, spreads the wound, removes dirt, washes. All of this is painful and causes violent defensiveness of patient. But the healer is inexorable, he knows how to profit - to prescribe medication, procedures, dressings, which is also accepted without enthusiasm.

Drink snakes by milk is just add the poison to them.
Teach fools - make angry, and not warn.

But the doctor is good. His goal is not to bring new pain to unfortunate person, not to lead him quickly as possible to the grave, not to pull out his money, but improve, fix on his feet, show the path to complete healing.

As well as here, the bitter drug poisons
Are connected with honey from the bitter hive
To cure a persistent ailment destroy.
 This drug is similar to my reasoning:
If funny thing is included in the Law,
 You can compare it with a sweet medicine.
True Law of Buddha, arguing peace,
 Illuminates by its light the people in this world;
In the same manner, if you take the drug, having the unpleasant taste,
 You feel fermentation in the body.
Today I explain the meaning of these stories,
 To show assertion in peacet.
 (Sutra of hundred parables)

The same Sutra describes how the doctor prepared the medication for gastric lavage to the patient, who had indigestion. But he took it and drank the medicine when the doctor had not yet come, and nearly died from the unbearable pain. Doctoe had to give him an emetic, and only then relief came. In short, it is up to the reader. There is a consolation: those who follow the rules of medicine, get a ticket for spa treatment. On his return from the resort., reader-patient is placed on the dispensary registration and is periodic (but not very often) under baseline medical examination. One takes care of him, he is doing well, he is quite healthy and vigorous.

As a frog to the marsh, fish to a brimming lake,
So luck rushes to the decisive man.


We are not tending to offend anyone in vain, but rather, as it possible, try to develop empathy for the plight of the reader who is not yet saved. At the same time we can not too adapt its cultural and religious preferences. In contrast to "Gulliver's Travels", "Gargantua and Pantagruel" and even "The Divine Comedy", it is useless to look in this book for any historical and political realities and allusions, and even more discussion of social issues. Possible publicity of the book hardly worried the authors, and they tend to put such processes take their course. And in fact, in any case, our merit is low - to hit the bell means a revival of ancient truths, which is always contained in the Scriptures.

At the bell, peacefully dozing, a heavy bomb raid,
Broke out, with a bang fragments scattered around from her;
He also started, and to the people the powerful brass sounds
Flowed away, angry buzzing and calling for a fight.
 (AK Tolstoy)

Reader, deafened by strong impressions, will repeatedly ask: "Why are you knocking at my drums?". However, this is the only way the truth of Scripture is taken.

... All taken in pipes, valves closed -
In nights, ones only howl and whine
That it is necessary, necessary to rub salt in the wound:
To better remember - let them hurt!
 (Vladimir Vysotsky)

However, also an opposite reaction to our text would be logical - indifference and deafening silence, which will also lead to serious conclusions and tangible impact on the self-esteem of the modern world.

Bookstores in Stockholm and Lund reported this revelation in vain. Unbelievers a priori found it absurd and tortured theological game, theologians reacted with disdain. In this ecumenical indifference, Runeberg saw almost miraculous confirmation of his ideas. God commanded to be indifference, God did not want the land know His horrifying secret. Runeberg understood that the hour is not yet come.
(JL Borges. Three versions of Judas' betrayal)


Any, including the negative in form, statements in this essay do not actually contain a moral judgment, but are dictated by the inexorable logic equence and by the Scripture.

Iron maples
Promised to me wine downpour.
To be truth, I have
To find fault in this Territory.
 (Torhall Hunter, scald)

Generally, personal efforts to save, finding truth are contrary to public desire for social justice and the rule of law. This desire eventually reduces to sense primitivism, not wanting to know anything about spiritual matters.

Let tastes of rich and proud are
Sick of the simple pleasures of the lower classes,
I charm darling more
Then art of imaginary pearl.
 (O. Goldsmith)

Here, of course, we are talking about spiritual wealth, pearls are the highest truth.

"Have you not seen the good society? In this
 Book - just black, and fools, and worse than that? "
I've seen the good society. Society is
 Called good, if it does not give theme for poetry.

Scripture is the book about human sins and how overcome them; any canon speaks mostly about the negative, pointing to each person to failure of his life. "Pure" can be received only by those who remove own unclean content using the teaching and get a positive result for themselves. Bad consequences of reading come not from the fault of the insidious authors of the book, but because of the own baggage, accumulated by the reader, his passivity, inability to work and earn.

In an environment of universal emptiness,
Universal defilement,
What meaning are you looking for,
What reconciliation?
 (N. Nekrasov)

A person who is not ready to look for salvation and freedom, will always view the book only from the point of view of the world and find in it a little good and decent. However, not all is so bad.

We still become wise from year to year -
Crucifix are now needed to ourselves -
They are the wealth of our nation,
Though - a relic of antiquity.
 (Vladimir Vysotsky)

At certain times, smart edifying word, the board is in trouble, is of the greatest value. The meaning of salvation and liberation becomes clear to a person who himself has undergone something, was crushed, deceived and fell. From this point of view, even the historical experience may be helpful.


Generally, the interpretations in this book are given only as a revelation of symbolic material, that is, require a personal response throughout the fragile soul of the reader, and not the secular beliefs. We speak about of the eternal ideas (of course, not discussed by Plato, but from Bible). In this sense, any similarity of names with historical personalities and social institutions should be considered accidental.

Names that are given to things of the earth, are the great fallacy, because they distract the heart from the fact that is firm, to the fact that is no firm ... Also in this way [in words] Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and life, and light, and the resurrection, and the church [and] all the rest - they do not comprehend that is [firm], but realize that is not securely , [except] to know what is firm. [The names that were] heard, there are in the world [to deceive].
 (Gospel of Philip 11)

All the names mentioned in the Scriptures, all the people and things in the Bible are symbols of ultimate reality. In Kabbalah, these archetypes are called Partzufim. It is believed that they exist in the spiritual world, and not in our world. For the standard view, these objects are not real, and the biblical description of events is historically unreliable. However, they are very real to those who is enclosed in the ultimate.

Heart of reasonable choices parable, and an attentive ear is the desire of the wise.
 (Sirach 3:29)

To talk about the transcendent is possible only in the form of parables, which are a set of symbols. These symbols are universal to any culture. Often, being very necessary, the help can come to us from a completely unexpected direction, whether East or West.

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
 (Proverbs 25:25)

Proverbs are the events of the Kingdom of heaven, which are far away, but they reach the human soul in the form of high appeals, celestial sounds and wonderful aromas from beyond. The seeker (gnostic) is a traveler in distant lands, the sky and the water. These countries represent the stages of teaching, a specific belief system, where parts of the One abide. Important historical achievement of the Gnostics was a return from attempts to translate the Scriptures in the philosophical and scientific language, started by the Hellenistic culture, to the original symbolic language of myth, which alone is able to reflect the divine reality in all its depth.

Life and events, which are not certified by ultimate reality, not based on a sacred sign prototype, do not rely on it, do not reflect any celestial affairs and do not recognize themselves in them, are not life and not event at all.
 (T. Mann. Joseph and his brothers)

Unfortunately, the whole Western philosophy has taken in the future the path of repression offensive and unpleasant biblical ideas, replacing them with human (rationalistic and humanistic) view. This meant leaving, running away from religion. Eastern philosophy is, despite its flamboyance and illogical character, aims to bring a person to God. The first is called atheism (even with the name of God on the lips).

They: My noble uncle!
He: What will I do I with your apparent humility?
 Do not bend knees, bend your pride.
 (Shakespeare. Richard III)

Second is faith (even with a fairly bold definitions of God).

They: Pluviose is: bitter to life and to people.
  In the grim suburbs, deadly cold is
Flowing from his bottomless vessel,
 And the inhabitants of the graves are rotting faster.

He: And finally they are completely slackened,
 Without saying a greeting. Believe me,
 I drew the greetings in their silence;
 And in timid modesty diligence
 I heard more than a rattle of
 Loud-mouthed and arrogant speech.
 (Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream)


As already mentioned, as the main arguments we will involve passages of Scripture, including the very well-known, and based on them act freely. This approach, avoiding the useless debate about the views (we just do not have those, and this is why the book does not reflect the views of the authors), has always been accepted in any meaningful debate in both the East and the West. It is the main also in the Gospels, for example, in disputes of Jesus with the Pharisees - the future Talmudists. Unfortunately, it has become fashionable to doubt the authority of Scripture in the last century, when foreign secular arguments appeared. Disputes in this style are long and do not end usefully, because participants did not seek the truth, which is alone.

In dispute fool does not need truth, he needs only a victory.
 (Buddhist canon)

To express clearly and specifically an idea or turn of thought, one has to speak without allusions, to throw a stone at one bowl of scales, expressing rather sharp things, and the authors do not accept claims about this, except for the truth purpose...

Of course, I exaggerate as I could tell it as exaggeration.
 (F. Kafka. Castle)

One should, however, avoid another temptation - deafening unambiguous arguments "from the letter" of the text, which erect new idols. "When a wicked man preaches the true doctrine, it is false." Being similar to ritual incantations, such sermons do not give a true penetration into the sense (wicked man is one who is deprived of this ability), but only show a primitive understanding and the desire to lead and direct. At best, they simply soothe poor sheep from the flock, often after they themselves drove her in fear.

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
 (1 Corinthians 2:4)

We avoid to give indulgences and warranty cards, gift undue hope, underwrite uninsured, assign spiritual retirement and hand mind matriculation. Amen.


Work with Scripture is full of unexpected adventures and dangers.

You tied me to a board and threw into the sea.
And you're talking to me,
"Be careful, do not get wet!"

This is the destiny of the biblical prophet Jonah, who must carry out conflicting instructions of God. Board is the recorded fate, the wooden tablet of the Torah, and the sea is all-known tear reservoir of sorrowful existence. One has to accept with caution the words of others, even the statements of Divine Providence in the scriptures, because in fact the tempter rather than God turns to righteous man.

Do not trust whom you do not believe
 and even if you believe, believe slightly!
Credulity is rather risky: remember:
 the love to a girlfriend killed a lion.
 (Jataka of confidence in food)

Believing promises of others and just trying to save through the words of Scripture, the person gets wet and sinking, and not finding the truth, which is still hidden in these words. Pay particular attention to listen blarney of beautiful but frivolous and unfaithful women-church (apologetic writings of commentators enthusiastically following the religious traditions of various faiths).

Oh the years we waste and the tears we waste
And the work of our head and hand,
Belong to the woman who did not know
(And now we know that she never could know)
And did not understand.
A fool there was and his goods he spent
(Even as you and I!)
Honor and faith and a sure intent
But a fool must follow his natural bent
(And it wasn't the least what the lady meant),
(Even as you and I!)
 (R. Kipling/ Vampire)

Not following the rules of prudence, a person can waste all the wealth given to him by faith. Vain are hopes of those who expect easy and pleasant salvation that does not require any spiritual effort.

Some, which reject all work on understanding of Scripture, following just like the surface of the letter of the law, catering more to their pleasure and lust and being disciples of the letter alone, think that promise, as expected, would be in bodily pleasure and luxury.
 (Origen.  On First Principles)

Following the "natural" course of events, it is very easy to stay a fool.


If you repeat the sutra by mouth and follow it in their actions - this is "the spin of the sutra". However, one whose heart is in error, who merely repeats by mouth, but does not follow this, he is rotated by this sutra.
 (Sutra of the platform)

Sutra is the game program that operates throughout this world period. Performing his work, a person weaves his own personal destiny in the overall structure of the world, enters into the program a little snippet that still affects the game as a whole. This fact determines the value of individual human life. Each undergoes various transformations according to the main rule of the game, which is mandatory for both the main Developer and system programmers and reads: "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7). Sailing in the personal boat (his body) on the river of life, passing rapids, waterfalls and peaceful stretches, the living being is in a constant round of rebirths, winding on a thread (sutra) of life his actions, words and thoughts. At the time of the study and comprehension of the saving teaching of the truth, he acts as the good person, getting through the inner spiritual practice good fruit. In this case, he changes the direction of the events on the contrary one, to the source, and in this way destroys all sins, destroys karma, achieves liberation. If all is reduced only to the external rites and idolatrous victims, then the person can not avoid the hellish fate - the outer darkness, where it will act as a regular draft animals.

Even if a person is constantly repeating the Scripture, but being sloppy, not follows it, he is like a shepherd, counting cows belonging to others. He has nothing to do with holiness.
Even if a person repeats the Scripture a little, but lives by following the Dhamma, free from passion, hatred, and ignorance, having a true knowledge of the free mind, having no attachments in this and in the other world - he is involved in holiness.
 (Dhammapada 19-20)

Following Scripture means here not following the rules, but understanding. Even in Judaism, which attaches great importance to compliance with the letter of Scripture, the need is recognized to update daily the words of the Torah.

The Holy One, blessed be He, hears the voice of those who study the Torah. And from every word that has been upgraded in the Torah by those who worked on the Torah, He creates the heavens ... From each word of wisdom, firmaments are created, existing before the Ancient of Days in full existence, and He calls them the new heaven (cf. Is. 66:22) ... If the one who does not have his way to the secrets of the Torah, updates words that are not comprehended as clearly as it should be, then ... a wrong man goes to that word... and takes it, and goes in this word deeply into his depths, and creates a firmament of lies.
 (Zohar 1.5a)

When a person turning to the text begins to understand and extract its meaning, the past of the universe is destroyed; a new world is built and acquired. The past is the repository of deeds; the present is reading elements of the program and the revival of life, decision on their fate (suppression or maintenance). In other words, life is a carousel, where the future is a process of refining the past into the present. And as the only liberating factor is the Truth, in contact with it (as a result of a personal search) evil is just destroyed and transformed into good. Since there are no individual fates, these transformations in the individual affect the entire world, affecting the fate of all.

Even the best of this kind of people are just a shadow. And the worst are no worse than them if the imagination helps them.
 (Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream)

Death (of the past) comes through one man, the acquisition of the future and the life through the resurrection of the man (1 Cor. 15:21). According to oriental ideas, a person is the ideal machine for processing of the past into the future, of emptiness into the fullness. It is easy to see that at one moment the three times - past, present and future - are meeting, which is the trinity of the world. We call this process of recombination of elements as destiny that reflects the work of the causal principle of retribution. Accordingly, there are two kinds of people: one now takes the right decision here and (gets the truth and becomes free), and the other passively floats like a chip in the turbulent flow of life; the first destroys evil accumulations of destiny, the second - accumulates.

You are texts from which lost pages?
The remains of what ruined universe?
 (E. Verhaeren)


The issues under consideration are united by important ethical and technical aspects of the problem of salvation.

In a handful of water, donated by a living creature, there is more water than in the sea. All the seas dry up, when at the end of the eon seven blazing suns ascend, and this achievement has never run dry.
 (Sutra of wisdom and folly, cf. Isa. 40:12)

Having mastered the small vehicle, a short interval of the end of the world, a person can achieve great results. General Apocalypse does not hurt to a man - he crosses all the disasters unharmed.

I died, and laughed
Just great was small, little more
 (V. Khlebnikov)

Huge world can be reflected and seen in the drop. Mastering any small way, you can see the depth of being. Ancient Egyptians painted the walls inside the pyramids with a small mirror, by which they carried sunbeam in their secret bowels.

Great, no matter how he is great, seems small to insignificant:
In the small mirror even an elephant is less than mirror.
 (Hitopadesha 3.12)

Interpretation or mirror yoga, i.e. a reflection of the ultimate through a revolution of consciousness, enables one see the whole elephant. Elephant is bodhisattva bringing himself as a sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb of the East, the phenomenal world, the symbol of a single extended consciousness, the particles of which are people. On the great elephant Airavata, god Indra rides on the Garden of Eden, eating bliss through secret knowledge.

In the smallest unit, the whole is opened, in its mysterious depths, his captivating and joyful perfection. All expresses the whole, and the whole is just in all, not anywhere near it ... Part that is equal to the whole, the whole being not equal to the part - this is definition of a symbol. The symbol is symbolized, the embodiment is embodied, the name is named - though we can not say vice versa ...
 (P. Florensky. Watersheds of thought. Dialectics)

The man is a small part of God, even though he is not He up to the moment of joining.

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake... I am in my Father, and ye in Me, and I in you.
 (John 14:11,20)

Man is able to comprehend the supreme - the kingdom of God within us, if we have created via Christ inside ourselves the process of reflection and were able to step through the looking glass.


But in order to have a real effect, and not be a simple exercise, interpretation must penetrate into the soul like a sharp sword. Against the background of the modern secular (infotainment) literature, where an ancient tradition handling the text to a person is almost completely lost, the book may seem, to say the least, unusual. In general, it is forgotten in our society that personal work is always more important to human history than any collective technology. The reader, who has to fill this gap and to try a powerful weapon, suggested to him, will perform a considerable productive work. The actual process of getting rid of habits and ideas owing to "public opinion" is quite difficult.

If you do not do the bottom the upper and the left the right, you will not enter into my kingdom.
 (Acts of Philip)

One who is not able to turn (convert), does not enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3), this has yet to be also for pious Peter (Luke 22:32).

Abba Alon said:
If not, I just turned upside down, I could not to construct a building of my soul.

In this case, revolution of consciousness is the emergence of intention of improving own destiny, the transition from a passive, doomed mood to an active attitude, making all-changing and easy. Scriptures indicate that this process is possible for every, who is seeking and banging. It is only necessary to find the door, the main gate leading to the City of Teaching (Jerusalem, the City of the Sun, the Copper City of 1001 night tales...). Only one who has visited himself tirtha (Krynica) and bathed in the sacred springs, washes away sins (Mahabharata), can change their lives and apply for a higher level of being. The gods will not take someone who has not gone through these steps and not cleaned himself in the sources of Scripture through personal spiritual work. A seeking person needs to go down to the source of death in the labyrinth of truth (one of its models is our book, which represents a dense information network). There, he will get to the Minotaur and neutralize it. This monster is selfishness, the embodiment of hatred and malice, corrupting the man and condemning him to death.

Tell me, dear reader-liar, my brother, my twin,
Did you know this exquisite creature?


The text should be every time re-lived, looked with fresh eyes, and not through the prism of conventional interpretations of religious dogma developed during a long historical process (the "traditions of men"). In practice, dogmatic approach often leads to the loss of the main meaning of events and is not better than the scientific ("critical") one.

If you do focus on the principles set out in the sutras and scriptures, reading them, you will blinders your eyes. However, when the time comes and you can reject the principles, when reading you will find in them confirmation of achieved by you.

One should not be afraid of what we will approach to the interpretation too bold, but rather the opposite - cynically distrustful attitude, which, whatever justified by external piety, indicates a lack of faith.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But the spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
 (1 Corinthians 2:14-15)

Interpretation of texts comes from God (Genesis 40:8). They are given by Spirit, breaking down all boundaries, the sin against which is not forgiven.

He who blasphemes against the Father - he will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the Son - he will be forgiven. But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit - he will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven.
 (Gospel of Thomas 49, cf. Matt. 12:49)

In matters of principle - high seeking - reader never gets our ridicule. In contrast, the choice of his strategy in the study and subsequent active use of the material is again determined by the words by St. Paul:

All that is sold in the shambles, eat, asking no question for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord, and the fullness thereof. If someone calls you from the wrong, and you want to go, all offered to you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. But if anyone says to you is sacrificed to idols - eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake. For the earth is the Lord, and the fullness thereof. Conscience, I say not his, and the other: for why is my liberty to be tried by another man's conscience?
 (1 Corinthians 10:25-29)

Of course, one again implies not physical food, but the knowledge and teachings (cf. Heb. 13:9). There are no good or bad means, but there are intentions. Supreme principle of relativity enables one safely take any food and do any business so that they become clean (Romans 14:14, Tit. 1:15). Any effective means must be used when there is a problem to destroy the main enemy - his unhappiness and lack of freedom; in practice the choice often is not too large. True freedom is just to extract a benefit from all.

Bold man creates joy from fierce adversity,
Overcome evil with good is a sure sign of freedom!
 (Navoi, cf. Rome. 12:21)

Tibetan treatise Chzhud-shek says: on Earth there is nothing that would not be a medicine. Consciously eating forbidden things, man destroys a sinful nature. Even some of St. Fathers, such as Clement of Alexandria (see "Stromata") and John Chrysostom, declared the resolution to eat the food, "sacrificed to idols", which was given to eleced (strong in faith) believers, the great apostolic secret.

As for food, suffer what you can.
 (Didache - Teaching of the 12 Apostles)

Jewish Talmudic wrote that the ignorant have not to eat meat (Tractate Pesachim). Can solve safety issues of concern to many beginners that are still weak in faith.

A doubting if he eats, is condemned because it is not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
 (Romans 14:23)

The latter interpretation of the concept of sin is, of course, common in Christian literature; it can be found, for example, in works by Kierkegaard, who opposes sin to not human virtues, but the freedom and faith. On the other hand, the "pure goodness" can lead a person to serious troubles and sad result.

So, oft it chances in particular men,
That for some vicious mole of nature in them,
As, in their birth--wherein they are not guilty,
Since nature cannot choose his origin--
By the o'ergrowth of some complexion,
Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason,
Or by some habit that too much o'er-leavens
The form of plausive manners, that these men,
Carrying, I say, the stamp of one defect,
Being nature's livery, or fortune's star,--
Their virtues else--be they as pure as grace,
As infinite as man may undergo--
Shall in the general censure take corruption
From that particular fault: the dram of eale
Doth all the noble substance of a doubt
To his own scandal.
 (Shakespeare. Hamlet)

Reasonable reader would understand that attempts are precluded to transfer the category of conscience to relations with God, and not the ethical rules in the relationship between people (Job 35:6-8).

Such freedom, but I was raised
In habits exercise safely courtesy.
 (Shakespeare. Othello)


Some parts of the book may seem uncomfortable and shocking for the faithful readers (we mean, of course, the ideas, not the literary norms). However, just a glance, also many "difficult" passages of the Bible are perceived, where catechisms make a blind eye (dogmatic approaches usually completely ignore 99% of the biblical material, including problems which stay in the full length in our time). It should be remembered that such passages are just the most intimate ones, like the private parts of man: "No one, when he hath lighted a candle, and put it in a secret place" (Luke 11:33). Their meaning is sealed by chastity and conscience, which temporarily play a useful role, but are purely human categories - the result of the fall. Higher truths never change their nature, even being presented in the form of symbols that scare or inject into the shame worldly (i.e., seeing only their domestic value) man. God needs right meaning, not human morality.

After all, God is not ashamed like a man and has no fear like the son of man.
 (Testament of Joseph 2.4)

Sacred texts using simultaneously four languages: direct (literal, historical), allegorical-symbolic, didactical-ethical and mystical (spells that set in motion the forces). All in the Scriptures is good and necessary, no matter what language it is told.

And now, to every person who comes to you, and believes you, and listens to your words, and worthy creates mysteries of the world - give them the mysteries of light and do not hide these from them. And to one, who is worthy of the highest mysteries, give them to him. And to one, who is worthy of the low mysteries, give them to him and not hide anything from anyone.
 (Pistis Sophia)

And I say to you, no matter where you saw the people, which are governed by the mystery rules, evil is concluded in this mystery. If the devil inspires that something is too awful to the eye - look. If he says that something is too terrible to hear - listen. And if you imagined that some truth is unbearable - bear it.
 (G.K. Chesterton)

We do not hesitate to contact the dark pieces of the text, no matter how wild they may seem at first glance - they all are illuminated by interpretations. We can not leave room for confusion and doubt. Hiding the truth of Scripture can not be justified by the fact that it is not universally accepted, hits somebody's interests and hurts pathological ambition.

On what is hidden, let the rain!
What is not covered, will not fall into the rain.
Therefore, open hidden.
Associated with the deity does not fall into the rain.
 (Buddhist canon, cf. Matt. 10:26-27)

If a person is trying to hide his flaw or a defect, some day it will be reason for his trial and an additional source of trouble. Any secret doctrine, not put up to the light, will undergo destruction by the higher powers. Buddha said: I have not concealed the teachings in my hand.


With the increase of faith, all the obstacles are to disappear, but only after overcoming the pangs of conscience and thirst of moral rest as a temptation, they being not destroyed or even suppressed. This form of inner work is called overcoming extremes. On the other hand, indulgence, reckless gambling follow all inclinations and instincts (which flourish and appealingly sound for someone who goes hard to the goal) are also rejected without destroying the source of passion in an individual. "And Geser realized by his golden head that one cannot destroy the foundations of sin" (The Legend of Geser). As a result of this work, the principle is recognized of the "Middle way", "Noble path", Tao, etc., which will be discussed in detail below.

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
 (Hebrews 10:22)

Cleaned person has no longer a conscience (consciousness of sins, Heb. 10:2). In the end, the liberation is achieved only at the cost of sacrifice - the crucifixion of Christ, which is, of course, for each person of the inner meaning.

Trickle, artless blood drops,
From the wounds of my conscience, applied in order to release you,
From my forehead, my face, my lips,
From my chest, from my own, where I was in the hideyhole ...
 (W. Whitman)

O foolish heart, when did you stop
 Dream and pray answer?
O harsh idea, but when you will get tired
 Deny everything and destroy everything?
When does for you glimpse the possibility of reconciliation?
I'm sick, I'm tired ... From unhealed wounds is
Oozing blood and [illegible] cursed doubt!
 (SY Nadson)

We add that "the idea... deny everything and destroy everything" is the main enemy of the living, self-destructive source in the man, striving to the last end of all, the Work of Death - extreme of non-existence. Truth is in the middle.

If only I lived a long time in the world,
At the end of days
The temptations of the network would fall
From my miserable conscience.
What a nuisance can be
And unless you want happiness itself,
When unearthly chill is
Already running through my hair?
The eye rests, ear does not hear,
Life is good in secret,
And almost free soul
is irreversibly breathing by the sky.

We know perfectly that a man comes to the way of perfection on time, and we do not intend to force the terms of any cost. However, to go beyond the mundane concerns and face the transcendent ever happens to everyone, and we consciously promote this.
A: Well, what now?
B: It seems that even a drop of conscience remained.
 (Shakespeare. Richard III)


In our time, as well as in the gospel era, again are the words of Isaiah: "Prepare the way to the Lord." And His coming is not so, as many expected.

Oh, He is not bound by
Your signs and gravity!
He goes in the slightest hole,
Slim as a gymnast ...
 (Marina Tsvetaeva)

Responding to possible accusations and demands to preserve decorum at all costs, we recall the Biblical words:

God is not mocked.
 (Galatians 6:7)

He who burns incense is like the one who blesses an idol.
 (Isaiah 66:3)

Or, following the words of Martin Luther, for God sacrilege is sometimes more costly than praise. In our case, a sacrilege is the destruction of the dark cover, consisting of superstitions and stereotypes. The most terrible sacrilege of Bible are said by Job, thirsty of truth, and he is more right than his pious friends. Righteousness is not the exaltation of God, and in the confession of sin through the acquisition of truth:

Let not the sinner say that he did not sin, because the coals of fire are on the head of those who say: I have not sinned against the Lord God and His glory.
 (3 Ezra 16:54)

In the end, cover of the truth should be removed (cf. Matt. 10:26).

I am all that was, is and will be. No mortal is to lift the veil that hides me.
 (Plato's inscription on the temple Stella)

Simple Gnostic interpretation allows us to see in the writings not ban, but disguised recipe of victory over death. The one who got up and opened the veil, have already taken a step towards the attainment of knowledge, and, in theory, of immortality.

Cover conceals the secret of God's mercy:
It would kill the satisfied hunger of greedy.
Madness of Conception ... Let be young
The world by oblivion and a lie!
 (Vyach. Ivanov. Dispute. To reader)

But why the recipe is masked? It's simple - salvation is voluntary. That a person chooses is the highest expression of free will.

Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
 (2 Peter 3:9)

Medication works, when it is made on the basis of persistent search.

You have to make the effort. Tathagatas are the only teachers. Those who follow this path and are self-deep, are freed from the bonds of Mara.

Here Mara is death, the Tathagata is good start, the internal driver, intuition. To recover, you also need to take medication regularly.

One can know science and be a fool.
Only that is the wise, who is energetic.
The patient will hardly be cured
Only by the name of drugs.

Words, attributed to the Buddha, speak of the same:

Brothers, I am come not to offer you some kind of dogma, and I'm not asking you to believe in what many others believe. I urge you only to unfettered education; use your own mind, develop it, rather than allow him to become blunt. I implore you - do not be like wild beasts or stupid sheep. I beseech you - be sensible people, tirelessly practicing to master the true knowledge, which defeats suffering.
 (Quoted in: N. Rokotova. Foundations of Buddhism)

This passage should be regarded as a variant of the call, a strong attempt to access non-believer, and it may well be regarded as a reference. Linger is not longer possible. It is time to harvest.

It is written: "It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law. (Ps. 118:126)." The days are short, the lender is thronging, the herald calls all the day. And there are few reapers of the field (cf. Matt. 9:37), and they are on the edge of the vineyard.
 (Zohar 3.127b)

We're just living in the last days when the veil of the temple is torn (Matthew 27:51), and seals are broken (Daniel 12:4, Revelation. 22:10). This does not mean that people are more intelligent and spiritual - just now we need new, stronger and more bitter (acute) medicine. Of course, a time always comes for a particular individual, but not for all at once.

And Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched it outside the camp, away from the camp, and called it the tent of meeting, and everyone who sought the Lord would go to the tent of the congregation, which was without the camp.
 (Exodus 33:7)

God will not live in the earthly temple (Isaiah 66:1), but He is not far from each one of us (Acts 17:27, Isa. 55:6). The true temple is not made with hands - it is the man himself (John 2:21), the body and the heart, where God should abide. All that is outside - only idols (2 Cor. 6:16, Revelation. 22:15).

All that is hidden behind the gates of the temple,
 that is a mystery - is not Rama.


Fear to follow a difficult and unpleasant truth and its vulgarization - to supposedly ease and accessibility - leads to the disappearance of the truth itself: it dissolves into empty words. How the biblical prophets, then the classics of Marxism aware, religion becomes too often a matter of false comfort.

And they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, "Peace, peace," and there is no peace.
 (Jeremiah 8:11, cf. Eze. 13:10-11)

We are acting very differently, simply and unceremoniously.

A: Sir, no matter how laudable frankness,
 Now it is rude and inappropriate.
 One should apply to the wound plaster
 And you only irritate her.
B: It is very good!
C: As a true physician.
 (Shakespeare. Storm)

Sooner or later, using religion as a cheating consolation fails to satisfy any conscious thinking person that has also a spiritual (or just life) experience.

- You know, - she said - that I grew up in a very religious institutions. As a result, I have a clear tendency ridicule such things, and it becomes just a nasty, when someone starts talking about religious ideals ...
- You know, what does that prove? - said Ulrich. - What a force for good, which, apparently, is somehow built into us, immediately corrodes the wall as soon as it locked up in a solid form, and through the hole immediately flies to evil!
 (R. Musil. Man Without Qualities)

When the lie of old catechisms becomes obvious, modern educated people start laughing on the Bible too. However, this "intellectual progress" is already the result of misunderstanding and emerging even deeper ignorance. The only way to solve this problem is not to avoid interpretations that reverses "generally accepted" theological concepts, risking cause criticism from both sides.

Abba Anthony was telling the time will come when all people are mad, and if they see anyone in their right mind, become indignant and say to him: you go crazy- through what he will not be like them.

And you - you're out of your mind, you fool!
Abusing your fever.
By icy stream sermons
You forced the blood rush back from our cheeks.
Made us turn pale with anger.
 (Shakespeare. Richard II)

However, their story of that night,
About their joint perverted thoughts
Shows more than about dreams,
And grows into a real thing;
Though it's strange, and wonderful.
 (Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream)


The reader that has not yet discovered his faith, is wondering: Why have I to treat high-wordly truths? Why do I need someone else's absurd fantasy, if my world is so simple and clear? Why go into all this mess of information, this nonsense, if I know that these things are not given to me?

You are crazy, who the soul force and limits
Experiences, who is languishing in a sweat all days,
In order to build peace and to find out change of things
Or the reason - he sculpts stupidly peas in a wall.
 (AD Kantemir)

No, it's not in vain. In fact it is not useless nonsense, ever the need in the higher truths arises for each. If this book is present, it will be possible to look this at the critical moment of life and to reconcile one's position, pull out at least a little thread, including a few thoughts, and to build a chain of own reasoning. One who will be elected and will take the path of freedom, will be able to go through all the law study thorns. Fanatics, who are struggling with the idea of salvation, that like to defend ignorance, stupidity and slavery, also get their own. As well as too trusting and too zealous seekers.

And you, the sick messiah, is rewarding lightly
Your fate to those doctors
Which have just poisoned you.
 (Shakespeare. Richard II)

For harvest strange and crazy,
The slaves rebelled under the earth,
To which did you farmer come
To fill barnyard to the brim?

Cut off the sower and Babylon and sickle in the time of harvest: for fear of the oppressing sword they shall turn every one to his people, and shall flee every one to his own land.
 (Jeremiah 50:16)


Although the ideas of canonical texts are nice and high, the process of exposure to them can be very painful, not to mention the subsequent work on himself.

"It is easy to explain by the theory, whom coach
 Wisely taught us "- so I was told by a student.
If you make the wooden cross carefully
 You can adjust to it the living body to death.

When abstract propositions (truth, spreading on paper) are finally applied directly to our living soul, we inevitably have to repeat the cross way of the Christ, which is so long dreamed by all.

People! Hurry to know what you are living in the world!
 The key to this mystery is selling exactly ten pennies.
 (Goethe and Schiller)

Our book, as any preach (explicit or implicit, intentional or unintentional), goes beyond the normal human ideas - it will inevitably start talking about the sinful nature of man, sorrow and suffering. Spiritual truths are designed to transform and open mind. This process sharpens all senses and is often very painful. Pain is meant not so much moral as usual, physical, since the latter is inevitably present in this world.

Kabir, reject evil and lies!
Taking from the world only pain,
Thou goest brew life,
mixed with flour and salt.


As for the moral pain, it is, as it will be explained, still surpasses the physical. Dominating for our wise readers, various internal torments elevate them above the others, as they begin to see the finest manifestations of unsatisfactoriness, and the sufferings of the world.

Foolish people think that suffering is only in pain. Indeed, their feelings are perverted. They are likened to the patient which imagines that the sugar is bitter. Feather of coat, down on the hand, is intangible, but getting into the eye, it causes severe pain. Palm is an ignorant man, eye is a wise man. Only a wise man is deeply shocked by spectacle of suffering of the world.
 (Madhyamikavritti, cf. Matt. 7:3)

In the world there are hardships, sufferings and misery, and someone is living bearer of these categories. As grief and misfortune he visits all people and hinders those who come to perfection.

It was the king's son named Duttha-kumara, "tainted." By malice and cunning, young prince was similar to the serpent, which was stepped on the tail, and with whoever he was talking, he immediately resorted to insults and beatings. For the palace servants and all the people behind the walls of the palace, prince Duttha was just a speck of dust in the eye, and only his hideous appearance induced such terror, as if the appearance of the demon-pishacha, coming to devour all.
 (Jataka of truth)

That who seeks salvation, inevitably comes in the ways of law, as if goes to hell. Work done by him is met with hostility and evil forces and authorities, rulers of the darkness (Eph. 6:12), the prince of this world. Snake of the abyss, which is stepped on the tail, wakes up and comes into this world. He tortures and torments the man as an internal enemy (Satan) which denies God and interferes purification. His authority extends to the servants (the elected people, the Jews), and the rest of the world. When a person takes on his shoulders work for God, he inevitably meets and communicates with this demon that constantly makes sacrifice, gnawing human flesh. In addition to the pain, overcome these difficulties brings happy victory too. There are no heroes without scars, and who does not fall, does not learn to ride a bike.


But the main merit of this book is not in inducing the new bitter-sweet feeling, the feeling of painful electric shock at the moment of insight, and then providing soothing balm to the heart. It notifies the reader that there are means of salvation, and a good outcome is assured. After the Royal Croquet, King whispers: "We forgive you all," despite the resounding promise by the Queen to cut off all the heads (Alice in Wonderland). As stated in the "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers, "the gift of happiness is for all, and no one will remain injured" (the same text, however, explained that everyone gets exactly what he wanted, but in an unexpected form for himself.) Water of life comes for free (Revelation 22:17, Jn. 7:37). But all this is for those who got up and went.

Cowards: deer, crows, if they are inspired by fear of
Resettlement, often die in one's own field.
Blessed is he whose path - to the far distance,
And in the heart - the mother house sorrow.
Despised is homebody that is ready to boast
Rotten water from the well of the fathers.
 (Panchatantra 1.14)

For the first time Abraham was sent in this journey - the father of the faith and the patriarch of the Jews (Genesis 12:1).

Lend back to Sun, the stomach to the fire,
Give Lord all the heart, and thoughts to future life.
 (Hitopadesha 2.2.30)

Thoughts are the most powerful act for a person. Clutching the heavy weight and dragging it, you will get just a state of the animal. If you plotted to attain freedom, and began to raise means, this is the best deal. And we must not think of the future life, rather that the situation was not bad now - this is the beginning of salvation. One has not wallow in tears on the knees, but go to a blissful state during this minute, every moment.


We have built a nest carrying the grass in our beaks.
you have feet and hands, why is despondency?

Heavenly world is also built by the word of God, the birds building nests are the angels of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is organized by serious and hard work. If a creature that lives at the bottom is waiting for help from high messengers of heaven, which are designed to carry him to the top by the wings, it's wrong. Not building yourself heavenly paradise inheritance, you will not get there ever. Heavenly treasures are gained first on the Earth, supreme is reproduced at the bottom, a man reaps what he sowed (2 Cor. 9:6). One needs not to be depressed; instead it is better to persistently build the kingdom. "Everything is available for everyone" - from any situation, there is access to the shining world of bliss, and more on this topic can be found in our book. When a man falls into despair because nothing good happens, he must understand that he is guilty himself. He has not yet been heavily involved in what is needed - in own person, forget hid healthy ego.

Let fate alienated from you - that conceived, manage,
Calling to help all forces, all the will of the soul.

Without the efforts nothing is achieved. Goal leads to good results only when there is a solid foundation - the salvation, the aspiration from evil to good. Contrary to the abstract theology, evil, wicked life and sorrow are not ephemeral and obscure mythical category, but real, available to all states. Evil is that poisons the life: disease, insomnia, depression, hypochondria, infidelity of his wife, troubles with children, failure at work, quarreling with neighbors. The most primitive toothache is punishment for one who does not confesses enough his sins (that is does not correct his own mistakes.) You can not talk about supreme as detached from the lower. In listing the categories of good, we do not talk like priests about the high, about God and heaven. In this way, no one will ever go away from evil and reach the good. Good is freedom from fear, pain; health, good humor, material wealth, good children, and if the good is present, all is right naturally.

Great gets up all in hard work,
Worthless blames fate in the slightest trouble.

The one who did not want to go from evil to good, to freedom and joy, is always in poor condition.

Work is decent for me, like for you,
But I like it better, I will work hard willingly,
And you will be forced.
 (Shakespeare. Storm)

Here again we have a description of who proceeds wisely: he agreed in time to the good, even without paying suffering for it. The others, willingly giving up the joy, will work for incomprehensible and unnecessary result, involuntarily, through deception and punishment. Laws of the world are inevitable - any available material will be used.

"To need" can be difficult as sigh
Healing with the pain.
 (Shakespeare. Hamlet)


It is hard to resist Spirit - the truth is strong and invincible. This is and the only consolation and hope.

For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.... He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction ... He is chastened disease on the bed and brutally pain in all his bones - and his life turns away from the bread and his soul dainty food. His flesh is lost, so it is not visible, and his bones that were not seen. And his life is coming to the grave, and his life - to the death ... Here, it's all God's doing two or three times with a man, to bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living.
 (Job 33:14-30)

According to Dignaga (founder of Buddhist logic), the process of knowledge is the knowledge of God by man and man by God at the same time, when one is in the other. Interpretation is analogous. As the Buddha said, "I'll give you a comparison, because most reasonable people understand by comparison."

I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, came down from heaven, and the Holy Watcher.
 (Daniel 4:10)

Awakened to the truth (Buddha), which dispelled all his afflictions, and won a doubt, now watches, and this is the biblical God.

Awakened is truly empowered with the knowledge of high moral precepts, the ability to deep introversion, the wisdom, the desire to be saved and the ability to explain the path that leads to salvation.
 (Jataka of fools)

Awakened is aroused in this world in order to do some work at a certain time - Judgment Day. All of these useful qualities are potential for the reader of this book, and can be extracted and implemented by exploring the authentic biblical material. He will have to know himself - learn his capabilities, as well as touch with the Wisdom - the most vaunted favorite topic of the Old Testament; the rest is clear. Accordingly, if one must, but does not want to know the truth, he will accept grief, illness, misfortune - a cruel surgeon, unforgiving teacher. Repository of these "teachings" is a collection of preaching saints (easily speaking, the church), and patients, of course, take medicine for poison.

If the cold does not penetrate ever our bones, how can we possess a flowering apricot, scenting the whole world?

However, the sequence of pleasant and unpleasant condition can be reversed; perhaps, our readers will experience this option.

So I took the book out of the angel's hand, and ate it and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and when I had eaten it, was bitter in my womb.
 (Revelation 10:10)

Hurtful words of this book, which, like any truth, is not easy to digest, often will lead the reader from a state of sleep rest and habitual complacency to cheerfully attention and cause already lasting keen interest.

Pungent radish ...
And harsh, male
Conversation with a samurai.


Medicines and doctors are needed by people not to please them and to bliss. They only help to get rid of vices that obscure the path to ultimate truth.

I have to give you bitter pills in a sweet shell. The pills are harmless, the poison is in sweets.
 (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

In general, people tend to see the danger not in the place where it actually is, because the danger does not notify in advance.

Kabir said:
" Knowledge wine is sweet, but not all have to drink it.
We pay to teacher by our head for this sweet wine. "

And we are constantly talking about the danger for everyone, at every step, every minute.

Teachers, performing his duty, skillfully combine web.
 (Ashvaghosha. Life of the Buddha)

If a teacher is competent and experienced, then dismiss him is more difficult than from the hazard itself. "Therapy is more terrible than disease."

They laugh and cry and ask: do believe them.
And they themselves look upon all with suspicion.
Who is righteous, leads no friendship with them,
As around the ashes of the dead planters goes around them.
 (Panchatantra 1.4)

So who fits to believe? We, the wise-writers. Because in that case, you will still believe himself ("Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind," Rom. 14:5), and errors are inevitable. The main advantage of wisdom is the ability to correct mistakes. He said: "Life is a mistake ..." To him: "We'll fix". He said: "Why do I need such a fate? .." To him: " We'll fix". He said: "Something must be done ..." To him: "We'll see and fix ..."

You know neither the power nor the family, he does not inspire you to faith? -
Keep distance: these are dangerous beyond measure.
 (Panchatantra 1.10)

In short, all the above confirms the correctness of the words of the Buddha:

The teacher tells truth to the disciple, but the latter can have it only after its deep and personal understanding.

In any case, the thrill of reading it guaranteed. However, we tried to combine the right rough wine, which merits in the book a special theme, with nourishing milk (Isaiah 55:1, 1 Pet. 2:2, 1 Cor. 3:1-2).

Be so kind as to give me another cup of milk.
 (Buddhist canon)

Please. When the required milk of celestial cow could not be found, for security of the head and stomach of the reader we had to add water - for example, the philosophical arguments and historical information, ways of making money and cooking recipes. Again, no harm, benefits only.

For as it is hurtful to drink wine or water alone; and as wine mingled with water is pleasant, and delighteth the taste: even so speech finely framed delighteth the ears of them that read the story. And here shall be an end.
 (2. Maccabees 15:39, see also Sirach 31:32-35, 1 Tim. 5:23)


Many words have been said about the benefits of knowledge, we say again, it will not be too much.

Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me.
 (1 Corinthians 14:10-11)

Stranger! Come in the good! "I'll take you to the museum - said my sister ..."

We go to the field ... I am in front, of course,
You're behind, as my youth -
And reverent wind of being
Will sing sad and blithely.
 (A. Adalis)

What is it, from where come these fascinating sounds? Lure, temptation, or insight, inspiration? Amorous delight, the creative impulse, or the trap and seduction? Salvation or death, joy or dumps? They are one and the same, or Muse is one, and Satan other? The same things are often called by different names, and even more often different things are called by one name. Even though we know all the answers, we will not hang labels of definitions and warn specifically, but give to the reader the privilege to understand essence of phenomena. Suppose that Sharp Reader will make the main work of discernment, and he will have the honor and praise.

Do not separate the sacred from the profane, and do not indicate the difference between clean and unclean, and from my sabbaths they closed their eyes, and I am profaned among them.
 (Ezekiel 22:26)

As for Me, I'm not saying yes, not saying no, not saying yes and no, not saying yes or no. Better safe than sorry.


It is well known that the main element of any dream is the desire to get the Beautiful Lady - Success, turn to himself the Face of Fortune, become a favorite of Luck, win the Goddess of Happiness. To this end, we help (in a legal way, of course) to our faithful readers, with the participation of the above Dame.

Endless flow of love
Pour into a sieve, it is full.
 (Shakespeare. End - crowns the work)

This is interesting. And more?

Even being urged by visitor, she does not agree immediately, because men despise easily accessible. To find out about his desire, she sends to the visitor masseurs, singers, clowns ... And let she, sending first hangers, join in love with that she finds out. Let, under the pretext of fighting roosters, sheep, talking parrots, starlings, views, art [occupation], servant leads the man in her home, or her to him.
 (Kama Sutra)

Just so, in everyday manner, understanding and Wisdom come to our naive reader, which are desirable: without Wisdom nothing exists either at the top or bottom. Well, the love comes along with it, of course.

The fate leads by black yards
In the secret garden of extraordinary,
Where many limes and roses under the hills
Glow modestly, surrounding the fountain.
 (A. Adalis)

Next passage in the Kama Sutra is not less interesting:

She gives to coming a thing as the gift of love, exciting love interest: "Only you yourself and no one else should use it." And if he's happy about it, she sweetens him by conversation and signs of attention.

As convincing looks, this meeting in the Bible:

Say to wisdom: "You are my sister!"
 (Proverbs 7:4)

So I came to my garden, my sister, my bride; scored my myrrh with my flavors, eaten my honeycomb with honey, I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, friends, drink abundantly, O beloved!
 (Song of Songs 5:1)

And where is all this happening? In the Garden of Eden. And where is Eden? The kingdom of God is within us. But do not be distracted, let us continue:

Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my bride! thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck. How fair is thy love, my sister, my bride! about how much your love is better than wine, and of thine ointments than all spices! .. Locked garden - my sister, my bride, a prisoner's well sealed source.
 (Song of Solomon 4:9-12)

After we were relieved to learn that the woman is a well, the source of knowledge, things take a long-awaited and very welcome turn:

Drink water from your own cistern, and running out of thine own well. Let [not] bottled [distributed, dispersed] thy fountains on the street, the flow of water - on the area and let them be your own, and not strangers' with thee. Let your fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of your youth.
 (Proverbs 5:15-18)

We call some of the names of our new girlfriend: Eva, wife of our Eden youth, Sophia Wisdom, great prophetess Maria, fickle Fortune, Fabulous Pandora; the goddess of happiness, wealth and beauty Lakshmi (Sri) ...

Casual friend, I am rich enough for two!
Casual friend, tell me where to go?
Lightest, infant gold -
In my hand for the long journey.
 (A. Adalis)

Golden paradise apple in his hand - not a bad excuse for a fun trip. We'll go to the water?

In this the palace, Maya the Great Illusion, gave matchless pond where lotus flowers with petals made of Vaidurya stone and stalks of precious stones, where [living] lotuses were and white water lilies and flocks swarmed various waterfowl. It was colorful due to blooming lotus and beautiful turtles and fish. It had a beautiful boat ramp, was stripped of the mud and had high water in all seasons. It was nice in a dress of pearl spray billowing by wind. Coming to him, lined with precious stones and pearls, [visitors], even peering, could not recognize [that the water in it], and suddenly fell into it.

In this passage, an exhaustive description is given of the mystical consciousness - Manas, the energy reservoir of ideas. Starting familiarity with delicate matters of another world, having not yet developed a clear position and not having a mentor, a person falls into a blissful state of new visions in the watery element of purity and freshness that is so dear to the weary traveler.


It is reasonable to explore the ultimate not in rational language, which is capable of producing only a discrete (fractional) a set of truths, but rather a multi-color fabric dreams in continuous (in physical terms - laminar) flow, in the female element. In the East, to describe the way the term Maya (magical reality), not quite accurately translated as illusion.

This is the area of someone's dreams,
 These are the ghosts and dreams!
All items of the old prose
 Are magically illuminated.

We combine white lily
with a rose, crimson rose,
 By a prophetic mystery dream
We gain eternal truth.
 (Vladimir Solovyov. Song of Ophites)

From to the technical side, the journey to the ultimate is described in the Indian Upanishads as passing the sequence of four states. This is the waking, dream (continuity of knowledge), deep sleep (absorption) and Turiya - the fourth, the ineffable state, which brings happiness, non-duality and the dissolution of the world. Dream is a form of knowledge of the transcendent, which can not be find by discursive logic. It is given to someone having the perception of a child who believes in a beautiful fairy tale. Baby unalloyed consciousness gives an example of continuous attitude. This is not limited consciousness, flying in the wind, in a cloud of immediacy. Buddhist Jataka describes how enthusiastic child sees colorful murals in the church (on the celestial dome), becoming included in this game. At the time of contemplation of higher truths, yogi becomes a child, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to children (Matthew 19:14).

One afternoon, the Master accompanied by many monks was walking in the mango grove and, passing by beautiful clumps of trees, decided to tell to the monks of his deeds in a previous life, so that he smiled. "Why do you smile, the venerable? - Asked Thera Ananda. - Because, for no reason and without cause, enlightened do not smile." - "Once, Ananda, in the days of King Makhadevy, I have practiced here playfully contemplation and ruled this country", - said the Master, and told about the past.
 (Jataka of King Nimi)

Buddha played in the Garden as the kids play, which possess the kingdom of heaven. Truth can only be grasped through the mind of a child, through the children's spontaneity and freedom. Contemplating touches to the ultimate and becomes the king, able to manage all the worlds up to the top. In eastern texts world is seen as a play of God-child. However, engage in something as a child is dangerous: ancient recommended to remove away from children the mirror which allows one to go into the world of dreams. Tasting the delicious berries from a clove tree or seeing a beautiful enchantress, Apsara, youth can not get rid of the appeal - it is beyond its powers.

For in many dreams, as in many words - a lot of fuss.
 (Ecclesiastes 5:6)

To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause...
 (Shakespeare. Hamlet)

Awakening transforms illusion material into a logical form, which only provides a formal proof for already understood. The introduction of the child to the world of logic breaks the stream of his consciousness, leading to anxiety and raises questions like "how?", "why?".

I KEEP six honest serving-men
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,

I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.  
(Rudyard Kipling)

Neglecting our recommendations will long remain in an undeveloped state, "child in mind," and understanding, that cling to the intermediate and transient is bad, will continue in his development. "Oppressors of my people are the children, and women rule over them" (Isaiah 3:12).


Whoso regardeth dreams is like him that catcheth at a shadow, and followeth after the wind. The vision of dreams is the resemblance of one thing to another, even as the likeness of a face to a face. Of an unclean thing what can be cleansed? and from that thing which is false what truth can come?
 (Sirach 34:2-4)

According to Jewish interpretation, Jacob, wrestling with God (Genesis 32), struggled with his counterpart - the guardian angel of Esau, whose face he sees in his sleep as the face of God (Gen. 33:10). Having gained the victory in itself by cost of a broken leg, Jacob calmly talks to his brother awake.

In treasured truth of reflections
All truths of earthly desires,
All our righteous dreams
Are doubled, deepened.

The problem of truth (it is difficult to find it in our world) is associated with the departure into the ultimate. Narcissus looks into the water and can not break away from his reflection. Even the righteous Job could not tear himself away from the mirror of the law, requiring the court with God.

That's a dream coming in bright moment of oblivion -
He will give him in the dead night of epiphanies,
Dressed in bright and winged, clothes
Tearing them on the fly from the fire of hope,
Sent it to hover there, high in the sky is not available,
Chasing gold victory impregnable.
And the dream, rising up, pushed off from the sky,
But did not touched the fixed secret.
 (E. Verhaeren)

Sleep is comprehension of the beyond in a specific belief system. At that moment a man enters new transcendental categories, and new belief system is born in the consciousness. In dream-like conditions. mythical fairy consciousness of the child occurs, and the whole prior world is seen as unreal. Enlightenment-insight is called the dead night - a man is immersed in the darkness of knowledge. Hope is motivator motor force that descends; its dressing is described in detail in the Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl, which we will be dealt below. Heaven and earth are divided by screen protecting the world from God.


A man came to hetaera, but she had a date because of an appointment to another. At night, the man had a dream that enjoys making love to her, and was satisfied with this. The next day he told hetaera his dream, and she demanded a fee. The case had to deal with the judge-bodhisattva. He took money from the man, showed them to hetaera in the mirror and gave them back.
 (From the Buddhist Agamas)

Engaging in the practice of meditation and being in dream-like state, a man gets illusory paradise pleasure owing to women-Maya. These treats are always temporary and have no real value. True salvation can be obtained only living in own body on the ground. When a woman is trying to get something for herself in the process, she only sees the mirror image, inversion, negation. Here the mirror is the mind stuff - citta.

The sun rises up, reaches the hummingbird eye in the middle of heaven, and moves backward, reflected in the other half of the sky, in a huge mirror. Therefore my name is the Great Saliva of Deception Mirror! It is we, mirror saliva, create the world. Night, created for women, is a deception. The sun does not reach the night. Only a reflection of it comes there. A woman receives an invention, not the truth. Kukulkan is not sleeping with her, and she just loves his image.
 (Miguel Asturias. Kukulcan)

During down way Sophia-Wisdom loses the true light, for which she took its reflection. In order to heal a blind man, Jesus makes the clay with his saliva.

A poor man owes a lot to people and fled into the desert. There he found a chest full of jewels, on which lay a pure mirror. The beggar raised the mirror and, finding in it a man, folded his hands in prayer: "I thought that the empty chest, and it turned out that you're in it, do not be angry with me, sir!"
 (Sutra of hundred parables)

God incarnates in the world as being the most impoverished. Only those reach God within who renounced all worldly pleasures and lost the ability to live in this world. When doctrine is formed, the mirror appears through which we study the law. Only someone who has gone in the mirror, and does not see his identity, destroying selfishness, goes to altruism - divine state without borders. A poor man carried out and the outcome and reached through looking glass the state of emptiness, unsupported all truth, why box just seemed empty. But sooner or later, it is clear that the process of meditation is performed by some lively being - I, Purusha, seeing, the bearer of consciousness. Good dreams, dear readers!

You have weird sleep - with open eyes:
You're walking, talking and dreaming -
All at once.
 (Shakespeare. Storm)


Malicious analytical analysis of this book will quickly trap the authors in the words (Matt. 22:15) and uncover a lot of formal contradictions in the everyday life and "scientific" levels. Reader's mind more than once comes into confusion, meeting in different places of the text remarks that are very difficult to reconcile, "as a man." In fact, in the book there is not a simple logic or standards and schemes - they are basically unable to describe the beyond; understanding the nondual will be able to do this.

We should to drink dry water
Pouring it in a glass without a bottom.

Truth can not be proven, it can only be opened. If it does not come, you can not force it come - your efforts can only open the door for it. To promise easy salvation is not our intention, although we take some attempts. We also do not give clear instructions on how to comprehend the spiritual worlds, as suggested in the theosophical and occult writings, and in this sense we warn the reader of frustration.

If you thought, my love to you died,
So you look for the end where there was no beginning.
 (AP Sumarokov)

Instead, the book offers something more - a fascinating (or addicting) and highly instructive story and journey, with a lot of amazing and unsafe encounters.

I imagined that mankind is the upper, but we're rushing to the mouth.
 (V. Khlebnikov)

The flow of water symbolizes the existence of God - the river of time, and the removal of barriers (dams), which is one of the goals of the book, is cleaning (but not necessarily washing) consciousness from the accumulated debris.

Oh, what a storm arose in the shower!
In my dream, on a bleak river
Surly boatman, in verses sung,
I was led to the abode of eternal night.
 (Shakespeare. Richard III)

What a boatman? I do not know how to swim. And what's the ...

House keeper of Keeper of the Seals, Nu, victorious, said: "Hail, O Great God, sailing in his boat, and take me in his boat. [I was walking in your footsteps,] so let me be steering in your travel and stay among those who belong to you, and who dwells among the stars that will never sit. "
 (Papyrus Nu. Chapter on how to enter the boat of Ra)

Convincing explanation, it is possible that it looks convincing. "Let's go, babe, ride ..."


The "carnal filth washing" is inevitably accompanied by overcoming some of the superstitions, both secular and "spiritual", being pleasant and giving easy life.

They drag - who iconostasis
Who cross who icon -
And take quietly away
Faith in the Lord from us
(Vladimir Vysotsky)

We also contribute to the destruction of the naive and formal faith reader, giving him a certain amount of knowledge. The latter gives him a chance to retain himself and find the true faith of a free man, for which, however, more personal efforts are needed. Needless to say, it's hard work - to write good, useful, interesting book about the sublime. But the old, well-established interests relentlessly encouraged to do this, and the time is appropriate:

Then I, sighing, refer to the Scriptures:
Lord commands pay good for evil,
And by stolen evangelical rag
I cover naked villainy,
Cherishing a diabolical plan, cramps saint.
 (Shakespeare. Richard III)

We discussed in detail the significance of the symbols of clothing and nudity above.
