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Harry Pothead & The Universal Basic Income (UBI)


Everyone gets the same amount of cash

Universal Basic Income: Finland shows how salary for all works

A fixed pre-work salary for all will be trialled in the UK soon. Sky News has visited Finland to find out how it is working there. Link
Martina lives in Paloheinä, a suburb of Helsinki, and is a participant in a radical social experiment. Every month, she gets €560 (£495) from the Finnish Government. You will be able to get UBI the same way she does!”. Harry was jubilant.
Makes total sense Increased productivity from technology and robots pays for this”. Ron said.
Stfu communist fuck!”. Hermione Gingerhead was drunk.
Piss off cowboy capitalist!”. Ron responded back.
Above your basic income, you can make as much money as you are able to. But a basic survival income for everyone is humane and smart”. Harry was smoking pot.
I don't understand it.Is this a NWO move ?”. Draco Malfoy appeared out of nowhere.
This is pin worthy....”. Sabrina was smiling.
Then nothing's value changes. This fallacy is a long-term zero. If we all got $20 billion, how much do you think a candy bar would cost?”. Sirius was worried.
Luna was high. She was doing cocaine.“Yeah I saw that. Being tried in Finland. Sounds basically like a good idea - most manual jobs will be phased out soon, replaced by robots - plus the current welfare system so complicated and open to abuse that a simpler system needs to replace it.”
I fucking agree. The main bitch I have about the current system is some people get benefits while the taxpayer pays for them. I'm getting tired of all these damn special groups whom get a leg up at other people's expense. Why should I pay out the ass in taxes just so some welfare mother can rake in the dough. I think a universal basic income without welfare sounds like a good idea. The best part is when the typical assholes ask for freebies the government can take it out of their UBI and they will start bitching.”, said Harry.
Haha never gonna happen...1%
Not going too…”. Hermione was impish.
Where does this cash come from, Harry?”
A paper currency needs currency expansion for the economy to work properly”, Harry responded.
Well then I don't need to work and cut back everything i don't need. I don't need a nice house or Porsche Macan.”, Ron replied.
I would like that but if it was implemented in the UK, as our economy and wages/pensions are so far below the rest of Europe, I fear it would be no more than dole money (£70 odd). The idea of it is really also to remove the need for the different benefits as you get enough to live basically no matter what you're incapacity/job situation.
It can give everyone an incentive to better themselves as well as keep the economy boosted...more jobs etc.
Bring it on…”. Luna was high as a kite.
Robin Hood taxes would be a start, but the Rothshits will get the payments as well lol…” , Ron agreed.
buncha red commie bastards up in this bitch”. Hermione was out of her elements.
Valid points, but you're just spreading welfare evenly among everyone -- you're still funding it via your taxes...only now, you're reaping the same benefit as every other taxpayer.
Where's the benefit vs. just nuking the entitlement altogether?
UBI seems like a lip-service appeasement without a real solution; an unnecessary and additional layer of obfuscation for the government to fuck up/exploit.”. Sirius was serious.
Can we invest it in the Cayman Islands ? Or the Azkaban?”. Voldemort snorted.
Its another ploy to bankrupt nations and make them live at the feet of the UN
just like the electric car scam... £40,000 per recharge point..
But hey... if you want to live on handouts and do EXACTLY as your told ... then GO FOR IT”, he said.
Good luck getting this from these greedy families.”
That's bullshit.
currency expansion as you call it, is just a bunch of thugs controlling the money printing, printing ever more and feeding themselves and their friends most of it.
The result of it, is everyone else holding any currency being robbed, by their currency losing value.
It's even worse, since the money printing is done in secret in the sense that most people have no clue or the means available to get any information about how much and when new money is being thrown into the economy.
As soon as the new money comes in, assets are being bought up. Land, resources, buildings etc which weren't priced higher as people were unaware of new money having been printed.
With assets etc being taken off of the market at old prices, and more money on the market, the prices skyrocket even more than one would expect from simply increasing the value by the percentage of new money that has been added.
Of course, one could also use money printing in a different way, and instead of giving the newly printed money to investment bankers and other parasites of society, which will gamble it until it is gone, while sacking in bonuses from successful high risk investments but writing off the fails... would rather share the money to everyone as a means to even the gaps between those who have nothing and those who have more than they can spend in several lifetimes.
The above scenario is debatable on if this would be right or wrong, but there is no need to waste energy in debating it, because it will never happen.
You simply do not make it up there on top without being a power-mongering greedy asshole because you will be taken out by those part of the club making sure that a great amount of the fresh money will end up in their pockets one way or another.
Finally, the inevitable happens. A few will own all land, resources and high tech manufacturing/power plants and they will want ever more because that is their nature which got them up there in the first place.”, Harry explained.
The UK is going to implode and be isolated from the world financially soon because when the real truth about what this government has done comes out there will be no respect at all for the system.”, Ron said.
It's funny how in the Daily Mirror today everyone is going to get a 3.5% pay rise after the Paradise Papers leaked. The British Empire is at the very last stages of the age of decadence. It is finished.
Pestmonster + Paradise Papers + Brexit = Chaos”, Hermione was not drunk anymore.
You can't nuke the entitlement, because the whole point this is being thought about is that robots are rapidly replacing jobs. If people can't work they still need to survive.
As for it coming from taxes, actually it'll come from business profits - no wages to pay, only upkeep of robots means lots of profits - more people with more money means more spending, improved economy equals even more money to spend. Think it through logically - it should work.”. Luna.
How can people get money if no jobs ! I wouldn't worry about it, the plague will sort it all out.” Voldemort quipped.
3 reasons
Rich are not gonna pay 4 it
n r not gonna agree to that level 4 themselves
or based on debt the only country that is not in debt is swiss n based on debt it's a bust
Never will b 'universal'
Werlt ist bankrupt
Universal 3rd world more like it
Rich behind walled palaces with guards”, said Sabrina.
Correction, fiat currency requires constant devaluation through commodity price inflation otherwise the economy would stall which would result in laziness. The economy is in fact a treadmill that requires all participants to perpetually spend, lack of spending would result in system wide failure. The cash flow by design is taxed and no cash flow equals no wealth growth, just theft which results in reduced efforts or laziness.
This is a major problem that will result in disaster”. Ron couraged up.
Sabrina replied, “Not a country in the world that's not like this now...
Looks 2 me like China is set to be the new wingman of the swiss Scandinavian werlt empire... Out are the brits and the yanks...
Big mistake thinking china meant it when they bowed the Marxist knee…”
the white man has created a society where nobody has to worry putting food on the table,
as a consequence of this, people come up with more crazy ideas everyday.
you don't have to worry about anything important, why can't i abort babies.
you don't have to worry about anything important, why not cry about racism.
you don't have to worry about anything important, why not create 50 genders.
you don't have to worry about anything important, why not cry about the patriarchy.
you don't have to worry about anything important, why doesn't everyone get the same amount of money.
you don't have to worry about anything important, why are fags not equal.
you don't have to worry about anything important, it's the white man's fault.”, Hagrid bellowed.
I saw a financial trajectory for 2025 and BRICS were the top 5 countries by far. I would seriously invest in crypto from any of these countries. Anyway America GDP had also declined by 2025 by trillions.......There is going to be a lot less Americans by 2025 ????
UK was not on the trajectory”. Hermione was adamant. “Fuck you you lazy communist”, she said.
better the Putin offer of a piece of land.
UBI comes with all strings attached. you won't be able to leave the neighborhood where you will be jailed. Eat the monsanto soylent green shit that will kill you before you reach 40.
UBI is strict part of extermination process”. Luna was loony.
more specifically rich people cannot get richer if there isn't a continuous stream of slaves willing to work for cheap.”, Hermione agreed.
Says the Trust Fund baby who doesn't understand where the $$$ came from in the first place”, said Voldemort The Hort.
Big business already enjoys communist policies
Workers with no rights in China
Big business owns the government
The finance sector is afloat only because they own the government. Bail outs, endless QE, stock buybacks.
Anytime the little people want a favorable policy big business types scream communist
Big business screams govt is not the solution while they purchase politicians left and right.”, Harry finally replied.
It's worthy of a commemorative urinal cake”, said Ron.
You will receive your monthly payment but only if you've had all your regularly scheduled vaccinations/hand over your privacy/agree to take this little microchip/…”, Luna was on fire.
The same place they print money to prop up the finance sector with endless qe and prop up the housing market and also have endless trillions to give to the military industrial complex
No One ever seems to object to those”, said Ron.
Ya who doesn't want to just take other people's money”, Voldemort didn’t want UBI to happen.
Voldemort continued: “You're giving all the wealth and power to the 1% elite. Isn't that what you're supposed to be against?
You will just take away all the upward mobility. The currency will be devalued. Everyone will live in squalor.
Even Marx knew you had to have some capitalism. It's the elite power hungry assholes who took his works and twisted it into communism. 1% take all for the rest shit...
Why did Communist Russia fail? Look at china with their capitalism.
Universal income is shit. Quit looking for a hand out and do something with your life. You have no excuse if you live in America. And after awhile of having the robots... The Liberal assholes will get bored and upload some civil rights AI virus and infect the Robot work force and the Robots will revolt and demand their rights and then they will be protesting in the streets and Liberal politicians will have their new cause... Blah Blah Blah ”
I'm sorry you're too stupid to grasp what I'm saying”, Harry responded.
I am sure it all makes sense to you while smoking your crack pipe”, said Volde.
It makes sense to anyone with a basic knowledge of economics”. Harry was furiosa.
Except it has to be above the poverty level. And that isn't 800-1200 a month.
Otherwise this is NOT the solution.
VENUS PROJECT, get rid of money and banks and realtors. PERIOD! Introduce higher cosmos systems of abundance and just producing and providing for everyone in abundance, with all the people of earth, those able to work, ie not with children and childcare, not elderly or disabled, sharing jobs, due to advanced technologies emerging, part time work, retraining whenever desired.
Really end this stockholm syndrome mentality of serving as slaves to the monsters mismanaging this system”, said Ron.
Just the opposite should happen. Cut all state benefits all together forcing those in need to prevail upon the goodwill of the church and it's flock for help. It worked before state welfare. Thinking that the world owes you a survival income for being born is ridiculous. Instead, people should consider consequences and reliable birth control”, Voldemort was being evil.
Yes, it totally makes sense that those running the robots, not needing workers anymore, would be concerned about you being able to buy their products.
Because they so love the extra pollution from the manufacturing process, because that is all they would gain from handing you out free stuff producing by robots THEY own.
Not really. Those running the show are smarter and more viscous than that. The only reason they would possibly gift you with some free money, is to keep the masses at bay until they feel they have enough power through high tech to get rid of you, because if you opened your eyes, you would recognize that those running the show do not really have your best interest in mind.
For you it is THE economy, as in everyone's micro-economy combined, including average Joe.
But they only care about THEIR economy.
Those owning the chocolate plants in Africa are certainly making a lot of profits (lifting Africa's economy), yet the workers cannot even afford to buy the chocolate they are part of manufacturing.
You think this will get better when robots will take over their jobs?
Free chocolate for everyone because "it's great for the economy"
yeah, right.
Their only issue is, that once they start producing stuff with robots, and no one would get any of that stuff, it would become too apparent to everyone that the capitalism they were all cheering up might not have been such a great idea after all.
So they have to do it in little steps until they are certain to have enough power to counter the masses should they ever rise up.
Let's not even think about what will happen if they actually manage to extend life expectancy via some new breakthroughs in science.
So your whole argument about this all making sense economically for those owning the robots and running the show, when in reality for them, average Joe will be just a nuisance that is adding to pollution and is taking away space and resources, to be dealt with whenever possible.”
UBI.... Make the middle class disappear again!
I make 45k/year. You want to subsidize a $14/hr employee.
In your world him and I both get an extra $2000/month. Now, my 45k is worth about 20k and his 14/hr is now worth around $9/hr.
The person who doesn't work gets that free $2,000/month. Which will result in an increase of cost of living for the 45k/year & 14/hr.
Rent will magically increase by probably $1000/month. The banks will know that people have a spare $2,000/month and they will make mortgages based on that "free money".
In the end all three of us are chasing domesticated animals for to survive like Venezuela.”, said Luna
= tax rebate for working people,
a little welfare for unemployed people.”, said Hermione.
Ron was playful. “If AI becomes AWARE, AI will turn on humanity.
Humanity doesn't take responsibility for the actions
they do unto themselves or others.
We destroy our own habitat.
How stupid is that?
I would make complete sense to me that AI would see,
that humanity is the problem.
After humanity is destroyed.
AI sees no reason to exist anymore
for the earth knows harmony once again.
The reasoning is really simple.
Humanity creates AI to decide our decisions for us.
It only means that we are inferior
and the broken link in the chain.
People who life in harmony with the earth
will not be eradicated by AI.
These people will not be connected
to the system of technology.
It's all based on insecurities.
Piercings, tattooes, property.
Universal basic income is not a SOLUTION
Nothing is free on this Earth.
People need to use their damn brain.
Even free 0 point energy is based
on technology that manifests the energy.
AWARENESS IS EARNED through hardships in life.
WORK your ass off. OR DIE like A LAZY DUMBASS.”, Draco was violent.
Work your ass off doing what if there are no jobs?”, said Harry.
**ck! Why do i even work!..
This won't last long I bet..”. Luna said that.
Doesn't the federal government own like 50% of the land in the US? It's our land, right? Or so they used to say. A person could make a case for the resources of all the federal land belonging to the citizens of this country, and that we should all be getting dividends or profit sharing from resource extraction, just like stockholders”, said Harry Pothead.
what about the blacks and muslims who will have 10 kids to get extra money?”, Hermione said.
Negative, your age, and if you are working gets you more, sorry.
No 18 year old gets what a 40 year old gets.”, said Ron.
I suggest everyone earn their own basic income. That is social justice.
no one mooches off anyone else. Everyone is a producer.
No one should pay for anyone else's life.”, said Volde.
Maybe we can impose a tax on the rest of the World to pay for this....
They've been doing it to us for the longest time. It's called a Tariff. Prices of foreign goods would be too high and then Americans would buy Americans....
When Countries stop selling their goods in the USA, then we use Extortion. You want protection from the big bad Russians and Chinese, then we have bases in your Country and we Extort huge fees to be there. Otherwise, we pull all our troops home....”, Sirius said.
We just need to enforce min wage laws.
Then tax at 100% any income over a certain amount.
Universal income sounds nice, but it's communism. It does not affect the elites.”, said Malfoy.
I'm pretty sure Federal Lands are held in a trust to be used to pay debts owed to other nations. That would mean most of that land is owned by China and it is the land without people on it that was sold.
I think you can still get a homesteaders permit in certain parts of Canada.”, said Canadian Magician.
The elites mooch off the system completely.
The rest of us are paying for their lifestyle.”, said Ron.
Yes. A thousand time yes. This is unavoidable in the future. Or else we will see the shit hitting the fan big time. A lot of process work will exactly be replaced by robots. Happening already. To many humans no jobs.
So yes. Best solution for humanity.”, said a proponent.
It's high time for a 180 degree reverse course of over taxation that's only achieving smaller phone like tracking devices”, said Luna.
are you more about whining about the elites or getting everyone to be a producer?
Social justice is that no one is forced to work for the benefit of anyone else
Socialism = slavery”, said Hermione.
So basically the rich are there to show us how many people there are without any natural social skills?? Hmmmm, . . . .”, said Luna.
Who are these elites.....
Aren't these the people that have money to invest and make companies and employee people...
Ask yourself. How many poor people have created businesses that employ many people, other than drug trafficking...
Then ask yourself, what is considered being rich...
If it takes money to build business and employ people and you take away and tax to death the rich, then who will create jobs...
If you say the Government, then I call BS....”, said Harry.
Universal Basic Income is a derivative of MMT -- Modern Monetary Theory (or: post-Keynesian Modern Monetary Theory). The idea is to put money in the hands of people who need it. Rather than re-distribute wealth, you can PRE-distribute money, without inducing resistance; instead of taking away from the wealthy, give more to the non-wealthy. The wealthy will actually LIKE this, since it solves capitalism's chronic problem of excess inventories of unsold goods (because people don't make enough to buy the goods) and declining profits by giving everyone more money with which to buy.
If we're not going to take it from the rich, then where does all this money come from, you ask? That's where the fundamentals of the theory come in. We simply create it. In a nutshell: according to MMT, money supply is without theoretical limit. It has some practical limits -- e.g. we cannot give everyone on earth $1 million cash -- but no one is suggesting such absurdities. Money can be created and distributed in reasonable amounts (a trillion here, a trillion there) with great benefits rippling through all of society. We are already doing this -- think social security, supplemental security income, welfare, etc. -- with great social benefits; MMT says: let's do it MORE.
But what about debt, you ask? We can't keep piling up unpayable debts, right? True. But this is not about taking on debt. It is about creating money. No debt is incurred. We're not borrowing from anyone.
(NB: I'm not talking about literal, physical printing of money. I'm talking about creating money in electronic form, which is the modern way of doing things.)
But what about inflation, you ask? Well, MMT understands that inflation is a constraint on spending; MMT is not about unlimited free money. But money can be created in larger quantities than it is at present without inducing inflation, according to MMT; possibly MUCH larger quantities (to be empirically determined). Some have argued that technology-induced deflation is now so rampant that monetary expansion (money-creation) must proceed at a compounded rate of 16-24% per year or more to avert onrushing catastrophic technological hyper-deflation
There are actually several related (and sometimes competing) concepts -- not just MMT, but also sovereign money (or "positive money"), monetary reform, and public banking. Also, the jobs guarantee program and universal basic income (potential offshoots of MMT). Some of the issues are contentious and you will find furious arguments on the blog discussion sections, e.g. the pro-universal-income people versus the people who think universal income sucks and a jobs guarantee is vastly better. I am sorry that it is so complex and multifaceted. I wish it were simple. I am still thrashing around, myself, trying to understand and come to terms with it all. I have not decided which side I am on.
This is a big subject on which a great deal has been written by highly-intelligent people, and there are lively discussions ongoing. I urge everyone to look into it.
Here's starter material.
MMT continued...
Harry overflowed with information.
I fucking agree. The main bitch I have about the current system is some people get benefits while the taxpayer pays for them. I'm getting tired of all these damn special groups whom get a leg up at other people's expense. Why should I pay out the ass in taxes just so some welfare mother can rake in the dough. I think a universal basic income without welfare sounds like a good idea. The best part is when the typical assholes ask for freebies the government can take it out of their UBI and they will start bitching.
Valid points, but you're just spreading welfare evenly among everyone -- you're still funding it via your taxes...only now, you're reaping the same benefit as every other taxpayer.
Where's the benefit vs. just nuking the entitlement altogether?
UBI seems like a lip-service appeasement without a real solution; an unnecessary and additional layer of obfuscation for the government to fuck up/exploit.
Quoting: Fret Wiz
You can't nuke the entitlement, because the whole point this is being thought about is that robots are rapidly replacing jobs. If people can't work they still need to survive.
As for it coming from taxes, actually it'll come from business profits - no wages to pay, only upkeep of robots means lots of profits - more people with more money means more spending, improved economy equals even more money to spend. Think it through logically - it should work.
Quoting: Tess.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 60041074
WAIT!!! You forgot to highlight this one:
- it should work.
Human beings being human....if you're giving them EVERYTHING they need for f'ing FREE.....the majority of them are not going to want to WORK to get more. They'll WANT more, but they'll want someone else to provide it.
OP should just go watch some science experiments about test lab rats. Those who had to walk through various mazes to get to food, did it...every time....no matter how hard or complicated they made the maze.
Those rats who were just fed every day, same time of day, same way, JUST SAT BY THE PLACE WHERE THE FOOD SHOWED UP AND WAITED FOR THE FOOD TO SHOW UP.
It's just that basic.”, said Voldemort the Despised.
3 mofos have more wealth than the bottom half of the usa.
gates, bezos and buffet > bottom 165 million americans.”, said Luna.
Don't we already have a big problem with do-nothings and layabouts? I don't think universal basic income will help with that.”, said Ron.
EXACTLY, beeches!
That worked in making this great country the greatest for almost 200 years.
It's only in the last 50, 60, 80 years that the communists have been propagandizing our youth to believe communism/socialism are better.
They are not.
Even the Bible says so.
If you don't work, you don't eat.
Can't be any easier to understand than that!”, said a religious loony Magician named John Matron.
But the millennial brian will never understand this basic fact.”, said Old Joy Bob.
sounds about half right”, said Billy Boy Joy.
But you'd still get the money on top of anything you earned.
You're right though it'll come to nothing. Society isn't geared for it yet.”, said Flora Flamingale.
So why didn't YOU invent Microsoft Windows?
Or Amazon?
They came up with a better mousetrap. That's what gives someone an edge over anyone else.”, said VoldeSnort.
Actually, that's a stupid objection. NO ONE in the UBI or MMT community suggests absurdities like that. EVERYONE in the MMT community understands that inflation is a constraint on currency creation. You cannot create currency with no limit at all. However, you can obviously create a great deal of it without problems. That's exactly what we've done for decades. All the UBI/MMT people are saying is: why not give some to the common people rather that only the rich, the banks, and the military?”, asked Hermione the Ginger Whore.
What a better way to start a one world government. People don't work, fk around all day, and become week.
Society makes it pointless to work because leeches make the same as producers.
Innovation and the economy screech to a halt.
Prices then rise and people are able to buy less and less.
People want better things but are unable to make them because business are dead and unviable at this point.
Government opens businesses and controls the means of production now, sets all wages.
Welcome to communism.”, said the ignorant American HicksVille Magician.
didn't they try this in canada a while ago and it worked, so well that they buried the study?
what we can not fathom unless practically implemented would be the effect on greed and avarice. if they lessened to such a degree that we could monetize generosity, it may just be an economic and societal godsend.”, responded Harry the Pothead.
5 years ago when my daughter graduated High School, i had a long talk with her about automation. We discussed everything about it; brainstormed on fields and positions that would become automated within the next 25-years or so. It was both fun and depressing.
I am a Rothbardian Libertarian. Basically, ANCAP. But even I know the economics I think we should be living under will never be attained and as more and more positions become automated, we humans are going to have a serious problem on this planet. Something has to change.
1. "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature".
That is what I think they are going to do. We are discussing removing an unbelievably large amount of profits from those at the top to give to us all... freely. Not going to happen.
If you have kids and they are growing up, might want to discuss with them fields that you believe will be protected from automation for 25 years or more. Explain this topic to them in the most realistic way possible and whatever you do, do not plant the seed about getting free money from the elite.”, said the educated non-Muggle Mud Idiot.
No it is a retarded idea that is born from of the Left wing white guilt mentality
Food and energy prices would skyrocket
Are you retarded?”, said the Redneck Mug.
So, why must robotic type technology become so prevalent? Just because it can be done, must it? Technology should only be allowed to the extent it is useful to humanity. Shouldn't it be an ethics issue like interspecies cloning and the like?”, said the Alien muggle.
If the elite DO push UBI, you can bet that they are now secure in the knowledge and belief that they will exert even MORE control over the populace with it, than under the current system(s).”
Work your ass off doing what if there are no jobs?
Here is a FAMOUS JOB.
There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job;
and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.
How far does this stupidness need to go?
Stop breathing it's a job
Stop exercising become a big fat blob.
Everything needs to be so easy.
Push this button and everything goes away.
That's not living that's like Stephen Hawkings.
U know why there are no jobs?
Because people don't take responsibility for themselves.
If everybody is becoming dependent
on the Government or TECHNOLOGY.
If there are no jobs it means you're BASICALLY DEAD.
You get lined up against the wall and get shot.
There u go your BASIC INCOMING a bullet in the HEAD.
That is what's gonna happen.
You want a job become independent.
Stop using money start using your brain.
Find solutions.
Hell i left that shit hole
"being dependent" a long time ago.
Learn to think for yourself.
That's a MAJOR job most people get fired.”, said Ron.
Until they feel exploited and kick you all to make RoboAmerica great again”, said Luna.
I don't agree with that....
It's a nice concept if the World were Static, but we are talking dynamic changes.
Creating/making/printing money whether out of thin air (digitally) or paper/coin is still a symbol or promissory note. Even though it is floating it still is backed by something tangible. Otherwise, it would be worthless like a sheet of toilet paper...
In order to make promissory notes, you have to have a buyer to buy up these notes to make them have true worth. It's called debt....
So to say that a promissory note can be made without debt is Bullshit....”, said VoldeShort.
McDonald's is a job for teenagers and college students, not adults. They only need 1 adult manager, deadbeat.”, said Hermione Whore.
Says all the lazy fucks....fuck you”, said the ignorant idiot.
That is it precisely in a nutshell.
The lousiest of us holding everybody at the hopeless level of a chinese peasant.
I think if a ubi person says "I was just scared i was not gonna be able to make it" that's honest enough. The ubi person who actually claims to believe and espouse it, get rid of.
Not just a commie, but an aspiring existential catastrophe like islam and the commies! 1.5 billion gimmee a check! People on 2 continents = 3 billion feckless neck anchors the world should dump.”, Luna said.
This is WHY Universal income is a fallacy “, said Texan Magician.
I have come to find deception in almost every facet of schooling. Science is ruled like a religion. History leaves incredible gaps and deceptions.
Since studying the blockchain and cryptos, I believe economics has lies in it to keep us down. I've never bought the 'inflation' argument.
What happens if we start to make and have wealth in the hundreds of thousands or millions and if people making nothing have tens of thousands in Nigeria and India?
The super rich will end up trillionaires and everything will start to look like the future.
Economics and the lie of inflation. If everyone in your neighborhood had an extra $100k there'd be a lot of new cars and construction on houses. New businesses would start and people would go back to school to change their state.”, said Harry.
1] A Basic house to live. (could even be apartment in the city)
2] Just basic food, not to be hungry. No fancy food.
3] Basic education to compete in the world (University tuition free)
4] Basic medical care. (When Universal comes that will be great.)
5] Some spending for extras like going to the movies on weekends and a small vacation each year to refresh the mind.
6] Money to pay for utilities: electric, water (or just make the free.
7] Internet connection (broadband not some dial up.
This way we all have time to enjoy the human experience without being slaves to a job or employer. And it won't happen with Trump & Republicans in charge. Once we get control of government we need to make this the #1 priority!!!
Why anyone would not want this I have no idea, and all we need to do is pass a few laws.”, he continued.
Only high IQ people will work in the future until smart robots replace them as well.”, said Voldemort.
Absolutely, that's the whole point, CONTROL.
They've been inching towards the cashless society for a while now, where you can be tracked and monitored in everything you do.
If you try and buy something with your 'credits' that isn't approved of - transaction denied.”, said Draco.
Wages don't need to go up and we don't need a universal income. The government needs to stop over regulating and we need to take back control of the money from the tribe who are making everything more expensive.”,  said Ron.
Want income? GET A JOB.
IF you DON'T want to WORK then you are a BUM and can FO”, said the redneck politician.
Cashless society means getting a chain around your neck.
That why i said stop using money.
Of course it looks suicide.
But is the same for someone who was locked up
20 years in prison and got free back on the street.
Government is CONTROL.
It is the external link we humans created.
We lack what the Government has. CONTROL
Go figure that one out.
And life a free independent life.
Most people are already lost.
That doesn't mean u have to be lost as well?”, said Sirius.
I mentioned this 5 years ago”
This is just to get people acclimated on a different income life-style for a period of time.
Then all the funds will have to go through accounts tied to the microchip you will HAVE to have to get the UBI.”, said Hermione.
And I immediately sell them dumb shit and I get all the cash.
You know, just like today.”, said the businessman.
You give them all your cash. 90% tax. Your retirement savings will need to be taken, for the common good.”, said Harry.
Wow are you dum!!! Bill Gates will be the source. He has billions now but all he needs is Universal Basic. All you need to do is pass law that say it is illegal to have more than $10,000 in the bank in savings. Problem Solved !!!”, said Luna.
Hurr dee durrrr. I knowz. I ride my horse to the old sawmill every day. But deys talkin bout replacin it wit da robotz. How will I everz work?
Fucking idiots”, said Hermoanee.
Millennial faggot alert”, said the old boomer.
A corporate fascism disguised as capitalist”, said another idiot.
UBI is communism plain and simple.
It is a fact that you are a 'slave' to whomever pays your bills.
The masses are retarded and lazy and they love the idea of getting money for just existing.
At the beginning this will go along like this and the dumb masses will be happy that they get paid to breathe.
Eventually, slowly but surely, the Government - your slave master - will require things of you for you to keep receiving your 'free' money.
In the end, the government will mandate where you live, where you work in return for your 'free' money, what you eat, how and where you travel - every single aspect of your life.
This is a fact and the logical long term outcome of the UBI slavery system.
Only complete retards think this is a good idea. Or shills for the Powers That Be.”, said Voldemort the Azkabanite.
I dunno, we made it through the Industrial Revolution when many of the concerns were exactly the same.
I'm not convinced that legislation is the answer, or that there's even a problem to begin with.”, said the Azkabanite.
I design electric motors that go into co-bots, small robots that can work alongside humans on a factory floor...not the big Detroit kill bots, so-to-speak. For example, you can use one of these co-bots to load a CNC machine with raw stock, and then unload it after it gets machined.
I talked with my Dad, who's got serious connections in D.C., about automation and how society will handle so many people losing their jobs. I used the chainsaw invention argument where, after it's inception, you only need 1 person on the saw, and the other guy can go get an education, become a doc, etc. My dad pointed out that that argument no longer holds water due to the sheer number of people in the world. This is being driven by the World Bank b/c they are petrified there will be riots in the streets.
Think about it...if a robot is making your burger, and no one can buy the burger, then everyone loses.”, said the robotic magician.
20 billion and 94 cents”, said the cryptic Cosmo-Magician.
100% correct. They will have to kill off most of the world in order to make things work. This is very logical. Humans are about to make themselves obsolete.”, said Harold.
Think White Genocide. How many nig hogs and sandnaggers would come to Europe to speed up the process of browning out Europeans?”, said the KKK magician.
It would help to get rid of the welfare system. That is a total scam in itself.”
Go sign up for your slave wages.
This idea just won't die. The same people protesting against the evil white man for housing, clothing and feeding black slaves - put a happy smiley face on Universal Income and praise it.
You can't cure stupid.”
We all have Universal Basic Law Enforcement, Universal Basic Interstate Highway, Universal Basic County Hospitals. Universal Basic Education. Universal Basic Utility Infrastructure. Universal Basic Military. Universal Basic Court System. Universal Basic Libraries. Universal Basic Elections.
Lots of things are free. Just not those things that make US free.
I agree that you can change your state of existence by resisting the trauma based mind control and consumption marketing to live beneath your means and save... but corporations (who have universal basic bailouts, tax breaks, income) spend billions to manipulate society for profit.
Corporations need to stop being considered people.”
Please clarify..Nuts or No Nuts?.”
It all ties in to massive population-reduction.
Otherwise ..
who benefits???
Most every nation would have starvation and rioting.
Enter bubonic plague, I guess…”
Rations springs to mind.”
WRONG!!! Then everyone can afford free medicine and we can have 10 Children again like old times, each with the UBI. And then we can have hundreds of grand kids again. And big family dinners and holidays. Now you can barely afford to reproduce !!!”
UBI would be just be an extension of that same system. Would just make even more people dependent on the government for their income.
Ironically, or not, many of the main welfare payouts in the UK have recently been amalgamated to a once a month payment called 'Universal Credit'”
Nah not a great idea.
A better idea is getting rid of money altogether and let people focus on what their heart desires
everyone would get taken care of because for every necessity and desire of Man, there is someone with a heartfelt desire to help Man achieve it.”
money doesn't make sense when you think about the whole of reality. let people learn to do what they love to do and they'll do it for free to help others with it
if everyone did that, everyone would win”
Where are they going to get this cash from?
Tax payers?
Gonna have to raise EVERYONE's taxes.
All social care should be removed.”
it's not about me, it's about the whole country. no one will argue wealth inequality has grown hugely over the past generation.
even here in canada it's the same:
Across the GTA, the gap between rich and poor is widening while middle-income areas are disappearing, a United Way analysis of census data shows.
According to the 2016 census, the average individual income before taxes in the GTA in 2015 was $50,719. That is more than both Ontario’s average of $47,890 and Canada’s $46,885 average.
What’s sobering is that the majority of all the neighbourhoods in the GTA are segregated into either high- or low-income and the middle is vanishing. This is no longer just a Toronto or city issue,” said United Way President and CEO Daniele Zanotti...
don't get me wrong, i don't begrudge the wealthy and i'm not a socialist but one needs money to live in a capitalist society. society let this problem grow now it will have to pay the price.”
Some of the most important jobs are those that can't be automated by because they require human nurturing and compassion such as child care, elder care and care of those with disabilities. Unfortunately in our society, these are among the lowest paying jobs with very little recognition.
With a universal income and fewer jobs available due to automation these human service jobs may become better paying and achieve the status they deserve.”
It is true,we should continue giving trillions to bankers and military complex (aKansas deep state ). ..
It's not inflation in that”
